Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2032 You are next

"What nine and a half and eight and a half?" Lu Jian raised his neck at me with disdain: "This is a police station! There are surveillance cameras all around, what can you do to me? How dare you do to me. "

"I really can't do anything to you, but you will soon be like Zhang Wujin and Zhao Laoshi's second uncle."

"What!" Lu Jian was shocked when he heard this.

But this guy's mind was spinning very fast, and he immediately changed his mind and said, "I know Zhang Wujin. Isn't he dead? But who is Zhao Laoshi's second uncle? What does it have to do with me."

I didn't argue with him and said directly: "Zhang Wujin is dead, but when he died, his whole body was as cold as if he had been left in the ice cellar for many days; Zhao Laoshi's second uncle was even worse, he was frozen into a big lump of ice. .”

"After arresting Zhao Laoshi, several antiques were found around him. The armed police and cultural relics bureau personnel who escorted the antiques all died soon after. They all looked like they had just been dug out from under the glacier."

After saying that, I placed the phone in front of him and scrolled through the pages.

Above are the photos I took in the Zhao family cemetery, as well as the corpses in the funeral home.

Lu Jian looked at it, his eyes a little abnormal.

"I have calculated that these people die very regularly, and you will be the next to die! From the time I entered the house, you have ten minutes left. Oh, no, there are only eight minutes left now."

"Why me? Why not Zhao Laoshi?" Lu Jian asked in horror.

Then he was stunned and realized that he seemed to have let something slip.

In fact, this is also strange to me.

So far, two people in this small group of four tomb robbers have died mysteriously. Only Zhao Laoshi and Lu Jian are fine.

If they were cursed by the ancient tomb, then everyone who entered should die, and it would even be impossible to climb out of the ground.

According to their division of labor, Lu Jian was the mastermind and the mastermind of the entire incident. Zhang Wujin was the professional who calculated the specific location of the tomb and determined the entrance to the passage. The two people who did the actual work should be Zhao Laoshi and his second uncle.

But his second uncle died, but nothing happened to Zhao Laoshi and he was always alive and kicking. What is the reason for this, I still can't figure it out until now.

But the focus now is not this, but finding this ancient artifact first!

Zhao Laoshi dared to enter the ancient tomb to steal the treasure, and then in order to hide the truth, he cleverly covered up the death causes of Zhang Wujin and his second uncle.

It is enough to show that this guy is bold and careful, and is not too afraid of ghosts and gods. My method may not be effective for this guy.

Therefore, Lu Jian is the best and only breakthrough.

"Zhao Laoshi's life is very hard, and it's a human life. The evil spirit is too strong. He can survive at least a month, but you have seven minutes left."

Lu Jian took a few puffs of cigarette, and said still in disbelief, "You don't have to scare me! You said there are seven minutes left, it's only seven minutes."

"Don't you feel a little cold?" I raised my chin towards the table.

Lu Jian looked down and found that a layer of white frost had formed on his two leather shoes, and it was gradually spreading upwards.

"This is the cold air that is gradually spreading into your body. At first, you won't notice it at all. By the time you discover it, it will be too late. This cold air cannot be cured at all. Even if you are put in the oven, you will eventually He will also freeze to death."

"After you freeze to death, your soul will fly out of the body and be swallowed by the ancient object."

"To be honest, I can't do anything about your situation. I can't figure out your death date. You have six minutes left. Don't you want to say something before you die? If you really don't want to say anything. He said, then I will leave these six minutes to you and let you slowly wait for death." As I said that, I threw away the cigarette butt and stood up.

"Don't!" Lu Jian was finally afraid.

He kept shaking the handcuffs and shouted loudly: "Please, help me! I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

"I've said it before, I've never seen this situation before, and there's nothing you can do about it. You shouting like this, it's of no use except a waste of time."

When Lu Jian heard this, he stared blankly and was speechless. He didn't know whether it was because he was cold or frightened, but his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

I shook my head helplessly, got up and walked out.

"Zhang, Master Zhang, give me another cigarette." Just when I opened the door and was about to step out, he suddenly stopped me.

I turned around, lit another cigarette and handed it over.

He took a sharp breath and said, "It seems that I can't escape death after all!"

"Yes, I was the one who stole the tomb."

"Mr. Guo wanted to develop that barren mountain. When I went to get the soil analysis table, I noticed that there were some special ingredients underneath. After secretly searching for relevant information, I discovered that they should only be found in ancient tombs. So I changed the diagram and secretly found someone to dig up the ancient tomb."

"I have known Zhao Laoshi a few years ago, when he was working at Mr. Guo's construction site. That year, an accident occurred. He was the worker who took the lead in making trouble. I was responsible for handling the matter, going back and forth. I became familiar with him! I thought this man was very courageous, and like me, he wanted to make a fortune, so I slowly revealed to him about digging ancient tombs. We all hit it off, and he recommended it to me. His second uncle said that he had done this with someone when he was young."

"But we only knew that there was an ancient tomb under the barren mountain, but we couldn't figure out the specific location, so Zhao Laoshi volunteered to recruit Zhang Wujin to join the group."

"Just when we were about to be finished, Mr. Guo's construction approval came out and construction was about to start. So I asked Zhang Wujin to think of a way to scare away the workers by pretending to be a ghost."

"A few days ago, the cave was finally opened and the treasure was dug out, but then Zhao Laoshi told me that both Zhang Wujin and his second uncle died one after another..."

"I knew this guy was cruel and ruthless, and I thought he wanted to take less of a share and kill them. I was also a little afraid that he would kill me, so I said that after taking action, the two shares would be his. Meet him."

"Today you returned to Zhangjiacun again. I had a hunch that you might have discovered something, so I quickly called Zhao Laoshi and asked him to be careful. If someone comes looking for you, leave quickly. This person is not easy to deal with. "

"Sure enough, at night, Mr. Guo asked me to take the company's security guards to set up an ambush at the intersection. I quickly called Zhao Laoshi and asked him to escape through the gap I deliberately left."

"Then, I hid it quickly because I was afraid that the matter would be exposed, but I was caught not long after. This is what happened."

"I have only seen those cultural relics once. Then Zhao Laoshi was worried about letting me take them away, so he took them back again, saying that he would wait until he contacted the buyer. I have never been in the ancient tombs, and the evil spirits will kill me just like this. "?" Lu Jian asked.

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