Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2026: Revealing the Truth (Additional Update)

After walking out of the Zhao Family Courtyard, I walked toward the end of the village while making a phone call.

This was obviously not the direction out of the village, on the contrary, it was heading towards the crop fields.

It made the men who looked at me a little confused.

In fact, I am neither leaving the village nor rushing to catch Zhao Laoshi, but I want to see his second uncle's grave!

The cause of death of this guy and Zhang Wujin were almost identical. Zhang Wujin's body was cremated and there was no way to find it. We can only find a breakthrough from this guy.

I had already traced the remaining Yin Qi in the funeral shed just now. Besides, there was a lot of paper money scattered along the way, so there was no need for anyone to lead the way.

There are dense crop fields on both sides, and in the middle, although not very wide, a straight and smooth gravel road leads directly to the front.

Not far away, the paper money and the Yin Qi both turned in another direction.

It's a forest!

The trees are not very tall, and each one is twisted and twisted, like a ghost's claw.

The ground is also full of gullies and mounds, and there are many large square and round pits covered under the weeds more than a foot long.

I know very well that this is an old cemetery, and these large and small pits are the relocated graves.

Crows flying around and toads jumping around all made croaking sounds.

No matter how loud or low it is, it adds a terrifying color to this cemetery!

After searching for a while, I finally found the new grave.

This tomb was built with great style, and it can be described as standing out from the crowd.

There are little dumplings all around, not even a tombstone. But this tomb is made of marble, tall, large and very beautiful. On the left and right sides of the tombstone lies a tomb-suppressing beast. There is also a curved eaves above the top of the tomb. On the pillars at the four corners of the table, there are many inscriptions on "suppressing evil spirits". runes.

I looked around and found it a bit funny.

Call me unfilial. You spent so much money to build such an amazing tomb.

You may be called filial, but with so many runes carved on it, the people in the tomb will be unable to reincarnate forever and will be trapped here for all eternity.

Moreover, compared with that small and simple spiritual shed, it is simply a world of difference!

He did this for only one purpose.

Not only do you want to cover up people's eyes and ears, but you also want to suppress the ghost in the tomb, because you are afraid that the ghost will come to take revenge!

Unlike the childless Zhang Wujin - it can be seen from this dense cemetery that the Zhao family is not accustomed to cremation.

Zhao Laoshi could make Zhang Wujin in a hurry, but he couldn't do it with his second uncle, so he spent a lot of money to build such a large tomb.

From this it can be seen that this guy must be up to something shady!

I approached the tomb, sighed softly and said: "Destroying a house while alive and robbing a grave before death has always been the most unethical thing to do, but I have to do it now. Don't blame me. This is to avenge your injustice. Okay." Let you enter reincarnation early."

With that said, he found something and dug a grave.

Soon I dug out a big hole in the big tomb, and a bright red coffin was revealed at the entrance of the hole.

I took a closer look and saw that the coffin was covered with a large layer of ice shell, which was as thick as a palm. I could feel the cold air from a long distance away.

How come there is such a heavy yin energy?

The living are hot and the dead are cold. Generally speaking, the longer the death or the greater the resentment of the Yin spirit, the colder the cold air it exudes.

Judging from the ice alone, some people believe that there are thousand-year-old corpses hidden in this tomb, but this person has clearly died less than two days ago!

It's no wonder, even the soil under the memorial shed was frozen. How did Zhang Wujin and Zhao Laoshi's second uncle die?

I stepped forward, borrowed the fire talisman and the invisible needle, moved it up and down together, and after a lot of trouble, I finally removed the ice layer and opened the coffin.

When I climbed into the grave, I saw an ice corpse!

All hands and feet were frozen in the big ice shell, as if this was not a coffin, but a special refrigerator!

Although the ice was thick, it was clear and transparent, and the man's face could still be seen clearly.

The face is thin, elongated and full of wrinkles, exactly like the photo in the Zhao family's funeral shed.

I took out the charm and looked at it, but I couldn't detect the slightest trace of ghost energy!

People have yang energy, and corpses have soul energy.

Generally speaking, corpses that have been dead for no more than seven days, no matter what the reason, will more or less emit some corpse soul energy. From this, I can find some clues through the 'soul recovery technique' in the "Yin Fu Jing" Come.

But this corpse is so special that it can't be found at all!

Since there is no way to tell from the soul energy, I will try the most primitive method.

Thinking of this, I turned up the lights on my phone, almost lying on the ice, and looked carefully.

Judging from the skin color of the corpse and the position of the calluses, the person was an ordinary laborer who did manual labor all year round. There was no discoloration of the roots of the teeth, no deformation of the Adam's apple, a normal complexion, and no signs of blood loss.

What's this?

Suddenly, I found something like black mud in the cochlea of ​​the deceased.

However, it is slightly granular.

According to funeral customs, the deceased must be completely washed before being buried, and then put on a shroud. Therefore, there should be absolutely no stains left on either the body or the clothes.

I used an invisible needle to cut through the ice, carefully inserted into the cochlea, and pinched out the piece of black mud.

Is this... charcoal soil?

Using the light on my mobile phone, I carefully identified it and finally confirmed that it was indeed charcoal soil.

This thing only appeared in tombs in ancient times. How could he have this thing on his body?

After thinking about it for a while, I figured it out.

When this man died, his whole body was frozen into a lump of ice. Maybe when he wiped his body, he was frozen as soon as the towel touched his body.

Therefore, the corners like the cochlea were not touched. This piece of charcoal soil is the dust left on the person's body just before death.

If he had come into contact with the charcoal soil layer during his lifetime...

In other words, he was probably robbing tombs at the time?

Grave robbing, yes!

When I thought of this word, I suddenly became enlightened.

What did Zhao Laoshi and Zhang Wujin secretly conspire?

It’s tomb robbing!

The cemetery is in the barren hills next to the construction site!

It just so happened that Boss Guo wanted to build a residential community in this inhospitable place. When the ground was broken, the two of them's secret was revealed.

So Zhang Wujin pretended to vomit blood and described this place as extremely evil.

Unexpectedly, Boss Guo invited Li Mazi and work officially started!

In desperation, Zhang Wujin used a kite and a tape recorder to write and act in a haunted drama.

But then, something went wrong, or they split the spoils unevenly and killed each other. Zhang Wujin and the old man died one after another. Zhao Laoshi became frightened and ran away as soon as I appeared.

right! That's certainly it.

I was secretly happy that I finally found out the truth, when suddenly there was a burst of footsteps in my ears!

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