Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2031 Weird Antiques (Additional Updates)

"Now we only have two ways left. One is to catch Lu Jian immediately, and the other is to use cultural relics to figure out who the evil spirit is." After I finished speaking, I turned around and asked, "Captain Huang, can you Let me see the information on those cultural relics? "

"We don't have any information in our hands." Captain Huang said with some embarrassment: "We couldn't figure out what this was at all. After we found it, we quickly handed it over to the comrades of the Cultural Relics Bureau. Except for a few photos outside……"

"The photos are enough, let me see." I said anxiously.

Captain Huang immediately took out his mobile phone, found the photo and handed it over.

I took it and took a look. It was an unearthed photo taken on site by a comrade from the Cultural Relics Bureau at that time.

There are five cultural relics in total, including four bronze jugs with three legs and long pecks. It can be seen at a glance that they should be drinking vessels during the Warring States Period. The last thing is very special. It is slightly square in shape, with a concave interior, and a beast-shaped handle in the middle of the top. At a glance, it looks like the cover of something.

I have never seen this thing before, but I am sure it is part of a complete antique.

While I was flipping through it, my phone suddenly rang.

I handed the phone to Captain Huang. He still didn't seem to believe me. After taking the phone and walking a few steps away, he pressed the answer button.

"What? Where? Okay! I'll be there soon." He put down the phone, looked at me and Li Mazi and said, "You two, I think you can really go and rest. Lu Jian has been caught."

"Okay. Then we will follow your arrangements." I pretended to leave and said with an understatement, "However, I want to remind you that catching Lu Jian is only the beginning."

"If I guess correctly, he should not have a single cultural relic in his hand, and you can't find any evidence of his crime. Even if you rely on your interrogation methods to get him to confess on his own, coupled with Zhao Laoshi's identification, you can He is proven guilty of stealing cultural relics. But where have the cultural relics gone? Maybe he doesn’t even know."

"Without my help, you might never find it. This case has already alarmed the provincial department and the Cultural Relics Bureau. If you can't come up with anything, how can you do anything?"

"This..." Captain Huang was confused upon hearing this.

Indeed, even if Lu Jian and Zhao Laoshi were convicted of stealing cultural relics, if the cultural relics could not be recovered, there would be no way to deal with them, and there were still so many lives, so there should be an explanation.

"Master Zhang, please wait a minute." Seeing Mazi Li and I turning to leave, Captain Huang hurriedly stopped us, and the title changed from Mr. Zhang to Master Zhang.

"Please work harder, please, come with us to the police station to have a look."

"No time! We have to rest." Before I could say anything, Li Mazi refused rudely.

It seemed that he was also disgusted with Captain Huang's attitude.

I patted Mazi on the shoulder and told him not to mind.

Whoever it was, it would be hard to believe that we were blaming such a serious incident on ghosts and gods, not to mention that this was an old detective who had been in the police for more than 20 years. If Zhao Laoshi, who was carrying cultural relics, had not been caught according to the clues we provided, we might have been arrested and educated for a few days as magicians who deceived the public and spread feudal superstition.

"Captain Huang, it's okay to go back to the police station with you, but I have a request." I smiled slightly.

"You said it." Captain Huang nodded.

"I have to be the first to interrogate Lu Jian." I said.

Captain Huang hesitated and asked, "Can you let me observe?"

"No!" I replied firmly: "No one is allowed to be present except me. Of course, you can monitor in real time."

Captain Huang hesitated again, and finally nodded: "Okay! As long as the cultural relics can be recovered and the real murderer is found, I will listen to you."

It seems that Captain Huang is quite principled.

A group of us got into the car and drove quickly towards the police team.

Halfway through, I made another small request to Captain Huang.

In the taxi I took when I arrived, the young man may have been a little scared. He accidentally ran a red light halfway and ran away in a hurry without even confiscating the fare. I hope he can tell his fellow traffic police officers to exempt him from punishment and transfer the two hundred yuan fare to him.

After listening to my little request, Captain Huang was obviously stunned, then waved his hand and pushed my money back and said: "Master Zhang, you are so polite, I won't bother you with this little thing."

After saying that, he turned around and ordered: "Xiao Li, turn around and adjust the camera in front of the funeral home to find the taxi."

"Yes!" the little policeman at the back responded.

The journey was very fast and we quickly arrived at the criminal police team.

The interrogation room is on the third floor.

"Master Zhang, he is locked up here." Captain Huang pointed to the innermost room and said.

I nodded, stretched out my hand and said, "Captain Huang, my interrogation method is a bit special. Can you give me the key to the handcuffs?"

Captain Huang hesitated for a while, and finally ordered the police to hand over the keys, but he told me with some worry: "Master Zhang, this is a very important criminal suspect, so we must not make any mistakes!"

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on him and won't let him get lost, not to mention you guys."

Captain Huang was stunned for a moment, then understood: "You want to let him out?"

"Of course, if we don't let him out, no one will find that thing." I said confidently.

"Didn't you say that even he himself might not know where those cultural relics are hidden?"

"He really doesn't know, but you can find it if you follow him." I opened the door and walked in without explaining anything else.

The interrogation room was not big. Lu Jian was handcuffed to the iron chair opposite, his eyes slightly squinted and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he opened his eyes and saw that it was me. He looked a little surprised, and then became more and more confused.

His first reaction when he saw me was that he might have thought I was an undercover police agent, but the tricks I showed in Majiazhuang did not look like the police's methods.

Until now, he is a little confused about my true identity.

I pulled over the interrogation chair and sat down opposite him, lit a cigarette and handed it to him. Then he lit one himself.

Lu Jian took a deep drag on his cigarette, looked at me blankly, and asked me half-self-deprecatingly: "Should I call you Officer Zhang or Master Zhang now?"

"None of this is important." I looked down at my watch and said, "You have 10 minutes left. If you want to say something, just say it quickly."

"10 minutes? What does that mean?" Lu Jian blinked, then took another puff of cigarette, and said with ridicule: "You won't shoot me after ten minutes, right? Don't scare me, why? He said that I also went to college and studied law."

As he spoke, he blew out another long puff of smoke and said: "You arrested me without any evidence. You can detain me for up to 72 hours. If it exceeds one minute, I will sue you!"

"Nine and a half minutes left." I said without looking up, still staring at my watch.

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