Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 210 Human pigs, Mrs. Qi

Li Mazi and I immediately rushed forward and stopped the farmer's family. His family misses him so much that they yell and bite us, but Li Mazi and I are still pretty strong, so it’s not a problem to stop a female prostitute.

The courier walked stiffly and limped towards the pig pen.

"Son, son, what are you doing? Look at my mother." The old woman cried so hard that she almost fainted: "Why are you stopping me? You bad guys."

"He is a dead man." I reprimanded, "Dead men have no sense."

"Fart." The old woman wailed and cursed: "My son is alive. You don't have to worry about our family's affairs, so get out of here."

"Why are you like this? We are helping you. It's okay if you don't appreciate it, but you still curse."

"What's wrong with scolding you? I just want to scold you. Let me go, son, mom is here." The old woman shouted.

Both Ruxue and Yin Xinyue turned pale with anger.

At this moment, the courier had already walked to the pig pen and was about to fall in.

Soon after, the farmer took the opportunity to rush forward, hugged the courier's body and cried loudly: "Son, you are my father's lifeblood. You cannot die. Even if you die, my father will not survive." "

As he said that, the farmer knelt down next to the pig pen and cursed: "You monster, come at me if you have any problem, let my son go! I'll fucking kill you, I'll kill you."

The courier had already taken the opportunity to climb into the pig pen, and the pigs that had originally surrounded Gu Yi all ran to the courier and began to gnaw at his body.

The body had long been stiff, but there was still thick blood splattering out. The courier did not accept the gnawing of the pigs honestly, but crawled towards the ancient clothes. Although his body was covered with blood and pig feces and urine, he still got into the ancient clothes in the end. Lying on the ground, completely motionless.

The group of pigs began to gnaw crazily. Logically speaking, pigs are all vegetarians, but at this moment they were more ferocious than the other, as ferocious as a Tibetan mastiff. They tore the corpse into pieces in just three strokes, exposing the white bones. Come on, the death is terrible.

The old woman fainted with distress, and the farmer stared at it dumbfounded for a long time. Finally, he suddenly went crazy, broke into the room, took out a butcher's knife, jumped into the pig pen and started slashing with all his strength: "I will kill you, I will kill you..."

Three or four pigs were chopped to death alive, and the pig pen was dyed red with blood. The scene was shocking.

The farmer was lying in a pool of blood, looking at the mutilated body of his son. He was filled with grief and said nothing. The scene was filled with the smell of blood and feces, which made people suffocate.

After a long time, Li Mazi put the old woman on the ground, and after confirming that she was no longer seeking death and survival, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Evil will be punished. It seems that this family has a story."

We waited until dawn, and the family woke up early and accepted the cruel fact.

After the farmer recovered, I asked him what was going on. If he could explain it clearly to us, maybe we could find a way to save his son. Otherwise, his son would probably be entangled by evil things forever and would not be able to be reincarnated.

Finally, amid the farmer's nagging, we finally figured out the situation.

The matter goes back ten years.

Ten years ago, the farmer was just a small vendor selling flowers on the street, but he already had some savings.

The farmer took over this piece of land and planned to do some farming in his spare time to supplement his family's income.

When he was digging the foundation to build a pigsty here, he actually dug the foundation of the ancient city wall underneath. The foundation was simply built with stones, and many pig bones and a small wooden box were even dug into the foundation.

They concluded that this ancient foundation must be a pigsty. However, a small wooden box was lost in the pigsty. What does it mean?

When the farmer opened the small wooden box, he found that it contained a red and white ancient clothes.

There is no doubt that the ancient clothes they saw were the ancient clothes we have now.

However, when the ancient clothes were found, there seemed to be blood stains on them. The old woman used a lot of detergent to clean off the blood stains.

They realized that the ancient clothes must be an antique and very valuable. But they didn't dare to sell it because they heard that everything dug out of the ground belonged to the country.

At that time, their son was in charge of network operations at a courier company, so the farmer asked his son to secretly auction the ancient clothes on the Internet.

Their son soon found a buyer, who seemed to be the mistress kept by a certain coal mining company owner. The mistress heard that ancient clothes could attract the opposite sex, so he bought it.

But in the end, fate played a trick. Because of this business, the courier actually got close to the girl, and the two secretly had an underground relationship. Later, the girl even became pregnant.

The girl began to stalk him, asking him to raise money to save her from the coal mine boss. However, the coal mine boss is very powerful in this city, and it is not something he can handle.

In the end, the courier was so anxious that he became murderous. He hung the woman in the room and secretly transported her out.

He thought he had done all this quietly and no one would notice, but after a few days, he realized that things were not that simple.

At first, the courier often heard someone knocking on the door, but when he ran out to look, he found nothing. Moreover, in broad daylight, he often smelled various stinky smells coming from the room.

Later, the courier even dreamed that the mistress was hanging on the beam of his house with a pale face, floating in the wind, wearing this red and white ancient clothes. This frightened the courier, and he realized that the mistress had come back for revenge. He was in a state of confusion all day long, begging his parents to look for him everywhere to save his life.

