Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2030 Five Ice Corpses

When I heard that the situation was so serious, I couldn't help but become nervous.

"Mazi, where are you?"

"I'm in Captain Huang's car, about to arrest Lu Jian, and now I'm rushing to the funeral home..."

"Okay, I'll be there soon!" I hurriedly put down the phone and shouted to Boss Guo who was busy in the kitchen: "Boss Guo, something happened over there. I'll go over and take a look first." I said that without waiting for him. He replied and hurriedly opened the door and went downstairs.

I took two taxis one after another. When they heard that I was going to the funeral parlor this late in the evening, they all excused themselves because they had something to do and couldn't go.

When we stopped the third car, I opened the door and got in. I took out my wallet, flashed it at the driver, and said urgently, "Police! Do me a favor and take me to the funeral parlor."

The guy visibly trembled, then braked suddenly, and said with a bitter look on his face: "Brother, I..."

"What are you doing? Leave quickly!" I shouted sternly without any hesitation: "I'm on a special mission and can't be delayed. If you dare to refuse the ride, this will be your last night."

The guy didn't know whether he was frightened by my fake identity as a police officer or by my momentum. He didn't dare to say anything anymore and started the car without any protest.

I urged him to speed up all the way and rushed to the funeral parlor at lightning speed. Once we got there, the guy didn't even want the money and left in a hurry.

Time was urgent, so I couldn't care about these small things and ran inside in a hurry.

The guard stopped me and asked me what I did.

I repeated my old trick, and while walking inside, he raised his wallet and said urgently: "Police, check the body of the comrade from the Cultural Relics Bureau that was just brought in."

After hearing what I said, the guard didn't dare to stop me, and enthusiastically pointed me in the direction - after all, this was a funeral parlor, who could run in there with nothing to do?

When I arrived at the cold storage, I saw Li Mazi and three or four police officers standing in front of the cold storage cabinet waiting.

"Brother, you're here." Li Mazi turned around and saw that it was me. He quickly came up to meet him. He pointed at a slightly bald police officer in his forties and introduced: "This is Captain Huang of the Criminal Police Team. Captain Huang , this is my junior brother, the clue he found about the tomb robber."

Due to professional sensitivity, the police are naturally distrustful of those of us who manipulate ghosts and gods, even if I just helped them solve a major case.

As he approached, he said hello politely and extended his hand while scanning me up and down.

It was obvious that he had some distrust and even suspicion of Li Mazi and me.

I didn't bother to worry about this with him. After shaking hands, I walked directly to the ice corpse.

There were five corpses in total, three armed policemen and two older ones in civilian clothes, who should be from the Cultural Relics Bureau.

All the corpses, without exception, were frozen in a thick shell of ice. If you didn’t know better, you might have thought it was just dug out from under the Antarctic glacier.

This situation is exactly the same as Zhao Laoshi’s second uncle!

It's just that these people seemed to have died very suddenly, and they still maintained the same movements as they did the moment before they died.

You can tell at a glance who is driving and who is taking care of the cultural relics. There are even two people with half cigarette butts on their fingers.

Li Mazi said: "Someone called the police more than an hour ago, saying that a police car overturned into a ditch on the suburban road. When the traffic police and 120 arrived, this was what it looked like."

This situation was so bizarre that it obviously exceeded the scope of a normal case. Captain Huang and several other detectives had never seen it before, and they had dark faces.

But out of the dignity of the police, but not wanting to say anything helpless, Captain Huang saluted me and said: "Mr. Zhang, thank you very much for the clues you provided to the police. But it is our police's duty to catch the murderer. You see... It’s not too early now, why don’t I send someone to take you two back to rest?”

The meaning is obvious. Although he is eager to solve the case, he does not want us to get involved anymore.

After all, our identities are a bit special. From the police's point of view, there is really no difference between a ghost dealer and a witch. It would be unacceptable from any point of view if we were to continue to participate in or even take the lead in solving the case.

"Captain Huang, how many years have you been a police officer?" I asked suddenly.

Captain Huang frowned and then responded: "Twenty-five years."

It could be seen from the expression on his face that he was very baffled by the question I suddenly raised.

"In your twenty-five years as a police officer, have you encountered many cases like this that cannot be explained by scientific common sense? Even now, you still can't figure out why?"

"Although your work and beliefs prevent you from having other ideas except materialism, many facts are like this. In addition, you may have heard of Song Yang, right?"

"Song Yang? You mean the famous young detective Song Yang, the consultant of the Public Security Department?" Obviously, Captain Huang is no stranger to this name.

"The reason why he is able to solve strange cases repeatedly is not only the unique skills passed down from his ancestors, but also more reliance on imagination and reasoning that are unusual for ordinary people. But the reason why he can come up with such wonderful things is even ridiculous to outsiders. hypothesis because he believes that everything exists.”

"There are some things that don't exist if you don't believe it, such as looking at it." After saying that, I waved my hand and threw a magic talisman out.

Boom, boom boom!

The refrigerator standing next to the wall suddenly made a loud banging sound, as if someone was banging inside. Then a few black shadows floated out, with their feet hanging off the ground.

Waves of dark wind suddenly rose up, moving and swaying in front of and behind us.

Captain Huang and several other policemen couldn't help but suddenly lose their composure.

I waved my hand again, and all the shadows and sounds disappeared.

"Captain Huang, can you say that what you just heard and saw were all hallucinations? I didn't mean to instill any feudal superstition into you, but this is the way the world is. Just like our current case, It's obvious that someone is using ghosts to cause trouble. The murderer is naturally a human being, but the tools he uses to commit crimes are somewhat special. If you don't believe that the tools he used to commit crimes are real, then the murderer may remain at large and even cause harm to others. More people die.”

"Whether from the perspective of the police or the principles of our secret dealers, this murderer will never be allowed to harm people wantonly. Our only purpose is to catch the real murderer as soon as possible. In this case, I think there is no need to continue to exist. What kind of debate is there about idealism and materialism? It is only right to solve the case! Otherwise, there would be far more than just these corpses lying here! I think this is not what you want to see, right? "

After hearing what I said, Captain Huang looked at me again as if he had just met me, and said in silence: "Okay, what do you think we should do now?"

"It's very simple." I pointed to the ice corpses and said, "They were all harmed by Yin spirits, and the Yin spirits resided in that ancient artifact. As long as we find the ancient artifacts, the real culprits will naturally come to light. …”

"But those cultural relics are gone, where can I find them now?" asked a younger policeman next to him.

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