Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 207 The murderous room 304

I took a deep breath and knocked gently on the door.

However, no one answered inside.

I glanced at Li Mazi, who shouted: "Delivering express delivery."

I was so frightened by Li Mazi that I broke out in a cold sweat. Even if I wanted to shout to open the door, don't use such a low excuse. Even if there was someone inside, I would be scared to death.

However, no one opened the door.

There was no other way, life was at stake, so I had no choice but to force the door open.

I reached out to twist the door handle, but unexpectedly the door opened from the inside. It seemed that someone was living there.

I breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Hello, we are from the Public Security Bureau and we have something to ask you."

However, the door only opened a crack, but did not open any further. The strange thing is that it is pitch black inside and nothing can be seen.

"Is anyone there?" I called again, but still no one answered.

I immediately asked everyone to back up, while I turned on the flashlight and carefully pushed the door open.

If there is no one inside, then the person who opened the door for me just now was...

When the door was completely pushed open, I quietly turned on the light switch behind the door.


The moment the lights were turned on, Ruxue and Yin Xinyue screamed and rushed out of the door. My legs were so frightened that I fell backwards very quickly. Fortunately, my back was against the wall, so I didn't fall down.

In front of him, stood a person.

This man's posture was very strange, as if he was performing a very difficult hip-hop dance. His feet were pointed outward at an incredible angle. His hands were also broken off. There was blood in his eye sockets and mouth, and two eyeballs were gouged out. There was a red and white cloth hanging around the neck, and the body was swinging gently, like a bell.

"It's okay, it's okay." Although I was scared, I calmed down quickly. He was just a dead body and would not hurt anyone.

I immediately ran to comfort Ruxue and Yin Xinyue. They were both frightened. They covered their eyes with their hands and squatted on the ground.

Li Mazi had already taken out his cell phone and called Lin Zhongcheng.

Seeing that both of them were frightened, I immediately led them up the stairs and downstairs, and stood under the street lamp, waiting for the police to arrive.

Soon, Lin Zhongcheng came down with his men. I asked Ruxue and Yin Xinyue to stay in the police car, and then took Lin Zhongcheng and his men upstairs.

When Lin Zhongcheng saw the strange corpse, he was also frightened. His face turned pale and his hand holding the gun was trembling.

Lin Zhongcheng told me afterwards that he had seen many more corpses, more cruel and bloody than this.

But this was the first time a corpse had died in such a weird posture. He would rather face a more bloody corpse than dare to look at this corpse again.

Even Lin Zhongcheng, the commissioner of the serious crime team, was so scared, let alone the other police officers. After all, the third floor has been cleared out, no one lives in it, and everyone knows that this place is 'haunted'.

Under my instructions, everyone quickly lowered the hanging body.

I asked Lin Zhongcheng if the deceased was the person who lived in this room.

Lin Zhongcheng looked at me inexplicably: "You don't know who he is, do you?"

I was a little confused: "Should I know?"

"Didn't you watch the elevator video?" Lin Zhongcheng asked.

My heart skipped a beat: "You mean, this is the dead courier."

Lin Zhongcheng nodded.

Damn it, I cursed in my mind, I had really seen a ghost before. When I took the elevator from upstairs to the third floor, this guy was standing at the elevator door and smiled at me.

But at that time, the courier was already dead.

The police cordoned off the home and called a medical examiner to perform an autopsy on the body.

The autopsy results came out quickly. The body's hands, feet, and eyes had all suffered devastating damage from external forces.

Lin Zhongcheng looked at the body and said: "Boss Zhang, if possible, I think this case has been solved! The deceased died of serious injuries when the elevator broke down while he was riding in the elevator."

"Then how do you explain that he was not found on the first day, but was hanged in room 304 for no apparent reason." I looked at Lin Zhongcheng.

Lin Zhongcheng smiled bitterly at me: "Sometimes, it's hard to be confused."

I know what Lin Zhongcheng means. He doesn't want to let this matter continue, otherwise it will not only have a bad impact on society, but also make him lose his reputation.

I knew that Lin Zhongcheng had done his best for this job, and there was no point in me saying more, so I simply nodded and agreed.

Of course, this is only on the surface, and I won't let it go until I find out the real reason!

The body was quickly taken away, and we, as the first witnesses at the scene, were taken to the police station and returned after recording a statement.

Ruxue was very scared and asked me what to do next? The body had obviously been missing for a long time. The police searched the third floor but could not find the body. Why did the body appear in that house?

I said: "It seems that we have to go to room 304."

"No." Ruxue and Yin Xinyue refused without hesitation: "It's too scary there, I don't dare to go."

"Li Mazi and I will go." I said, "That room is the key. I seem to have grasped some of the rules in that room."

"Oh, what's the pattern?" Li Mazi looked at me with interest.

"There are two ghosts living in that room." I said, "It's just that they are unlikely to meet each other."

"Why?" Li Mazi looked at me inexplicably.

"One leaves early and returns late, and the other leaves late and returns early. The two of them seem to have taken turns going to a certain place." I explained patiently: "It seems that we have to figure out where the other party went this time."

Li Mazi nodded thoughtfully.

"Then why do we have to go to room 304?" Ruxue asked in confusion.

"It's very simple." I said: "Because that is their starting point, and we can only track them from there."

"Can you track a ghost?" Yin Xinyue was skeptical.

"Don't worry." I turned over the ancient clothes: "Since their death is related to this ancient clothes, then when this ancient clothes appears, they will definitely be attached to the ancient clothes."

I took another look at this ancient dress. This ancient dress exuded a strong sense of simplicity from the inside out, which made people feel oppressive, as if they were standing in front of a noble lady.

For the police, the matter seemed to be over. A notice was posted in the community saying that the body of the deceased had been found under the elevator and that the elevator was malfunctioning.

An abnormal death incident was wrapped up in the gorgeous coat of science. God knows how many other abnormal death cases there are like this.

The residents on the third floor moved back one after another, and the elevator resumed normal operation. I felt a mixture of joy and sorrow.

Fortunately, the residents have moved back, and the yang energy is strong, which will somewhat curb the yin energy in room 304. The worry is, will that thing be angered by the residents' yang energy and do something excessive to the residents?

After much consideration, I finally called Lin Zhongcheng and advised him that it would be best to evacuate the residents first, and then let the residents move back after a period of time, when the place is completely calm!

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