Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 206 Ming Yin

How to see it, how else to see it? I can't infer anything from just his few words. I have no choice but to take a look at the cat in the elevator tonight.

Before leaving, Lin Zhongcheng told me that if there was anything I needed the police's cooperation to do, just ask. I smiled and declined, saying that I didn't need to use police resources and that I was doing this purely to help my friends. If it can be solved, let's solve it. If it can't be solved, don't bother me anymore. We have nothing to do with each other.

Although Lin Zhongcheng was reluctant, he wanted me to sign an agreement with them. But I persisted, and Lin Zhongcheng couldn't say anything more, so he could only nod in agreement.

After seeing Lin Zhongcheng away, I took Li Mazi to prepare things for the evening.

Both Ruxue and Yin Xinyue were a little scared and did not dare to stay here alone. They wanted to go with us. I have no choice but to take them with me.

I also took the elevator down, and there was no problem at all. The elevator didn't stop on the third floor, everything was normal.

I went to buy some eels and refined salt and then came back. I have been waiting at Ruxue's residence since then.

I waited until ten o'clock in the evening, which was the time Ru Xue said the elevator would break down, and then I went out and asked Li Mazi to stay and watch Ru Xue and Yin Xinyue.

Just in case, I had them sprinkle salt on the door so some common evil thing wouldn't dare to come in again!

I came to the elevator, glanced at the small LED screen, and found that the elevator stopped on the third floor.

I knew the elevator really started to act 'abnormal'. Because when the elevator program becomes idle, the elevator stops at the bottom floor by default.

Since Ruxue said no one dared to take the elevator, no one should press the elevator button. The elevator stopped on the third floor. It must have been affected by something unclean.

I took a deep breath and pressed the elevator button. The elevator slowly rose to the tenth floor where I was.

The elevator door opened, and it was empty. There was no one inside. I walked in, and the elevator door closed slowly.

The moment the elevator door closed, I felt an inexplicable feeling of fear. The claustrophobic narrow space, the mirror-like elevator wall, and my shadow reflected in the elevator made people unconsciously get goosebumps.

Although I was scared, I still knew that I had no way out. I took out the eel, cut it in the middle, and smeared it on the smooth elevator wall.

The eel's blood belongs to Yin, so if there is an undead wandering in the elevator, it will definitely appear.

I waited patiently without pressing the elevator button. I wanted to see how the elevator would react when it was quiet.

The elevator descended slowly, all the way down from the tenth floor. Soon, the elevator stopped at the third floor. The elevator door opened, and it was empty outside.

And from beginning to end, I didn't encounter anything weird.

I had no choice but to take out another eel, cut it in the middle, smeared the eel's blood on the elevator wall, and continued to wait patiently.

The elevator door quickly closed slowly.

The moment the elevator door closed, I suddenly felt a strange evil wind blowing in from outside. The evil wind seemed to smell of blood, but the smell of blood quickly dissipated.

My whole body became tense, knowing that there must be something wrong with that evil wind, so I stared at the surroundings more carefully!

A touch of light red slowly appeared on the elevator wall opposite me.

Although the red color was very light, I was still able to capture it.

I immediately checked myself and found that there was nothing red on me. It seemed that there was something strange about the light red.

Soon, I found that the red color was actually moving, shaking slightly, and on top of the red color, another color gradually appeared, which seemed to be white.

Red and white, fluttering in the wind. I suddenly thought of the ancient clothes in the express delivery. If I guessed correctly, the 'person' I saw was probably the owner of the ancient clothes, right?

The other party didn't mean to hurt me. The elevator went down to the first floor. After the elevator door opened, the red color reflected on the elevator wall gradually floated towards the elevator door and finally disappeared.

I knew that the other party must have left the elevator, so I immediately chased him out. However, I didn't prepare any magic weapon, so I couldn't track the opponent.

Looking at the cars going by in front of me, I sighed helplessly. It seemed that tracking the other party was just a fantasy.