Finally, a very powerful Feng Shui master came. The Feng Shui master took one look and said that his family's Feng Shui had violated a taboo. This was a place cursed by the ancestors, unless they moved.

This was the farmer's family's savings for decades, so they were naturally unhappy and begged the Feng Shui master. The Feng Shui master finally told them helplessly that by helping them, he was changing their fate against the will of heaven. Even if they didn't retaliate today, the cause and effect would befall them one day in the future.

At that time, they didn't think much about it. As long as they could save their son's life, they didn't care about anything else.

The Feng Shui master instructed them to build a pigsty on the ancient foundation and raise a few sows to suppress the evil spirits underground, so that they could force the other party out.

Unexpectedly, this was really effective. The pig pen they built on the foundation that day worked. That night, the pigs ran around like crazy and the sound of women crying could be heard.

However, according to Mr. Feng Shui's wishes, they did not dare to go out at all. After dawn, the noise finally stopped, and they went out to take a look.

Seeing this, they were all dumbfounded. There was only one ancient garment left in the pigsty. There were blood stains on the ancient garment, and even damaged human flesh. Looking at several pigs, they were all well fed. One pig The pig also held a human ear in its mouth.

They knew that it must have been last night when the corpse of the mistress came to their door and was eaten up by pigs.

They were all afraid, worried that the female ghost's ghost was still alive. However, since then, their home has been strangely quiet, and they have not been harassed by female ghosts anymore.

The whole family breathed a sigh of relief, and life returned to calm.

However, this peace did not last long. A year later, strange things began to happen again in the family.

Farmers often hear people crying in the middle of the night, and the pigs in the pig pens are also irritable and restless, roaring and bumping.

The farmer went out to see him and almost scared him to death. The courier actually wore ancient clothes and stood dancing in the pigsty. The babbling cry was made by the courier.

No matter how much the farmer burned incense and kowtowed, and used various methods to wake up his son, it was of no avail. He had no choice but to find a Feng Shui master again.

But when they found Mr. Feng Shui, he had died a few days ago. Before leaving, he asked his apprentice to tell the farmer something: "Everything in the world has a cause and effect. Whatever cause you sow, you will get what you want."

There is no doubt that the fruit has come out now, even more ferociously than they thought. Not only did Mr. Feng Shui die, but the courier also mysteriously disappeared with the ancient clothes after a few days of trouble.

This disappearance lasted nine full years. In the past nine years, the farmer never gave up looking for his son, but he seemed to have evaporated out of thin air and disappeared.

The pig pen has never been peaceful. Every night, the pigs will make a lot of noise. In the past nine years, the farmer has never had a quiet day.

Just a few days ago, the pigs suddenly became very noisy. Now it seems that it must be a series of supernatural events caused by the reappearance of the son, right?

I took a deep breath. I didn't expect that this piece of ancient clothing could hide such a tragic murder.

There are so many murders in the world every day. If every soul who died unjustly could come back for revenge, the world would be in chaos.

I inferred that the reason why the deceased soul of the mistress was able to come back for revenge was probably because of the ancient clothes. After all, ancient clothes are yin objects. No matter which yin object's owner, the soul of the yin object will be affected by the yin object after death.

Xiaosan must have relied on the influence of Yin objects on her wronged soul to make her wronged soul linger and seek revenge.

What is the mystery of this evil thing?

Later, I checked on the Internet and finally found a historical figure who could match this ancient costume.

This ancient garment, based on its style and texture, dates from the late Qin and early Han dynasties. At the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the death of a big shot coincided with the death of a courier.

This person is Mrs. Qi!

After Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty and became emperor, he doted on the young and beautiful Madam Qi very much. He almost deposed the crown prince and wanted to make Madam Qi's son the future emperor.

This made Liu Bang's wife Lu Fei quite dissatisfied.

So after Liu Bang's death, in order to avenge Madam Qi, Lu Pheasant cut off Madam Qi's hands and feet, gouged out her eyes, deafened her ears, cut off her tongue, threw her into a pig pen, and ate with the pigs. Live, turning a generation of beauties into 'human pigs'.

There is no doubt that the ancient pigsty at the farmer's house is the pigsty where Mrs. Qi was imprisoned. Mrs. Qi died soon after being tortured like this. After Mrs. Qi's death, her followers buried the pigsty. Mrs. Qi's bones were long gone, so they could only bury Mrs. Qi's ancient clothes under the pigsty and build a tomb.

Time flies, and more than a thousand years have passed. Mrs. Qi, who had suffered all kinds of torture during her lifetime, was naturally unwilling to accept it. The ghost of her grievances was attached to the ancient clothes. To this day, she has repeated the same mistakes she made back then...

It is said that after Lu Zhi made Mrs. Qi into a human pig, in order to strengthen his management of the royal family, he actually called the young prince to watch. As a result, the young prince became delirious from then on, and passed away at the age of twenty-four. Some people said that he was entangled by Mrs. Qi.

Cause and effect, cause and effect, whatever the cause is sown, the result will be!

Even if it takes thousands of years, you can't escape.

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