Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2028 The inner ghost Xiao Lu

When I was in Majiazhuang, I had no choice but to perform my unique skills one after another. The villagers in the place were extremely shocked, but Xiao Lu's face became even more ugly!

Logically speaking, he is Boss Guo's assistant, and I was invited by Boss Guo. After all, we are also on the same team. It shouldn't be that the greater my ability, the more confident and happy he will be. ? But what's with that look of fear?

It seemed that he was more frightened than the villagers.

When I proposed returning to Zhangcun, his expression was very unnatural. Although he didn't raise any objections, the hand holding the steering wheel trembled involuntarily.

Although I saw this scene at that time, I didn’t think much about it. But due to my professional sensitivity over the years, I felt that this Xiao Lu was a bit abnormal, so after walking around Zhangcun, I sent him away.

When I met Zhao Laoshi, I pretended that a boss was bringing him something.

He asked me very suspiciously what I was, but he didn't ask me who the boss was.

This is a bit preconceived!

In other words, in his subconscious, the person "boss" exists.

He asked me what I had brought. He just doubted my identity, but at the first moment, he acquiesced to the boss.

Moreover, Xiao Lu also said that he was the one who invited Ma Banxian and Zhang Wujin.

Zhang Wujin just paid it back. After all, he went to the scene in person and staged a fake show of vomiting blood.

But Ma Banxian has bad legs and feet and has never left Majiazhuang. Things like calculating with fingers and keeping silent were all the information conveyed by Xiao Lu.

In other words, no one knows except him whether he went to invite Ma Banxian or not, and what Ma Banxian said.

Now Ma Banxian is dead again, almost without evidence!

In the whole incident, he may be the only one who can connect Ma Banxian, Zhang Wujin, and Zhao Laoshi!

As luck would have it, when Zhao Laoshi heard that someone was looking for him, his first reaction was to run.

If he had wanted to run away earlier, wouldn't he have already left? Why do you still pretend to be filial and stay in the funeral shed?

Moreover, when I told him that I wanted to find him, his response was so quick and adaptable that it should never be a temporary response! Also, those people looking at me seemed to have been informed by Zhao Laoshi in advance.

It is possible that Xiao Lu had an affair with Zhao Laoshi in the afternoon, saying that Boss Guo had hired a very powerful helper, and that he would leave immediately once he was traced to him.

The escape route has also been planned, heading north along the village!

That direction is the grand pig farm!

If it is confirmed that Xiao Lu took the initiative to lead people to guard the area, it can basically be completely confirmed that he, Zhang Wujin and Zhao Laoshi are co-conspirators, and he is also the mastermind.

I opened the map on my phone and followed the nearest route to the highway. Then I called Li Mazi and asked Boss Guo to send a car to pick me up.

Unexpectedly, Boss Guo came in person.

"Master Zhang! Nice to meet you." As soon as the car stopped, a short black fat man stepped out.

This guy is only a little over 1.6 meters tall, but he weighs almost 260 pounds.

I thought a little funny: his surname should not be Guo, but Gong!

Of course, come to think of it, I wasn't so out of tune.

He also smiled, shook hands with him, and exchanged a few words.

This guy's industry is in Shanxi, but he can be related to Lin Feng and the others who are far away in Wuhan, which is enough to prove that this guy's energy is not low.

However, both his dress and speech were extremely low-key.

Such a big boss actually drives his own car, and it is a dilapidated Citroën. He wears a large T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. If you don't know his identity, you might think he is the chef of some restaurant.

"Master Zhang, you are really good at predicting things!" As soon as he got in the car, Boss Guo got down to business.

"Zhao Laoshi has been caught, and two ancient artifacts were found on him on the spot! There was a mountain of irrefutable evidence, and he could not tolerate his refusal to explain. An emergency interrogation was launched during the escort. According to his confession, the mastermind was my assistant Lu Jian, but he refuses to admit the murder."

"Did you catch Xiao Lu?" I asked.

"Not yet, but a city-wide manhunt has been launched. It should be only a matter of time."

"The public security authorities have sent the confiscated antiquities to the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau overnight. It is said that experts from the Cultural Relics Bureau were extremely shocked when they saw the photos passed to them, and have recalled their manpower overnight to prepare to start rescue excavations."

"The leaders of the Cultural Relics Bureau and the Public Security Department want to meet you and say thank you very much for helping us in Shanxi Province to protect a national treasure. Moreover, the talented artist is so brave that he solved such a strange case alone. The TV station also wants to pay You're going to do an exclusive interview." Boss Guo said happily while driving.

"That's not necessary, as long as you can keep the national treasure." I said lightly.

This is not to say how noble my character is, nor how indifferent I am to fame and wealth.

But my status is indeed a bit special, and it is not easy for me to contact them.

A ghost thing merchant, a ghost thing merchant, to put it bluntly, isn't it a merchant who deals with dead people's things?

Are you talking about ghosts and gods with the dignified police chief?

Tell the Director of Cultural Relics Protection, what kind of negative objects have been collected?

This is embarrassing enough just thinking about it! So, it’s better not to go.

When Boss Guo heard my flat refusal, he seemed a little embarrassed, but then he laughed and said: "It's okay, it's okay. You are the guest I invited, what do you want them to do? But, Master Zhang, this I really don’t know how to thank you."

"No need to thank you. It's best if there are no ghosts to harm anyone. But, Boss Guo, I have two questions that I haven't figured out yet, and I would like to ask for advice."

"But it doesn't matter!" Boss Guo stretched out his big fat hand and said cheerfully.

"How much money are you planning to pay after your community is built?" I asked.

"This..." Boss Guo choked up immediately. He probably didn't expect that I was asking this question, and I still asked it in this way.

"Haha." Boss Guo laughed self-deprecatingly and said, "Master Zhang, you are so funny! But without making secret remarks in front of people, although my community started construction first, it is still a second-phase project. If the first-phase project If it doesn’t start in time, this will be a burden! Let’s not talk about whether this will cause my capital chain to break and I will go bankrupt! I can’t even pay the interest on the reserves for the first phase of the project.”

Boss Guo said, shaking his head slightly in embarrassment.

"Oh?" After hearing what he said, I immediately guessed it.

"The first phase of the project that Boss Guo mentioned is a tunnel, right?"

When Boss Guo heard this, he was very surprised and turned his head to look at me and said, "Master Zhang is really a strange person!"

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