Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 204 Death Video

Not long after I returned, Yin Xinyue called me and said that she wanted to bring a friend to my place to sit with her. She was a female friend, and she specifically told me to call Li Mazi.

Of course I know Yin Xinyue's intention, it must be to introduce someone to Li Mazi. I immediately agreed and called Li Mazi, asking him to come no matter what.

Li Mazi didn't plan to come back at first because he had to plant peach trees in front of Chu Chu's tomb, and then he had to water and fertilize, so he didn't have time.

I couldn't help feeling desolate in my heart. It seemed that Li Mazi was possessed. I had no choice but to say that there was a business that required him to cooperate with me, otherwise I would definitely die, and Li Mazi agreed.

Soon, Yin Xinyue came and brought a girl with a pretty face. The girl is a bit cuter than Yin Xinyue, slightly chubby, and is the petite and cute type. When she smiles, two dimples appear at the corners of her mouth, and her bangs hang over her shoulders, making her look very kawaii.

She was very cheerful and lively. When she saw me, she immediately called her brother-in-law, which made me extremely embarrassed. Yin Xinyue chased her angrily and warned her that if she dared to talk nonsense again, she would take off her clothes.

However, she still shouted happily to her brother-in-law, and Yin Xinyue couldn't do anything to her.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that you have encountered zombies before. Is this true?"

"Brother-in-law, you said that many of the antiques you have here are filled with Yin spirits. Can you open your Yin and Yang eyes for me to see?"

"Brother-in-law, there is a vagina in my house. I came to you this time because I want you to help me get rid of the vagina."

I thought to myself, why is this girl so lively? She might turn my antique store upside down.

I answered them all with a smile.

Yin Xinyue was a little unhappy when she saw this girl always pestering me with questions. She said, you stinky girl, are you here to study or to inquire about things? Come on, let's go have a barbecue, and I'll introduce you to a mature oppa later.

While eating, I found out her name was Ruxue. Li Mazi couldn't make it for a while, so we started eating first.

Even when eating, this girl was full of energy and asked questions, which made me embarrassed to take off my chopsticks, for fear that talking with something in her mouth would instantly lower my image of a superior person in her heart.

But while eating, I noticed something unusual. This girl's face was originally pretty and rosy, but the more she ate, the paler her face became.

I began to feel uncomfortable and thought there might be something wrong with this girl, so I called Yin Xinyue out on the pretext.

Yin Xinyue quickly asked me what happened?

I asked, "Has Ruxue encountered anything unclean in the past two days?"

Yin Xinyue looked at me inexplicably: "Are you stupid for doing this? She is a girl, how can she come across anything unclean."

I smiled and said, "Okay, I'll prove it to you."

So I took Yin Xinyue to the kitchen, sprinkled a lot of salt into the earthen pot of fish soup, and asked Yin Xinyue to bring it to the table and let Ruxue eat it.

Yin Xinyue's eyes widened: "How much do you hate her! Why are you teasing people like this? She is my good sister."

I said: "If I don't care, she will be dragged into being a substitute by the dirty things, and the situation will be more serious by then."

Yin Xinyue hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded in agreement and went in with the fish in the crock pot.

I followed closely and walked in, observing Ruxue.

Like a true foodie in the snow, Yin Xinyue just put down the earthen pot, picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup.

But as soon as she took a sip, Ruxue started to burp uncontrollably. While burping, she asked: "Why is this soup so salty? Where is the chef? It must be changed. Can I drink this soup?"

I said, "Ruxue, do you hiccup often?"

Ruxue immediately blushed: "It's so embarrassing... haha... I only eat salty food to... hiccup."

"Did this problem start to appear recently?" I asked.

Ruxue was shocked: "Brother-in-law, you...can you even see this problem? I admire you more and more."

I asked: "Ruxue, have any supernatural things happened to you recently?"

The spoon in Ruxue's hand fell to the ground and she stopped hiccupping: " did you know?"

