Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 208 The female ghost in red

Lin Zhongcheng's tone was a little unhappy: "Boss Zhang, we have closed this case normally. If you make some more noise, I'm worried it will have some bad effects."

Lin Zhongcheng's words have been very clear, he just doesn't want us to continue the investigation.

Helpless, I had no choice but to agree... No matter what I said, he would not change his mind.

The night was deep and quiet. I sat on the balcony and looked at the bright lights outside.

Ruxue and Yin Xinyue were cooking dinner. Although the aroma was fragrant, I had no appetite at all. Li Mazi was also melancholy next to me, complaining from time to time and asking me why I was meddling in this woman's business.

I can only laugh at this, what can I say? Since he didn't think about it at all, it proved that Li Mazi had no intention of letting another woman occupy Chu Chu's position.

After dinner, I took them into the elevator and went all the way to the third floor.

In half an hour, it will be the time for Ruxue to get off work every day, which is also the time for the 'female ghost in red' to leave room 304.

Lin Zhongcheng gave us the key to room 304 before, but he has not taken it back, so I opened the door of room 304 with ease. After entering, everything was normal.

He turned on the light and carefully checked the corners of the room, but found nothing unusual.

There's just one thing that I can't figure out. There was a smell in the room, very much like the smell of feces. This smell permeated the entire room. I searched around, but there was no source of the smell.

The room was in order, and because the windows were open, it was covered with a thick layer of dust. I cleaned the coffee table in the hall, spread out the lady's ancient clothes, and placed it on the coffee table. In order to be discovered by the 'evil spirit', I smeared some eel blood on it.

Next, there is a long and boring wait.

Although during the day, the two women were carefree, eating and drinking when they should, and did not take this matter to heart at all, but when it came to facing each other at night, the two of them did not dare to say a word and just curled up on the sofa. , eyes fixed on the lady's ancient clothes.

The room was so quiet that you could clearly hear the sound of a pin dropping to the ground. The voices of pedestrians on the street gradually faded away, dark clouds covered the moon, and the air was slightly cool...


A gust of wind with the smell of shit suddenly blew from the direction of the kitchen, blowing the lady's ancient clothes to the ground. I stood up immediately and stared at the lady's ancient clothes cautiously. Ruxue screamed out in fright, and Yin Xinyue covered Ruxue's mouth.

I took out the Qiankun Compass and stared at the pointer on the compass.

This Qiankun Compass is an ancient object left behind by my grandfather. He told me that by stimulating it with essence and blood, the pointer on the compass can sensitively sense the direction of the ghost.

When I bit my fingertips and dripped blood on the Qiankun Compass, the compass began to rotate rapidly as if it had been blessed with powerful energy.

As the compass gradually stagnated, the tail of the pointer gradually pointed towards the lady's ancient clothes.

The undead in red clothes are indeed attached to the noble lady’s ancient clothes!

But just when I was waiting for the next move of the lady Gu Yi, the tail of the Qiankun compass started to rotate slightly again, and the direction slowly left Gu Yi, and finally pointed in the direction of Ruxue.

My heart skipped a beat, and Ruxue was so nervous that she couldn't speak. She looked at me tremblingly: "Brother-in-law, what... does this mean?"

I waved my hand and motioned Ruxue to stand aside.

Ruxue stood aside for a moment, but the Qiankun compass did not change its direction.

I breathed a sigh of relief, it meant that the other party didn't mean to hurt Ruxue.

However, I am very confused, what does this Qiankun Compass mean? I looked in the direction of the compass and found that the Qiankun compass pointed in the direction of the sofa. Behind the sofa was the refrigerator, and behind the refrigerator was the wall.

Could it be that there's something weird about the refrigerator?

I winked at Li Mazi and motioned for Li Mazi to open the refrigerator door.

Li Mazi quickly opened the refrigerator door. The refrigerator was filled with food, vegetables, quilts, meat, and drinks. There was nothing unusual about it.

So what does this Qiankun Compass mean?

While he was thinking about it, the Qiankun compass quickly changed its direction again, pointing sharply at Gu Yi.

I looked over immediately, but suddenly broke into a cold sweat. The noble lady's ancient clothes actually sat up, and the originally empty clothes suddenly became full, as if an invisible person had put the clothes on her body.

One cuff is hanging on the sofa, and the other cuff is hanging on the coffee table. It looks like he is about to stand up.

Finally, after several attempts, Gu Yi suddenly stood up. Looking at the empty cuffs and trousers, my scalp felt numb for no reason!

Although I couldn't see who was wearing ancient clothes, I could still tell that it was a young woman. She has a good figure, convex front and back, full chest, slim waist, slender legs and arms, gentle and intriguing...

Li Mazi secretly held a blue and white porcelain, ready to knock it at any time. Ruxue and Yin Xinyue were already ready to escape.

After Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, he suddenly rushed to the door and floated over, even maintaining his human form.

The door was blown open by a gust of wind, and Gu Yi ran out. Without hesitation, I shouted in a low voice: "Chase!"

After that, I immediately chased him.

Fortunately, there was no one on the third floor at this time, otherwise it would definitely scare a bunch of people.

When Gu Yi rushed to the elevator door, the elevator door opened and Gu Yi immediately walked in.

Li Mazi, a desperate person, wanted to catch up without saying a word, but was immediately stopped by me: "Do you want to be the third missing person?"

Li Mazi was furious: "This bitch is bullying others too much. If I don't teach her a lesson, I'll be damn angry."

Ever since Chu Chu died at the hands of evil spirits, Li Mazi was full of hatred for these things.

I said, "Now is not the time to get angry. Come with me."

The elevator door closed, and I took them up the stairs until they reached the first floor. The elevator happened to stop at the first floor, and the ancient clothes were still there.

I breathed a sigh of relief and observed carefully.

When Gu Yi came out, I found a figure getting into the elevator. Needless to say, it must be the ghost of the courier.

One leaves and one comes back.

I didn't have time to care about the ghost of the courier, I just followed Gu Yi closely.

Ancient clothes were "walking" on the street, and I followed closely behind.

Gu Yi walked through the streets and alleys, gradually leaving the city and choosing some dark paths.

The Qiankun Compass always pointed in the direction of Gu Yi, so I knew that the other party must be inside Gu Yi, and the Qiankun Compass wouldn't be of much use, so I simply put the Qiankun Compass away and followed Gu Yi.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yi ended up in a very remote place. It was on the edge of the suburbs and was home to many migrant workers. It was crowded, dirty and uncared for, which was in sharp contrast to the city.

What is the other person doing here?

Whenever evil things cause trouble, it's all because of obsessions in the heart. I want to see what the other person's obsessions are.

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