Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 211 Strange Smoking Gun

Since that time, no similar supernatural events have happened in Ruxue's community, and Ruxue is extremely grateful to me.

The only regret is that Ru Xue and Li Mazi were not matched.

I originally thought that their romantic relationship would end here, but one day Yin Xinyue suddenly told me that Li Mazi and Ruxue were entangled again.

I was very confused, how could the two of them get together because they always quarreled when they met?

Immediately he asked Yin Xinyue what was going on, but Yin Xinyue smiled and said you can see for yourself later, Li Mazi is coming soon.

As expected, it didn't take long for Li Mazi to arrive, with Ruxue following behind him. Ruxue was holding a small notebook and pen in her hand. She seemed to be memorizing something and almost bumped her head against the door frame.

Yin Xinyue and I looked at each other and smiled. These two people are indeed worthy of each other.

Li Mazi said angrily: "Yin Xinyue, can you get this person away from me? Are you tired of me? You act like a follower all day long, and you can't even go to the toilet peacefully. What the hell is this? .”

Yin Xinyue smiled and said nothing, just looked at Ruxue and said, "Ruxue, how is your script going?"

"Oh, I'm still a little bit uncomfortable. By the way, Xiao Mazi, you said you planted so many peach trees for Chu Chu, would Chu Chu know?"

"How do I know if she knows? Is it interesting for you to follow me all day long and ask about this and that? I'm not an encyclopedia. Sooner or later I will be annoyed to death by you. Yin Xinyue, hurry up and blow her away. Let’s go.” Li Mazi said with a sad face.

Only then did I understand that after hearing about Li Mazi’s love story, Ruxue admired the love between the two of them. It just so happened that Ruxue was currently writing a script about "The Love between Humans and Ghosts", so she pestered Li Mazi every day. Looking for inspiration, Li Mazi was almost furious, but he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Seeing Li Mazi's furious rage and Ruxue's seriousness, I suddenly felt that the two of them were in trouble again. Isn't this a typical happy enemy?

Just as we were enjoying this "fun", the door of the antique shop was suddenly pushed open, and a skinny and listless man walked in.

The first impression he gave me was not that he was thin, but that he had a strong smell of cigarette smoke all over his body.

His eye sockets were sunken and his teeth were yellow. I looked at his fingertips specifically and found that there was a little gray in the yellow. It seemed that he was a heavy smoker.

All of us fell silent and stared at him with burning eyes: "Is something wrong?"

"Who is the boss?" he asked, his voice a little weak.

"That's me," I said.

"Oh." He looked up at me and smiled awkwardly: "'s okay, I looked in the wrong place."

After saying that, he ran out of the store in a panic.

I looked at his back inexplicably, a little strange.

There's nothing wrong with this guy, right? My antique shop is in the most remote part of this street, how could I find it in the wrong place.

We ignored him, just bought some cooked food, had a simple meal with everyone, and then sent Yin Xinyue and others away one by one.

I was about to put away the dishes when the door of the antique store was pushed open again. I immediately looked over and found that it was the big smoker again!

"Hello, boss." He looked around with a stern look, and after confirming that no one was around, he greeted me in a low voice.

I frowned: "What do you want from me?"

"I just want to ask, do you collect antiques here?" said the big smoker.

Naturally, I don’t accept ordinary antiques. What I collect are all feminine objects. I am not good at general antiques and they are not easy to handle. Besides, the money I make is incomparable to those of feminine objects.

"Then what antiques should we look at?" I said.

He said cautiously: "This is my treasure!"

"Oh, really?" I became interested: "Can I take it out and have a look?"

"Well... forget it, I'll think about it some more." He sighed, then turned around and walked out of the store again.

Looking at his leaving figure, I was speechless for a while. Is this man fucking sick? Why come to me if you don't want to deal with it?

I ignored him and continued to open the door and do business.

Unexpectedly, just after opening the next night, this guy came again. This time there was something more on his back. It was an old rag bag, which should contain the treasure he talked about.

"Come again?" I glanced at him angrily: "What do you want from me today?"

"You specialize in collecting shady things here. I know that. You don't have to hide it from me." He said.

I was a little speechless. I opened the door to do business openly. Even if I was dealing in illicit goods, I still belonged to the three religions and never hid anything from anyone. Why did he become so prejudiced when he came to his mouth?

"If you have something to say, just say it. If nothing happens, leave." I waved my hand angrily.

"Oh, I just want to ask you, how much is something like that worth?" the smoker asked.

"Then it depends on what it is." I said, "Can gold and scrap metal have the same price?"

"Then look at how much this thing of mine is worth?" He suddenly carried the baggage and went straight into the back room without any courtesy at all.

I shook my head and smiled bitterly, thinking that if this guy showed me a piece of junk, I would definitely beat him up.

The big smoker held the rag bundle tightly in his arms and glanced furtively towards my room: "Is there no one else here?"

Seeing how cautious he was, I became curious as to what was in that baggage.

So I said there was no one.

He nodded, then placed the bundle on the table and gently opened it. The careful scene was like stripping off a grown-up girl's clothes, and his hands trembled because of nervousness.

I don’t know how valuable the things inside are. They were wrapped in three layers inside and three outside. In the end, the true face of Lushan was finally revealed.

That was actually an old-fashioned smoking gun!

My first impression was that this bong was huge, surprisingly big. The pipe is two or three times the size of a normal pipe, and the stem is also very long. There is a small pouch on it for holding tobacco leaves.

The surface of the bong is a little reflective and golden. I don’t know if it is gold-plated. It is carved with fine patterns. If you look closely, you will find that these patterns are carved lifelike. It should be a relatively precious antique.

I subconsciously stretched out my hand to touch it, but the big smoker immediately opened my hand, and then quickly picked up the smoker again and hugged it in my arms. I felt that the smoker was closer than his own father.

I glared at him angrily: "Are you going to sell it or not?"

"You don't have to touch it when selling it. What should I do if it gets damaged?"

I was so angry and funny, what happened? This pipe is not your wife. What's wrong with touching it?

"Just give me a price, how much it is." The big smoker said.

"I don't know." I said, "I haven't seen it clearly yet. How can I make a price?"

Looking at his ragged clothes, sallow complexion, and smoking with this old pipe, he must be very poor. If I can open a few thousand yuan, he must be very happy.

I saw at first glance that this bong was an antique, and judging from the exquisite patterns carved on it, it should have been used by the royal family and could be sold for about 100,000 yuan.

However, this is just the price of an ordinary antique. If the old smoker is really a fetish object as he said, the price will naturally be different.

"Forget it, I'd better think about it again." After he finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

I was very angry, but there was nothing I could do. I could only read the Tao Te Ching once to force myself to calm down. As usual, I sat on the deck chair, looked at the stars and waited for business to come to my door.

It's a pity that we still haven't made a single business deal today. I'm not surprised. How can there be so many evil things in the world waiting for you to deal with?

A few days later, I forgot all about the big smoker, but unexpectedly he came to visit me again.

When I saw him this time, I felt angry for no reason. I waved my hand and said, "What are you doing here again? I won't accept your stuff, no matter how cheap it is."

He quickly said: "Boss, don't be angry, I'm not here to sell pipes this time."

Only then did I realize that he really didn't bring his cigarette.

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm just here to ask you something." He said: "Tell me, can ghosts smoke? How can I make ghosts smoke?"

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