I said, "You have too much Yin Qi, and refined salt has a strong repelling effect on Yin Qi, so if you eat salty food, the Yin Qi will be forced out of your body, causing hiccups."

Ruxue said tremblingly: "So, I really...really hit a ghost?"

I nodded: "That's right."

Ruxue said with lingering fear: "Oh my god, it turns out that I have been living with ghosts these past few days. It's so romantic."

romantic? This has nothing to do with romance.

I asked Ruxue what strange things happened to her these days.

Ruxue said: "Isn't this the elevator in our community? Has it become haunted these days? There seems to be a courier who disappeared inexplicably in the elevator. It is even stranger than Lan Ke'er. After that, some residents Rumors began to spread that the elevator was haunted, and no one dared to take the elevator again."

However, Ruxue was a very nervous girl, and she was also a bit lazy. She didn't take the haunting thing to heart at all, and still took the elevator every day.

Now that I said this, Ruxue realized that the elevator was really haunted. No matter how nervous she is, she is still scared when she knows that she has provoked something dirty. She quickly asked me what should I do?

Yin Xinyue smiled and said: "This matter is very difficult. Brother Zhang may not be able to solve it. An uncle will come to help you later."

Ruxue said with a cry: "I don't even dare to go home at night! Sister Xinyue, can you go back and live with me? Now I suddenly feel that there is something wrong with the elevator..."

So I immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"Every time I take the elevator, it stops when it reaches the third floor, but when the door opens, there is no one outside the elevator. The courier guy disappeared on the third floor! And every time I take the elevator, I It feels so cold in the elevator."

I couldn't help but laugh. She didn't even notice that something happened so strangely. This was so heartless.

After Li Mazi arrived, we decided to visit the community where Ruxue lived.

On the way, I asked Ruxue to think about whether there were any details I forgot to mention just now. Ruxue thought for a while, shook her head, and said that she had never thought about supernatural beings before, so she didn't pay attention.

Yin Xinyue deliberately created opportunities for Li Mazi and Ruxue to talk, but Li Mazi was completely distracted. Sometimes Ruxue took the initiative to ask him something, but he was so distracted that he didn't hear it, so he had to ask Ruxue to repeat it.

Ruxue thought Li Mazi had trouble with his ears.

I think it's a bit confusing to bring Li Mazi and Ruxue together, and I find that Ruxue seems to dislike Li Mazi a little bit.

After we arrived at the snowy community, we took the elevator a few times but didn't feel anything was wrong.

I had to ask Ruxue, when did you take the elevator?

Ruxue said that she would go to work at six o'clock in the morning and come back from eating supper at ten o'clock in the evening before the supernatural situation she mentioned would occur.

I said I can only experience it by taking the elevator at night...

Now I just want to understand what exactly happened to the courier in the elevator that day? There is a surveillance camera in the elevator, which must have captured what happened in the elevator that day.

I asked Ruxue and Yin Xinyue to wait at her house, while Li Mazi and I went to the elevator control room to check the surveillance video.

On the way I asked Li Mazi, how is this girl Ruxue?

Li Mazi looked at me inexplicably and asked, "What's going on?"

I said, of course, what about this person?

Li Mazi said it was okay and continued to remain silent.

This guy is really capable, and he probably didn't understand my intention to set them up. Forget it, let's wait until Li Mazi passes this sad period.

We quickly found the elevator control room, but the person in charge of the elevator refused to let us see the surveillance video and lied to us that the police had taken us away for investigation and evidence collection.

Of course I knew he was talking nonsense, and the more he said it, the more it proved that there was something wrong with the elevator. Yin Xinyue happened to know someone from the police. We solved a major case for the police last time, so Yin Xinyue contacted the police and quickly obtained the privilege to view the surveillance. However, the other party repeatedly told us that we must be careful about what we saw. The matter is kept secret and cannot be told!

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