Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2035: Heavenly Soldiers and Golden Armor, Evil Ghosts Subdue the Law

I dimmed the flashlight slightly, and when I looked over from a distance, I saw that it was Lu Jian.

He was lying on the ground, waving his hands to desperately stir up the sand.

The entire Thieving Cave was blocked, and there was no way forward.

A small hole was slightly exposed in the sand pile, which looked similar to a badger hole.

Obviously, those are the traces left after the cultural relics drilled in on their own.

"Broken!" I threw out a spiritual talisman and shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Jian stopped immediately and lay motionless on the spot.

"How's it going? Is he okay?" Captain Huang, who was following me, asked worriedly.

"It's okay, just take him back. Just let the people from the Cultural Relics Bureau handle it here." I said and walked forward and picked up Lu Jian.

When Captain Huang and I climbed out of the cave with the unconscious Lu Jian, a large number of police officers were already waiting outside.

I handed Lu Jian to the policeman standing nearby and told him: "Go back and give him a bath. After changing his clothes, handcuff him as he is in the interrogation room. Then soak a bowl of salt water with a willow branch and pour it on him." Just on the head.”

The policeman looked confused and looked at Captain Huang for instructions.

"Do as Master Zhang said." Captain Huang ordered.

"Yes!" the policeman responded, and he and another colleague took Lu Jian down the mountain.

At this time, my cell phone rang. When I picked it up, I saw it was Li Mazi.

"Brother Zhang, please let a few of them come down. You want too many things. I can't carry them all by myself."

I turned around and looked at Captain Huang and said, "Captain Huang, look..."

"Didn't you hear? Why don't you go down and help?" Captain Huang said angrily.

Upon hearing this, the policemen hurriedly ran down the mountain, and soon climbed up again panting.

Each one carried wooden poles, chicken cages, and bundles of straw.

"Oh my god, I'm so exhausted!" Although Li Mazi came up with empty hands, as soon as he got close, he lay on the ground breathing heavily.

As early as during the discussion, I asked Li Mazi to buy some necessary props. No matter where the ghost of Lu Jianjian takes us, a soul sealing ceremony must be held immediately.

Otherwise, once the Yin spirit becomes fierce, it is no joke.

It was really not easy to quickly raise so many spell-casting materials in such a short period of time. I thought that he would have to rush back at least around dawn. It seems that I really underestimated Li Mazi's energy.

Without further ado, preparations must be made immediately.

Under Captain Huang's order, these policemen immediately became my assistants and got busy.

After a while, the eighteen wooden dummies and thirty-six scarecrows were all tied up and placed in various directions according to my instructions.

I also selected eight strong policemen as Dharma protectors, standing at eight levels in all directions.

Then he asked Captain Huang to open the chicken cage.

After those big roosters came out of the chicken coop, they not only stopped running around, but lined up in a queue with their chests raised and their heads raised, like generals who were about to die heroically.

I picked up a branch from the ground and used it as a magic sword. I pointed forward from a distance and said: "The yin and yang of heaven and earth, the gods have returned to their places."

These big roosters immediately seemed to understand. They walked towards the wooden man pile one by one, spread their wings, and jumped on the wooden pile.

"Heavenly soldiers and golden armor, evil spirits subjugate themselves!"

As I shouted loudly, a dark wind suddenly burst out from the hole in the mound.


Puff puff!

All the big roosters immediately seemed to have been pressed hard by a pair of invisible hands, and they were skewered alive on the wooden stakes, and they didn't even have time to cry out. Blood was already dripping all over the ground, and before the blood was all gone, it was frozen and covered with a layer of ice.

The police officers present, including Captain Huang, were all shocked by what they saw.

Only Li Mazi still managed to remain calm and tightly grasped the tennis bag with one hand.

I originally used these eighteen big roosters to make golden armored heavenly soldiers to frighten the evil spirits, but I didn't expect that they were all scrapped in just one round.

It seems that this guy is really not simple! Maybe he will be at the Ghost Emperor level again.

Fortunately, the Yinwu has just been born, and the Yin spirit is far from being able to exert its full power, and there is no way to escape. Otherwise, it would be a joke for me to set up an array to drive away ghosts here.

Fortunately, I was prepared!

"Get up!" I raised the branch and tilted it toward the sky.

Swish, swish, the scarecrows lying on the ground all stood up and formed a Tiangang formation.


Inside the cave entrance, a dark wind came out wildly.

The scarecrow swayed unsteadily, as if it would fall down at any moment. But with my constant blessing, it still continues to stand upright.

"Come!" I put my hands together.

All the scarecrows suddenly gathered in the middle, and the evil wind stopped immediately.

But the small haystack composed of scarecrows couldn't help but shake, and blades of grass continued to explode and fly in all directions. It was like a dragon whirlwind suddenly rose up, wrapped in straw, whirring and circling.

"Where is King Kong?"

"Yes!" The eight criminal police officers shouted in unison according to my prior instructions.

"Kill!" I ordered.

The eight people grabbed a branch at the same time, rushed forward, and stabbed it into the haystack with a loud pop.

I had already put cinnabar on those eight branches.

This time it stabbed in, the haystack stopped shaking, and the whirlwind above stopped flying.

It's just that the eight branches are trembling constantly, as if they will burst at any time!

I waved my hand and asked the eight detectives to retreat.


As soon as the few people left, eight branches broke at the same time, and the small haystack suddenly exploded, sending straw all over the sky and rolling away wildly.

But right in the middle of the haystack just now, a dark shadow vaguely appeared.

It seems that this guy has been forced out.

But that's all.

My series of moves can only force the Yin spirit to reveal itself, but it cannot cause any substantial harm to the Yin spirit.

I'm deeply afraid that this evil spirit will perform some kind of magic again and hurt other people. While quickly asking Captain Huang to lead the others to retreat, he threw out a few talismans to temporarily seal the four directions and stepped forward.

The black shadow became more and more obvious, and finally revealed a human shape.

This man was not very tall, but he was extremely fat. He had a round belly, as if there was a small pot on his belly.

It was wearing an ancient robe, with a big round face, and its hands behind its back in a majestic manner. It glanced at it coldly and said, "Are you the one who wants to go against me?"

"So what? Since you have been dead for thousands of years, you should let go of your resentment and reincarnate as soon as possible. However, not only did you not reincarnate, you also transformed into a ghost and killed several people. How could I let you go? ?” I replied without fear.

"Bah! I am the king of a country, so what does it mean to kill a few people?"

"The king of a country?" I couldn't help but be stunned.

"Yes! This king is the last monarch of the Wei Kingdom." The fat man said proudly.

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