Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 212 The ghost gives money

Dry! I'm sure this guy is making a fool of me.

What kind of questions are you asking? Can ghosts still smoke? You're smoking your uncle's cigarettes.

I shook my head immediately: "I don't know, I'm just an antique dealer. You asked the wrong person."

"Boss, why are you so unkind? I know everything about you, and there is nothing to hide. Just tell me clearly whether you can smoke it. I ask for nothing, don't you bring money with you?"

After saying that, the big smoker actually took out a bunch of bills from his pocket, a bunch of five and ten yuan, which added up to only one or two hundred yuan at most.

I was amused by this guy: "I said I don't know, so just stop harassing me, okay? Otherwise, I'll have you kicked out."

"You tell me and I'll leave." The big smoker even played tricks on me and sat down next to me.

I was speechless for a while, and finally I had no choice but to tell him: "If you want a ghost to smoke, you have to let the ghost die because of the cigarette pole. For example, the Chinese who smoked opium during the Opium War ended up dying on the cigarette pole." , turned into a ghost after death, and will not stop smoking. He will continue to look for opium everywhere. Are you satisfied now? If you are satisfied, get out of here."

He chuckled, threw the change in his hand on the table and left in a hurry.

I was sending the beggar away, so I yelled at him: "Take the money away!"

But the big smoker has gone far.

Looking at the money on the table, I couldn't help but cry. This man is really interesting.

But I never expected that my casual joke would cause endless trouble.

That was a month later, and this time I completely forgot about the big smoker.

One day a month later, when I opened the door for business again, a figure suddenly flashed outside the antique store. The figure huddled in the corner and did not come in at all.

So I asked him in confusion, who are you? Can I help you?

As soon as the other person spoke, I could tell he was a big smoker: "I'm here to thank you today."

"Thank me?" I looked at him inexplicably: "Why are you thanking me?"

"It's nothing, I just came to thank you. I will ask my son to send you the money tomorrow."

After saying that, the big smoker left. I don't know if it was because of my dazzling eyes, but I found that the other person's walking posture was a bit strange, as if he was floating out, and when he passed the threshold, he didn't even lift his feet.

I felt confused, what does this mean? Crossed the threshold?

I didn't dare to think about it anymore, so I quickly chased him out to see what happened.

But on Antique Street, there were only dim street lamps, which slightly illuminated the road. The cool breeze blew and the smoker's shadow disappeared.

It's really strange, can he walk so fast?

I subconsciously realized that something was wrong with this guy. When I came to my senses, I realized that I had goosebumps. I could only shiver for a moment, shake off the goosebumps on my body, and hurried back to the antique store.

I felt uncomfortable the whole night. I knew I was shocked by the big smoker, so I had to recite the Tao Te Ching silently in my mind.

By about three or four o'clock in the morning, I didn't see any business coming to my door, and I was still feeling panicked, so I simply closed the door and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I was woken up again by a knock on the door. I can't help but feel angry in my heart. Generally, people who know my work and rest time will not knock on the door to disturb me during the day. Who the hell doesn't have a good eye?

At first I decided to ignore it, but the knocking on the door kept coming.

Helpless, I had to get up from the bed with difficulty and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a young man who looked unconventional at first glance. He had cockscomb hair and was dyed green. His clothes had several holes in them. I don’t know if they were the latest style or something.

This guy seemed to have stayed up late, his panda eyes were obvious, his face was a little dirty, and he hadn't washed his face in an unknown amount of time.

"Who are you?" I asked angrily.

"Are you the boss?" Non-mainstream looked me up and down and asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Here you go." He lazily grabbed a lot of change from his pocket, stuffed it into my hand, and turned around to leave.

I immediately became angry and grabbed him: "What are you doing, who are you? You are sending a beggar."

"I'm warning you, don't pull my clothes." He said angrily: "My father asked me to give you money. If you don't want to, just throw it into the trash can and don't mess with me. I still have to go to the Internet cafe to play "Heroes" Alliance."

After saying that, he broke away from my hand and left angrily.

I suddenly remembered Big Smoker. Big Smoker told me last night that he would ask his son to give me money today. If nothing else happens, the guy in front of me should be Big Smoker's son, right?

I was confused, why did he give me the money? It's not like he owes me any money.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so I put the large pile of money in the book.

I don't like to owe favors. I owe money because the consequences are unpredictable. In order to avoid any bad consequences, I absolutely cannot ask for this money. It would be best if I could pay it back.

I have been living a peaceful life these days, and the only adjustment should be the heavy smoker and his son, right?

