Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2036 The Curse of the Nine Nether Gates

"The last monarch of Weiguo?" My brain was thinking hard for a while, and I suddenly shouted: "Are you Ji Jiao who was deposed by Qin II?"

"It is this king!"

When the fat man heard that I could call his name, he puffed up his belly very arrogantly. Then he realized that I seemed to emphasize the word "abolish" in my sentence just now, and he couldn't help but get angry again. Swinging his sleeves: "Although our country is small, it is the country that has existed the longest. It has experienced thirty monarchs. Although the Qin country is powerful, wasn't it destroyed in the hands of Qin II?"

"Whoever destroys the Wei Kingdom will lose the world. This prophecy has been passed down through the ages. This Qin II, his father, Yingzheng, wiped out the six kingdoms and conquered the Huns in the north. How majestic is he? But he only dared not do anything to my Wei Kingdom, but he just didn't believe it. Evil, you listened to Zhao Gao's slander and annexed my country. What happened next? Hahaha, this is retribution!"

I looked at him helplessly and said, "If you were a famous minister and general during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, I might have some respect for you, but I really don't know what you, the last little monarch, have to be proud of?"

"I also know a little about history. Although Weiguo has been around for a long time, it has always been struggling to survive in the cracks between countries. It's not that others dare not attack Weiguo, but that Weiguo is too small and they don't bother to attack it. …”

"You!" When the fat man heard this, he became very angry.

"What are you? Am I wrong? No matter when we talk about the Spring and Autumn Period or the Warring States Period, no one in the world would think of a Weiguo."

"Even Song and Guo, which were regarded as laughing stocks by later generations, are more famous than Wei." I deliberately said sarcastically.

"If you are a commoner, that's fine. You can only blame yourself for being born in the wrong place. But as a monarch, you failed to govern the country well, bragging shamelessly, and even harming the local people after your death. How can you be considered capable?"

"If I were you, even if my ghost is still there, I wouldn't have the shame to see people. I would just hide underground and be a mouse for the rest of my life!"

"You..." The fat man was furious, but he couldn't find the words to refute me.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally sighed and said: "Boy, why don't I want to be a Spring and Autumn Overlord and a powerful country? But Weiguo is too poor and no one is willing to serve me."

"I think of the talented people who defend our country, we have Wu Qi in the army, Shang Yang in the law, Nie Zheng and Jing Ke in the chivalry, Zilu in the literature, and Lu Buwei in the government. But all of them despise the Weiguo for being poor and defect to other places. If Qin does not have the Weiguo, How can we annex the six countries with help from others? If only one person stays in the country, what will happen to our country?" said the fat man.

"If the country doesn't keep people, why should we blame others?" I shouted sternly: "The great men and women don't want to stay in the country, but go to serve in other countries. Isn't it because you are a broken person and don't want to make progress? For a king like you, If I were Qin II, I would annex you sooner or later!"

Unexpectedly, the fat man was not angry this time. Instead, as if he suddenly discovered something, he smiled at me and said, "Then have you ever thought about what will happen to these thieves who abandon their country?"

After hearing his question, I couldn't help but think about it.

Shang Yang was torn apart by a chariot and died, and Wu Qi was pierced by arrows.

Jing Ke was cut into pieces with a thousand knives, and Nie Zheng committed suicide with disfigurement.

Lu Buwei was poisoned to death, and Zilu was chopped into pieces!

None of these brilliant historical talents had a good death.

When I think about it again, even Qin II, who annexed the Wei Kingdom, perished and died, I can't help but be shocked: "You mean, these people have been cursed?"

"Of course!" The fat man stepped forward and puffed out his chest and said, "As expected of a disciple of Jiuyou, he guessed it right away."

"Huh?" Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but be even more surprised.

Jiuyou Sect was indeed established in the late Spring and Autumn Period and gradually declined around the Warring States Period. It is not surprising that Ji Jiao, the monarch of the Wei Kingdom, had heard of Jiuyou Sect, but he could tell at a glance that I was also a disciple of Jiuyou. This is a bit strange. Strange!

"To tell you the truth, in addition to the above people, Yuzi, the founder of the Nine Nether Sect, is also a Weiguo! He was extremely saddened to see so many talented people constantly abandoning the motherland, so he set up a killing formation to kill the motherland. The entire Wei Kingdom is included in it. Anyone who abandons the country will suffer a tragic death! Moreover, whoever destroys the Wei Kingdom will lose the world! This formation not only covers the present, but also stretches across five thousand years."

This time, it really shocked me.

These historical celebrities who fled from Weiguo all died under Yuzi's curse.

No wonder Qin Shihuang annexed the world, not even sparing the Huns and South Vietnam, but left a small Wei Kingdom in the middle of the country. It turned out to be this meaning.

Qin Shihuang believed in Alchemy Taoist priests very much, and naturally respected the invisible formation left by Youzi in every possible way.

With just one formation, you can curse thousands of miles and even destroy a country.

How terrifying should this be?

"It's just..." Ji Jiao paused and said, "It's just that Yuzi spent a lot of energy and energy building the formation, and he died soon after the formation was completed."

"The Jiu You Sect, which he left behind to govern the country and assist the government, was divided into three, and was also encircled and suppressed by assassins from various countries."

"Yuko's wish to use the art of yin and yang to become powerful and defend the country has come to nothing."

"But I didn't expect that after thousands of years, I would actually see the descendants of Jiuyou again. Not bad! Hahaha, it seems that our country has hope to rise again." The fat man looked at me with satisfaction.

"I am indeed a disciple of Jiuyou and a descendant of Youzi, but what does it have to do with a shameless and foolish king like you?" I sneered.

"Hmph." The fat man stopped smiling when he heard this, and snorted coldly: "Have you forgotten even the most basic rules of the sect after thousands of years? The first rule of the Jiuyou Sect is that the king is as big as the sky !Although Yuzi had the gift of not kneeling down when entering the palace, he must perform the nine-kowtow ritual every time he went to see the king. The second generation of sect leaders who followed were the three masters after the split. This is the case for all my disciples when they meet the king, but now you, a small disciple of Jiuyou, dare to deny me as the king?"

I said indifferently: "Your Weiguo has perished long ago, and it has been destroyed for thousands of years! Don't say that I am Chinese now, and have nothing to do with the bullshit Weiguo, even if I was born in Weiguo This whole land will definitely look down on you, a useless waste like you. Now that you have become a ghost, you still remain stubborn and kill people based on your preference! Today I will use the art of Nine Nethers to eliminate harm for the people."

"Only you?" Ji Jiao smiled slightly: "Maybe you don't know yet? The art of Jiuyou has always been useless against the royal bloodline of Weiguo, let alone a junior like you, the second-generation sect leader back then After his death, the Ba who established the Yin Fu Sect wanted to usurp the country and establish himself, but what happened in the end? As soon as he cast the evil spell on the emperor, he was immediately killed by the backlash! If you have the courage, just give it a try."

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