I reluctantly returned to the elevator and pressed the tenth floor button, ready to go back.

However, the moment the elevator door closed, a faint voice suddenly came from the elevator.

My nerves immediately became tense, and I pricked up my ears and listened carefully!

The sound was very weak, as if coming from a distance through the elevator, mixed in with the humming and frictional sound of the elevator rising. It was very weak and could not be heard clearly, but I knew that the sound was real.

I don’t know if you have ever felt like this. In an absolutely quiet state, when you are lying on the bed and sleeping, especially when you are sleeping on the school steel tube bed, you can always hear a very faint sound coming from it. came from inside the steel pipe.

This is the situation I am encountering now. We commonly call it ‘Mingyin’.

This sound was not of this world. It was easy to imagine what was coming from it.

I listened carefully to the movement and held the Sirius Whip tightly in my arms!

It seemed to be a man's voice. The man was crying and howling something. He was moaning and complaining very strongly. Listening to this voice, my heart was beating wildly.

The elevator suddenly stopped and I glanced at the floor. It was the third floor.

Outside the elevator, there was a man standing. The man smiled faintly at me, but did not come up. He just stared at the elevator motionless.

I looked at him strangely but didn't take him seriously. The elevator door slowly closed, and the strange man's voice disappeared without a trace.

Just when the elevator went up to the fourth floor, I suddenly heard a bang from the third floor, as if someone was slamming the door.

I didn't care, the elevator went all the way to the tenth floor. I went back to the room and they were watching TV.

Seeing me coming back, Yin Xinyue immediately ran up and asked me how I was doing.

I said I didn’t bring everything with me today, so I could only solve it tomorrow.

Yin Xinyue nodded.

Ruxue was a little scared and said, how about we stay in a hotel today? When you say this, I don’t dare to continue living in this community.

Li Mazi said coldly: "What are you afraid of? The more you are afraid of them, the more they will bully you."

"Of course you are not afraid anymore, after all, he is targeting me!"

"Tch, no brains." Li Mazi said impatiently: "Do you think that if we stay here, the other party will only find trouble with you?"

"Why are you like this? I don't think you understand anything. You're just pretending to be an elephant."

Li Mazi screamed in anger, saying, "Why are you so bitchy to Lu Dongbin? You don't know a good person's heart..."

The two started arguing again as they talked.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was strange that this pair of happy enemies could become a couple, so I immediately stopped the two of them.

Ruxue made Li Mazi jump up and down in anger. She seemed to have a sense of accomplishment, so she ignored Li Mazi and asked me if I encountered anything strange in the elevator this time.

So I told Ruxue exactly what happened in the elevator.

After hearing this, Ruxue was stunned for a moment: "You said that when you came up, there was someone standing at the elevator door on the third floor?"

I nodded and said yes, what's the matter?

Ruxue suddenly became nervous: "No one lives on the third floor. Since the courier died, most of the residents have moved out of the third floor. And even if there are people living on the third floor, no one dares to come out in the middle of the night, let alone He said he was standing next to the elevator..."

When Ruxue reminded me like this, my brain suddenly got bigger and I stood up immediately: "Damn it, if there's something going on, let's go to the third floor with me."

Ruxue was very scared: "We also want to go together?"

The reason why I brought Ruxue with me was because... I felt a little scared, after all, I was in a claustrophobic elevator.

With Yin Xinyue's encouragement, Ruxue finally agreed to go with us.

Nothing weird happened in the elevator this time. We went all the way to the third floor. The lights in the corridor on the third floor illuminated the corridor brightly, which made me a lot bolder.

I walked out of the elevator and was suddenly reflected by the light on the ground. I immediately looked down and found a row of footprints extending from the elevator door to one of the houses.

Ruxue recognized at a glance that this house was the room 304 where the courier boy wanted to deliver.

I became more and more convinced that something must have happened to this family!

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