Li Mazi and Ruxue often got together during these days. Li Mazi was still pestered to death all day long, and Ruxue still followed Li Mazi seriously, just like a follower.

Sometimes when he is really annoyed, Li Mazi will come to me to complain and drink. Every time he drinks until he is unconscious. And Ruxue took on the responsibility of taking care of Li Mazi. I noticed that Ruxue seemed to be a little in love with Li Mazi...

Li Mazi was drinking at my house that day, and Ruxue was by the side, pestering me to tell me about the years of selling illicit goods. I was recalling it with Li Mazi while drinking. Recalling Chu Chu and the old witch doctor, Li Mazi became sad again, crying while holding the wine bottle, and drank heavily.

Ruxue comforted Li Mazi on the side, saying that people cannot be resurrected after death. If Chu Chuquan knew better, he would definitely not want to see you like this.

Just when Li Mazi was feeling sad, a person suddenly stumbled in at the door. The man had a sallow face and thin muscles, red and swollen eyes, a cockscomb head, and a haggard look. A strong smell of smoke came from him, making him cough like snow.

I stood up immediately and stared at him carefully.

Isn't this the son of a big smoker, non-mainstream? He looked much thinner than before, as dry as firewood. What impressed me most was that when he came last time, there was no smoky smell on his body. I don’t know what happened this time, but it smelled all over his body. Smelling that disgusting smell of smoke.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for someone who has not been a smoker for ten or twenty years to have this kind of smoke smell on his body. How could he have such a strong smell of smoke on his body within a month?

"Why are you here again?" I asked impatiently.

"Boss, let me ask you something." Non-mainstream looked at me tremblingly, and his eyes fell on Li Mazi and Ruxue involuntarily: "Is it convenient for us to go inside and talk?"

I saw that this young man seemed to really have something to do, so I nodded and took him into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, he immediately said: "Boss, let me ask you, can ghosts smoke?"

I was immediately stunned. This sentence was very familiar. I seemed to have heard it somewhere. My brain was spinning rapidly, and I quickly remembered that the big smoker came to me before and asked the same question.

This father and son really are a father and son warrior.

So I asked, "Yes, what's wrong?"

As soon as I finished speaking, he immediately squatted on the ground: "It's over, it's over, boss, do you know? I hit a ghost."

"Did you hit a ghost?" Ruxue opened the bedroom door. It turned out that she had been eavesdropping outside. "What ghost did you hit? Tell me quickly."

The non-mainstream person looked at Ruxue nervously: "Who is this?"

I immediately waved my hand: "It's okay, just say it."

He was still very cautious and refused to say anything. In the end, Ruxue was pushed into a panic and lied that he was my assistant and came to advise me.

Ruxue and Li Mazi really look like a couple. When Li Mazi encountered similar situations before, he often claimed to be my assistant.

"That's it." The non-mainstream finally spoke: "My father sneaks back every night to smoke. He smokes so fiercely that I am smelled by him. I have to take a shower three times a day. Don’t fall off.”

I couldn't help but laugh: "Isn't it because your father smokes? You should go to a drug rehabilitation center for this kind of thing."

"Don't make fun of me, boss. My father is dead. How can people in a drug rehabilitation center control ghosts?" the non-mainstream said in a dumbfounded voice.

"What?" I was stunned for a while: "You said your father is dead? When did it happen?"

"It must have been more than a month," he said.

impossible! My first reaction was that it was absolutely impossible. I saw the big smoker a few days ago. The big smoker came to thank me and even promised to send his son to give me money. How could he have been dead for more than a month?

Under my repeated questioning, the non-mainstream still insisted that his father had been dead for more than a month. I was immediately dumbfounded. There was no need for the non-mainstream to lie. So, the big smoker I saw a few days ago was a real ghost?

What bad luck!

But, even though he was dead, why did he come to thank me and give me money? I know there must be a story in this, but I am not prepared to care about it. It is better not to know about this kind of thing.

So I said: "Your father is dead, you can burn more paper money for him! It's also best to burn the pipe together, so that he won't come back to smoke again."

The non-mainstream man knelt down to me with a grunt: "Boss Zhang, you must save me, you can't just sit back and do nothing! My dad comes back to smoke in the middle of the night every day, and it's not because of you? You can't just send me away with just one word. ”

I was very angry, why did this become my responsibility again? Is this person trying to keep me company? I immediately said that if you have anything to do with me, if you act recklessly again, I will call the police.

Those who are not mainstream still refuse to leave. They stay in my house and refuse to leave.

It’s really a damn ‘tiger father has no dog son’. At first, his dead father stayed in my house and refused to leave, but now he is my son.

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