Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 209 Pig Pen

Unexpectedly, the other party finally came to a pig farm. The small pig pen exuded a stinking smell. I seemed to figure it out right away. The stinky smell I smelled today was the smell of pig manure.

Could it be that the other party is going into the pigsty?

Sure enough, the ancient clothes flipped into the pig pen easily. The moment the ancient clothes fell into the pig pen, the pigs immediately woke up and fled in panic, running around and bumping around, and even opened their mouths to bite the ancient clothes.

The ancient clothes were struggling hard, and in the haze, I could even hear the cry of a woman.

I was completely shocked. Even if I become an undead, I still have to suffer this kind of inhuman torture every day. What kind of obsession does this ancient clothes have to torment people like this?

Ruxue and Yin Xinyue were both frightened. They looked at the pig pen with trepidation and kept asking me what did this mean?

What's the meaning? How do I know what it means? It seems that the owner of the ancient clothes suffered inhuman abuse before his death.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A voice suddenly came from the dark night, and I was so frightened that I couldn't help but tremble all over.

I immediately turned around and took a look, and saw that the owner of the farm had come out. He was wearing a torn cotton jacket, his hair was disheveled, and his eyes were bloodshot, probably because he stayed up late.

He held a flashlight in his hand and was quite dissatisfied with our presence, even hostile.

Li Mazi quickly said: "Nothing, just passing by."

"Passing by? Passing by my pigsty in the middle of the night? I think you want to steal the pigs." The owner snorted coldly.

"Pig thieves?" I immediately shook my head: "Do you think we look like pig thieves?"

The owner of the farm sneered and said: "Knowing people but not knowing their hearts, God knows if they are just gold and jade on the outside but ruined on the inside."

After saying that, the farmer ran up and calmed the pigs.

I was worried that the farmer would be frightened by the ancient clothes inside, so I wanted to stop him, but the farmer insisted on running up. Li Mazi and I couldn't stop him at all, and he even suspected that we were just here to steal the pigs.

The farmer finally saw the ancient clothes in the pigsty, and now he was really frightened: "What the hell is going on? Why is it back?"

"Huh?" I was stunned when I heard the farmer say this last sentence. I knew that he must know about this ancient clothes, so I immediately asked: "Do you know this ancient clothes?"

"I don't know, I don't know." The farmer waved his hand without hesitation and was about to drive us out.

Damn it, it seems that there is something wrong with this farmer. I immediately stood on the spot and said coldly: "Can you hide it from living people, ghosts and gods? This is a ghost object, and we are specially here to deal with it. , if you don’t tell us the truth, you should know the consequences.”

Unexpectedly, the farmer did not listen to us. Instead, he got more serious and picked up a stick to beat us.

In the end, I was really worried that Ruxue and the others would be harmed, so I had no choice but to leave with everyone.

Ruxue looked at me in horror and asked me what I was going to do.

I sighed: "I hope he can take the initiative to contact us. I believe he will contact us. Let's go."

After saying that, I used eel blood to leave my phone number on the pig pen door.

Li Mazi asked me what this meant?

"Eel blood can attract yin, and the yin energy is very strong in his house. His house will be very lively today. I hope he will be scared and take the initiative to seek help from us!" I said.

"It's very lively now." Li Mazi said while looking at the farmer's house.

Yes, ancient clothes appeared inexplicably in the pig pen at home, and even the pigs had such strange reactions. It's strange that the farmer's house is not lively.

At this moment, the farmer is calling his family to calm the pigs. But there was a sinister thing in the pig pen, how could the pigs not be frightened, the scene was so lively...

I did not leave, but waited near the farmer's house, ready to wait for an opportunity.

Just when we were waiting for something supernatural to happen to the farmer's house, we suddenly noticed a figure shaking not far away, lingering in the corner of the farmer's house for a long time, but refusing to go in.

I whispered to Li Mazi: "Look at that guy?"

Li Mazi took a look and frowned: "Who is that person? Why does he look weird?"

"You stay here and I'll go take a look." I said to Li Mazi.

Li Mazi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

I stood up in a hurry and ran towards the figure lingering in the corner.

As I get closer, the other person becomes clearer and clearer in my sight. When I finally saw him clearly, I broke into a cold sweat.

The man's legs were stretched out, his arms were broken and twisted at incredible angles, his eyeballs were gouged out, and his tongue was severed. It looked shocking...

Isn't this the courier? Wasn't his body taken to the morgue by the police? Why are you here?

He suddenly turned his head and stared at me with his bloody eye holes. The corners of his mouth were covered in blood, and he opened and closed them, as if he was talking to me. However, his tongue was cut off and he could only utter indistinct syllables.

I immediately restrained my breath, took a deep breath and said, "If you have any resentment, just tell me!"

However, he refused to speak any more. He just limped, crawled step by step to the farmer's house, and gently knocked on the wooden door of the farmer's house.

Originally, the farmer's house was quiet, but now there was a knock on the door, and the farmer subconsciously thought it was us.

So the farmer yelled angrily: "Why don't you leave? I told you not to worry about it. If you do this again, I will call the police."

"Dad..." Unexpectedly, the courier made an unclear voice.

There was a deathly silence in the room. It took a long time before I finally heard the farmer's voice again: "My son..."

The door was opened immediately.

The courier is actually the son of the farmer? What the hell are these two people?

When the door was opened and the farmer saw the courier standing outside the door, he collapsed on the ground with an excited thud: "Son, you... you are back, finally back."

The farmer's family heard the farmer's voice and came out of the house. Seeing the uninvited guests standing at the door, they ran up like crazy and wanted to hug the courier.

Listening to their cries, I vaguely noticed that they seemed to have not seen the courier for a long time, and they did not even know that the courier standing in front of them was dead.

I immediately greeted Li Mazi: "Stop them!"

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