Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2033 A clever plan

As he said that, Lu Jian glanced at me unwillingly, sighed and said, "Actually, I'm living a pretty good life now. Mr. Guo treats me very well, and he's just like his own son. I'm not short of money, either. But I’m just scared of being poor!”

"I grew up in a mountainous area. My mother passed away not long after I was born. Seven years ago, my father was killed by a rock again, and I have been living with my grandfather. But my grandfather was not in good health, so it was very difficult to feed me. Fortunately, the villagers The neighbors are very kind and have always taken good care of us. They not only provide me with food and clothing, but also support me in going to school."

"I know this opportunity is hard-won, so I have been studying very hard. I have always been number one from elementary school to junior high school."

"The villagers saw my future and kept supporting me to finish high school and get into college with the top score in the city."

"Faced with tuition fees of tens of thousands, the whole village fell silent, and I could only secretly hide at home and cry!"

"Later, Mr. Guo built a road, nursing home and school in our village. After hearing about me, he sponsored me to finish college and promoted me as his assistant in his company."

"It stands to reason that I am not short of money now. But I am always afraid of poverty and always want to have a lot of money. No one is to blame for this, it is all to blame on me for being too greedy!"

Lu Jian shook his head in annoyance, obviously regretting it.

At this time, layers of white frost had spread to his chest, and when he spoke, his mouth was filled with cold air.

He rubbed his hands coldly, raised his head and asked me, "Master Zhang, how long does it take?"

"One minute." I looked down at my watch.

"I deserve it!" Lu Jian summed it up for himself: "I still have some savings in my account. You can donate all this money to the nursing home in our village for me. This may also be my last donation. . And my body should also be donated. Although I am a sinner, this body can also save other people. This is the only way I can atone for my sins."

Lu Jian lowered his head, wiped his cold tears, and said to me sincerely: "Master Zhang, thank you for letting me tell you my last wish. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely be a good person!" Then he closed his eyes. glanced twice.

I secretly tore the soul-fixing talisman into pieces.

Lu Jian's soul was immediately imprisoned, and he was unaware of things in the outside world.

I stepped forward, put away the ice spell from under the table, took out the key and unlocked his handcuffs, then turned around and walked out.

As soon as I went out, Captain Huang and Li Mazi also walked out of the inspection room next door.

"Master Zhang, his crime has been clearly explained. As long as he finds more cultural relics, he can submit them to the court."

"How many years will he be sentenced to a sentence like this?" I asked.

"It depends on how much the cultural relics are worth. Generally speaking, it is three to ten years. But since he is a first-time offender and he has a good attitude of pleading guilty, he should be given a lighter sentence." Captain Huang replied.

I looked back at the interrogation room where Lu Jian was being held and said, "Captain Huang, can you please be accommodating and count him in surrendering?"

Captain Huang was surprised.

I explained: "This young man has a good heart. I think even if he gets the money from selling cultural relics, he will always use it to do good things. It's just that the way to get the money is not right. He will be sentenced to a few years and punished." That’s about it! The original intention of the law is to stop crime and make people do good. I read the scriptures this time, he can change his ways, so just give him a chance."

Captain Huang was silent for a moment and said: "Okay, but first we have to find the cultural relics. If something is missing, even if he surrenders, it will be of little use."

"Yes." I nodded and said, "Next, we will go look for cultural relics with him, but we have to arrange it in advance."

An hour later, Captain Huang had already laid out the arrangements layer by layer according to my instructions.

I stood in the monitoring room and snapped my fingers to lift the soul-fixing spell.

Lu Jian opened his eyes slightly, looked around suspiciously, and then looked at his body.

Only then did I realize that the white frost all over my body was gone, and even the handcuffs were untied.

He was stunned, and slowly stood up and took two steps forward. Only then did he realize that he was still lying on the ground, but his whole body was covered with a large ice shell!

This is the substitute technique I used, just to confuse him.

At this moment, the door to the interrogation room opened.

A young policeman came in with an iron rice bowl, as if he was going to deliver food to him. When he saw the big ice shell on the ground, he immediately ran out screaming.

After a while, several more police officers and two forensic doctors in white coats came in and looked around the ice shell carefully.

From beginning to end, he didn't even look at Lu Jian, as if he didn't exist at all!

Lu Jian's eyes changed from fear to horror, and then gradually calmed down.

Tentatively, he slowly leaned toward the door.

But no one stopped him, and a female policeman even bumped into him. The notebook in her hand was scattered on the floor. She just looked at Lu Jian with great confusion, and then squatted down to pick it up. It was as if he had accidentally hit the wall just now.

Lu Jian finally believed it. These policemen couldn't see him at all!

He walked out the door, and there were police officers coming and going in the corridor, but no one even looked at him, as if he was nothing but air.

Lu Jian was a little hesitant at first, but then he became bolder and hurried downstairs and walked straight to the door.

"No. 0, No. 0, the target has appeared, please give instructions." A voice came from the intercom.

"Act as planned!" Captain Huang said.

After putting down the walkie-talkie, Captain Huang turned to me again and asked: "Master Zhang, I don't understand. Can you find cultural relics if you let him out like this?"

"You'll know in a minute, let's go!" I greeted him and followed him out of the door.

Lu Jian just walked out of the criminal police team in a grand manner, still looking back in disbelief, and then walked south along the street.

Captain Huang and I sat in a dilapidated minivan and followed slowly behind.

"Attention No. 3, the target is moving towards you."

"No. 3 understands!"

"No. 1, No. 2, No. 4. All change directions and deploy controls along Xingye Street."

"Received on the 1st!"

"Received on the 2nd!"

"Received on the 4th!"

While Captain Huang was giving orders in an orderly manner, he looked at me as if to say, "Will this method work?"

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