Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2029 Big Real Estate Developer

He just didn't say clearly what the first phase of the project was, just because he didn't want to reveal business secrets.

It was only because I was an outsider and had just done him a big favor that he revealed the first phase of the project to me. Unexpectedly, I guessed it right away.

I've done a lot of walking around the construction site before.

The place was indeed not that great. It was surrounded by mountains on two sides and a hundred-meter-deep ditch on the other side. It was bare and had no development prospects.

But if it extends along the road and goes directly through the mountains, it will be a good location!

The earthwork sand and gravel that penetrates the mountain are filled into deep ditches nearby, and river water far away from the county seat can be diverted.

By then, this community will be surrounded by mountains and rivers, closely guarding the main traffic roads, and will even be the main channel for the entire Shanxi Unicom to connect to the north. Not to mention the fate of this community, or even the entire county, will be completely different!

Of course, the amount of funds required for such a large project is an astonishing astronomical figure.

Since most people have this idea, they must also think that this is a national project and will never be carried out by private enterprises.

But Boss Guo actually regarded these two things as one thing, and he made such a big move, which made me amazed!

"Since this is a great thing that benefits the country and the people, why can't it be started?" I asked a little strangely.

"Oh, it's hard to explain in words!" Boss Guo sighed and said: "Let's not talk about it for now. Master Zhang, you came all the way to Shanxi, and Shuimiweizhan helped me such a big favor. I, Mr. Guo, really I feel guilty. I have already bought the groceries, let’s eat and chat later!”

"Huh?" I asked slightly surprised: "I found that Boss Guo seems to be different from other real estate developers. Don't you always say this? I have booked a five-star hotel. I must have a good time tonight!"

Boss Guo was stunned and then laughed: "That's someone else, I don't have the strength! Besides, what's so good about a five-star hotel? When I was a teenager, I lived there for seven or eight years. It’s just a staff room, I was a chef back then.”

"Have you seen how fat I am?" Boss Guo said, shaking off the fat on his body and said: "These are all saved back then. I have never thrown away my craftsmanship, and I have always been used to doing everything myself. Take action. Master Zhang, let me tell you, you are in for a treat this time, I will let you try the authentic Shanxi Guojia cuisine!" After saying that, the guy proudly gave himself a thumbs up, and then Added: "The only one in the world!"

This fat man is quite interesting. He is not as wealthy or arrogant as the real estate developers we usually see. Not only is he extremely kind, but he also has a festive spirit.

We were talking and laughing all the way, and soon we stopped in front of an old residential building.

I got out of the car, looked up and said, "Boss Guo, are you kidding me? You live here."

Boss Guo, with his belly full of shame, smiled pretending to be dissatisfied: "You are allowed to be Master Zhang, the strange man, but you are not allowed to be Fatty Guo, the strange man? Who stipulated that those who engage in real estate must live in big villas? What about the leaders of the space agency? Do you all have to be a rocket to work?"

As he said this, he smiled to himself and accompanied me inside while introducing: "This is the first house I bought with my own money. So many memories are here. I know all the neighbors." It’s hard to bear to move away because of my name!”

As he walked, everyone he met along the way took the initiative to say hello to him, and no one called him Mr. Guo or Boss Guo.

Either they call him Fatty, or Little Fatty. The younger ones also call him Fat Uncle, or Fat Brother. Seeing that the situation was really not an act, everyone left out his last name in a friendly and natural manner!

The two of us walked up to the fourth floor and opened a door, only to find that several people had gathered inside, happily picking vegetables, cutting meat, and scaling fish. They were very busy.

A fat lady wearing an apron, it was almost impossible to guess that this was his wife. There are also chubby young men and women who look almost exactly the same. These are their children, maybe a pair of twins.

In addition, there is a young man who is as thin as a stick and wears glasses. As soon as he saw us coming in, he quickly handed us slippers: "Uncle Guo, are you back?"

"Hey." Boss Guo nodded in agreement, and then introduced me: "This is Xu Mingliang, you can just call him Xiao Xu."

Then he pointed to everyone in the room and introduced them one by one: "This is my wife Gao Yunping, my daughter Guo Xia, and my son Guo Fang."

"This is Master Zhang!"

After he made the introduction, everyone in the room greeted me politely and cordially. What was particularly strange was that they didn't feel unfamiliar at all.

This family is truly amazing!

Everyone was busy, and Boss Guo led me to sit down in the living room. He pointed at Xu Mingliang, who was shaving fish scales with his daughter Guo Xia, and said: "Like Lu Jian, he is a rural student who I donated back then, and he also worked in I work here. I didn’t expect that, hey! No more, Master Zhang, please sit down for a moment and I will guide them to marinate what needs to be marinated. I will be back soon! Wait a moment, Master Li will be here soon. .”

"Master Li?" I didn't react for a while.

"That's your senior brother!"

"Oh, oh... okay." Then I remembered that Li Mazi was bragging to others, saying he was my senior brother!

This house is either big or small, with three bedrooms and two living rooms, facing the sun. The accommodation for a family of four was just right, and if it had been for other people, it would have been pretty good too.

But Fatty Guo is a very famous real estate developer throughout Shanxi and even the north. He doesn't know how many houses he has to sell in one day. Who would have thought that he would live in such a residence?

His son and daughter are also simple and simple, without any luxury at all, and they don't look like they are a rich second generation at all.

Such a family is so rare!

After turning around, I noticed that there was a small tea cup on the sundry shelf. The thing was not very old, and there was nothing unusual about it, but the handwriting on it was very good: "The rich do not pamper themselves. If you are strong but not arrogant, if you have a harmonious family, you will be blessed."

At this moment, my phone rang suddenly.

When I picked it up, I saw it belonged to Li Mazi.

"Brother Zhang, something happened!" Li Mazi couldn't wait to shout as soon as he picked up the phone.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Didn't the seized cultural relics be sent away overnight? But something happened on the way. The car overturned into a ditch and the items were missing! The armed policemen responsible for escorting and the people from the County Cultural Relics Bureau were all frozen into big ice cubes. They were all dead by the time they got to the hospital.”

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