Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 205 Express Delivery Ten Years Ago

On the surveillance screen, I saw a young courier stepping into the elevator, holding a box in his hand. You can also vaguely see the express delivery note posted on it. Needless to say, the box must be express delivery.

The elevator rises slowly.

Not long after, the elevator suddenly trembled and then stopped!

The courier suddenly panicked, put down the courier in his hand, and hurriedly picked up the elevator with his hands.

This is a bit strange. Generally, when encountering this kind of situation, you should press the emergency button first. This is common sense. This courier wears glasses, so he doesn't look illiterate. How come he doesn't even have this bit of common sense?

After scratching for a while, the courier couldn't get it open at all. He huddled up in a corner in fear, looked in the direction of the elevator door with trepidation, and stayed in the corner for a long time.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something terrifying. He subconsciously covered his eyes, and his body kept struggling and kicking randomly, as if he wanted to push something away from him.

But there was nothing in front of him, and the way he punched and kicked in the air was really weird.

After struggling for a while, the courier suddenly stood upright and motionless.

Immediately afterwards, his left foot and right foot were all moved away at an incredible angle. Looking at the angle, it was obvious that they were broken.

Immediately afterwards, his hands began to bend until they were bent at ninety degrees! He was like a snake, paralyzed on the ground, and bleeding began to come from the corners of his mouth, eyes, nostrils and ears, but he still crawled out of the elevator little by little.

Soon, he disappeared from the elevator camera, and only the package he brought was still lying quietly in the elevator.

After reading it, I was shocked into a cold sweat. Li Mazi was even more miserable than me. He held on to the table and barely managed to avoid falling to the ground. His face was as pale as a piece of white paper.

"How is it possible? Even if he is possessed by a ghost, he will not twist his hands and feet like twists and turns, right? I think this courier is a ghost himself."

I swallowed hard and asked the elevator maintenance staff: "Where is the package?"

"The police took him away."

"So do they know what's in the package?"

"It seems to be a piece of clothing." The other party said, "I don't know the specifics. This is not something we have the authority to know."

There was something wrong with that package, so I made a decision almost immediately. After taking Li Mazi back, I asked Yin Xinyue to get in touch with the police. I had to find out what was in that package and who it was mailed to.

After hearing what we said about the surveillance video, Yin Xinyue asked us tremblingly: "Brother Zhang, we don't care whether we can do it or not, this matter is too revealing..."

I said, "I don't want to take care of it, it's just Ruxue's yin energy entering the body. If we don't care about it, if that weird thing gets splashed, Ruxue will be the first to suffer!"

As soon as Ruxue heard that the thing might continue to cause trouble for her, no matter how heartless she was, she was still scared. She immediately begged me to help her, and her lively and cheerful look before disappeared.

Li Mazi said: "This kind of thing can't be solved easily. Maybe we will be involved in it. How about this? If you change your house, maybe that thing won't be able to find you." "

Before I could speak, Yin Xinyue immediately said: "Hey, that's right, why didn't I think of that? Just do it! Ruxue, you can stay at Li Mazi's house during these days. Li Mazi's house has a special Feng Shui arrangement. Well, ordinary monsters and ghosts really can’t get in.”

Even now, Yin Xinyue is still thinking of bringing the two of them together.

Before Ruxue expressed her opinion, Li Mazi immediately waved his hand: "No, no, I don't agree."

I know that Li Mazi felt that Chu Chu had been dead for only a month and yet he let another girl live in his home. He felt ashamed of Chu Chu.

"Tch, it seems that I like to live at your place." Ruxue was shocked by Li Mazi and said angrily: "What Feng Shui is, it's all a trick to fool children. I think you are far worse than Brother Zhang. And he looks so wretched..."

"You..." Li Mazi was so angry that he almost jumped up, but Ruxue said proudly: "What's wrong? I told you that you must be guilty, haha."

Li Mazi was so angry that he didn't know what to do, and Yin Xinyue's nose was even crooked with anger. Why was Li Mazi so confused about the style?

Forget it, I saw that it was really impossible for the two of them, so I used my eyes to signal Yin Xinyue not to waste energy on this matter. Yin Xinyue also looked helpless.

I asked Yin Xinyue to call the person in charge of the police to see if we could get the package, what was inside, and who the package was for.

Yin Xinyue talked on the phone for a while, then put down the phone and said to me: "A specialist will be here later to communicate with us and bring the contents of the package."

I frowned: "Why do we need to send a commissioner here?"

I remembered that the last time I cooperated with the police, I almost didn't become a scapegoat for the other party, but I still felt a lingering fear.

Yin Xinyue said: "There is nothing we can do. The other party has put forward conditions. You can see it if you want, but you must cooperate with the police. The police are still worried about this case."

Unfortunately, I had no choice but to admit that I was unlucky.

Soon, a middle-aged strong man came, dressed in casual clothes, but from his temperament, I could tell at a glance that he was an old police officer.

The other party introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Lin Zhongcheng, and I am the person in charge of this case from the Criminal Police Brigade. This case is very strange. I would like to hear Boss Zhang's opinion."

Although I couldn't stand their behavior of deceiving superiors and concealing subordinates, as the saying goes, you can't hit the smiley face, so I patiently analyzed it: "This case is very responsible and may involve supernatural phenomena. However, I dare not draw any conclusions. , why not take a look at the package first!"

Lin Zhongcheng immediately put down the package he brought with him and opened it for me to see.

Inside the package is a piece of clothing, but this piece of clothing is not ordinary. It looks like an ancient costume, with soft fabrics, translucent gauze, red and white, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. A light blue belt is wrapped around casually. If worn on a woman, it will definitely add a lot of beauty to her.

And judging from the fabric, it is very expensive handmade silk. In ancient times, only rich people could afford to wear it, right?

"Where did the courier get this?" I asked.

Lin Zhongcheng shook his head: "This is an old object. We asked experts to identify it. It is at least five hundred years old. We have not found out where it came from."

"Then where is this going?" I asked.

"It was delivered to the person who lived in Room 304 of this building, but the name on the delivery note was not that person's name. Even that person didn't recognize the name. After our investigation, we found that the name belonged to the person who lived in Room 304 ten years ago. The name of the owner of the room. But the person from ten years ago has moved away long ago..."

I immediately asked: "In other words, this courier is going to deliver packages to people who moved away ten years ago? Have you contacted the owner who lived here ten years ago?"

Lin Zhongcheng shook his head: "That person is an orphan. He lost contact with the orphanage ten years ago. We searched the national information database and found no information about this person."

"Tch." Li Mazi said angrily: "Didn't anyone suspect that he was missing ten years ago?"

Lin Zhongcheng said a little embarrassed: "We just learned that there is such a person, and no one came to the police station to report the crime ten years ago."

According to incomplete statistics, the number of people who mysteriously disappear in China every year is at least 700,000 to 800,000, so there is nothing to hold accountable.

"That's strange. Who sent this express? We should be able to find out, right?" I asked.

Lin Zhongcheng shook his head again: "Hey, we have considered everything you can think of. We also wanted to start with the sender, but in the end we found that the courier had been fired for a month. This express order is The courier brought it from his home.”

This is really a clueless case.

"The courier is responsible for the express delivery in this community?" I asked.

"Yes." Lin Zhongcheng said: "Mr. Zhang, what do you think of this matter?"

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