Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2034: Going Deep into the Robbery Cave

As Lu Jian walked farther and farther, the doubts in Captain Huang's eyes grew bigger and bigger.

It seems that the plan will be interrupted at any time and he will be captured again.

So, I had to explain to him: "The Lu Jian we see now only has half of his soul."

"Half soul?" Captain Huang became even more confused when he heard this word.

"Yes." I nodded and explained: "To put it simply, he is just a body now. His soul can only control his hands, feet, and limbs, but what really occupies his mind is another soul."

"Another soul? You mean...the ghost living in the antique?"

"Captain Huang, you are very perceptive. You guessed it right away." I nodded with a smile.

"Just now, I borrowed some heresy and constant psychological hints to make Lu Jian's consciousness that he was dead. Then you colleagues turned a blind eye to him, and the replacement body made him even more angry. All souls are lost.”

"And in the state of the dead soul, my other talisman also worked."

"This talisman can evoke the possession of the Yin spirit he has recently come into contact with. And the most powerful Yin spirit he has come into contact with recently is naturally the one from the antique."

Captain Huang was a little confused, frowned slightly and thought for a moment: "You mean, let him take you home by himself?"

"Yes!" I said with a smile: "Captain Huang, your talent is really extraordinary. If you want to learn some tricks one day, I would be very willing to provide you with some help."

Upon hearing this, Captain Huang shook his head speechlessly, drove forward for a while, and asked again: "Then what if this ghost is not going to the cultural relics?"

"No!" I said with great certainty: "The ancient tomb has just been excavated not long ago, and the Yin spirit has just emerged from the sky. It is far from being able to escape from the body. Even this ray of soul that escapes must be rushed back before dawn. , otherwise even its body soul will be greatly damaged and will never be repaired."

"But how did those ancient objects escape?" Captain Huang was still a little confused.

"Oh, this is easier." I said, grabbed his walkie-talkie, threw it out of the window.

Captain Huang was about to shout and almost hit the brakes when his eyes suddenly widened!

From the rearview mirror, I saw from a distance that the walkie-talkie not only did not fall to the ground, but was floating in the air and flying with the van.

" this?"

"I noticed that this walkie-talkie is very worn out. There is a note on it that says Team Huang. It seems that this has been your exclusive use for many years. Whether you admit it or not, this thing has a trace of your remnants. Soul, I used some means to release this residual soul, and it will naturally follow your soul body. This is why the ancient artifacts disappeared! The slight difference is that your subjective consciousness does not It can harm people, but the remnant souls on the ancient objects are very cruel." As I said that, I used a random move.

The walkie-talkie flew back out of the window and landed firmly in Captain Huang's hand.

In fact, I have just learned this spell, and I can only hold on to it for less than a minute at most, which is the limit just now.

However, for a layman like Captain Huang, this is a magic that can be called a fairy, and it is no different from retrieving something from thousands of miles away!

He took the walkie-talkie and looked around, then turned to look at me again.

This time, the look in his eyes was completely different from the first time he saw it!

I don’t know if his scientific outlook that he has established for many years has changed significantly after this.

Lu Jian kept walking straight south along the road, and then started running quickly and tirelessly. Captain Huang was always controlling him along the way, so there would be absolutely no accidents.

We followed unhurriedly and watched Lu Jian striding out of the city and heading straight to the countryside.

"Huh? I know where he's going." Suddenly, I understood.

This guy is going to the construction site!

There are a total of five things seen in the photos of the cultural relics, and the slightly square thing among them should be a lid.

In other words, for some unknown reason, Zhao Laowu and the others did not finish digging the tomb, and the real good things were still inside and were not taken out.

The true body of the Yin spirit is hidden in that thing!

Sure enough, Lu Jian went straight to the construction site.

"Captain Huang, he is going in the direction of the ancient tomb. The ancient tomb is under a construction site that has not yet been built. You immediately send someone to go around and stop the night watchman at the construction site. It doesn't matter elsewhere, but If you are hit near here, the Yin spirit will escape from the body, and Lu Jianke will be in danger, and he will probably remain unconscious..." I ordered.

Huang Dawang, who was guarding the construction site, was very responsible. When he heard the sound, he jumped out and made a lot of noise, which was not very fun!

"Okay!" Captain Huang was already convinced by me at this time, and immediately directed the police officers to take a detour and rush over.

There was not much time, and Lu Jian was seen walking around the barren mountain and into a bush.

There was no passage ahead, and when we were about to get off the bus, the intercom rang again.

"No. 0, No. 0, the target is going into a deep hole, please give instructions!"

"Don't act rashly yet, a warning blockade will be implemented within five miles around." I grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted back.

"Team Huang, let's go take a look first. You can notify the comrades from the Cultural Relics Bureau and tell them to rush over immediately." I opened the car door and jumped out - in fact, I can go by myself. The reason why I called I was afraid that he would suffer from occupational diseases again and be suspicious of me.

Captain Huang hurriedly called his subordinates to explain, and then immediately followed him.

Not far into the bushes, I met the police who had been squatting here.

"Team Huang, he got in through this hole." As he said that, the policeman raised his flashlight and waved it forward.

Under the light of a flashlight, someone dug out a hole in an inconspicuous pile of dirt about thirty meters away.

The hole was very narrow and could only accommodate one person barely getting in.

Captain Huang and I tiptoed forward and took a look. The uncovered soil was all new, but there was a lot of floating soil inside the hole, as well as tool marks. Obviously, this is the hole dug by Zhao Laoshi and others.

"I'll go down and take a look. Don't get too close." After I told him hastily, I held the flashlight in my mouth and crawled toward the hole using my hands and feet.

The entrance to the cave was very narrow, but it climbed bigger and bigger, and gradually it was able to bend down and walk.

It's just that the direction of the hole is diagonally downward. Even under the illumination of a flashlight, there is still a large area of ​​darkness in front of it, and nothing can be seen clearly.

After walking and crawling for five or six minutes, some ancient bluestone slabs appeared on both sides, with some vague carvings on them.

It's the gluttonous pattern.

It is from the same era as the bronze vessel seen in the photo.

Wow, wow...

As they were walking, there were sudden sounds of shaking sand in front of them.

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