Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 213 Smoke Addict

I was very angry. I took out my phone and was about to call the police, but Ruxue snatched the phone back and scolded me seriously: "No, no, no, how can you ignore death? My father's Death has something to do with you. Li Mazi often tells me about cause and effect. If you kill someone, this is the cause. If it is not resolved properly, you will always carry this cause. The longer the time, the greater the cause. The bad consequences will gradually come to fruition, and you will definitely die by then."

I rolled my eyes at Ruxue, this man just stood and talked without pain in his back. How could I not know what was going on in her mind? I just want to open my eyes, see my process of dealing with vaginal objects, and find inspiration for writing scripts.

Just for a script, she pushed me into the fire pit. I am really convinced by this woman.

"Yes, yes, this sister is right." The non-mainstream nodded repeatedly.

"Go away, who are you calling sister? How old are you, little kid?" Ruxue scolded.

"Sister, sister, I listen to you. I will listen to you in everything. You must help me."

"Okay, I'm not the kind of hard-hearted person. It's not my style of doing things without saving anything. Even if I die in this matter, I will have no regrets. I'm not like some people who appear to be tall and majestic and just. The messenger is actually more vicious than anyone else..."

Where the hell is this, how could I turn into a vicious person in the blink of an eye?

Ruxue is a sweet-tempered person and is extremely curious. If I don't care about this matter, she will definitely get involved and get into trouble. I also expected her to cheer up Li Mazi.

So in the end, I could only reluctantly agree: "Okay, I promise you. But after the matter is completed, according to the rules, the pipe will be given to me."

This non-mainstream person didn't know the goods at all and didn't know the value of the smoking gun. He nodded without hesitation and said: "Okay, okay, I'll give you the big smoking gun for free."

I nodded: "Okay, let's go! Let's go see your house."

Li Mazi cried and became drunk in the store. He dragged me and refused to let me go, insisting on drinking with him. I was worried about Li Mazi, so I asked Ruxue to stay and take care of Li Mazi.

Although Ruxue really wanted to go and experience things with me, she still cared about Li Mazi. After a little hesitation, she finally agreed to stay.

I got into the car with Non-Mainstream and asked him to tell me the cause of his father's death in detail.

So he started talking to me.

The old smoker has had the habit of smoking since he was a child. He has been smoking for more than 60 years. Because of his long-term smoking, the smell of cigarette smoke on his body is very strong, which has even caused a series of lung diseases. His wife also left him because of smoking.

The old smoker has no legitimate job, so he earns a little money by beating others' hands on weekdays. Most of the money he earns is spent on tobacco leaves.

Non-mainstream people say that in fact, the old smoker did not smoke so hard at first, almost one pack a day. But later, in order to save money, I started to use the ancestral pipe and bought tobacco leaves to smoke.

However, since then, the old smoker seems to have been cursed. He never leaves his hand with his cigarette every day. He basically doesn’t go out. He can skip meals but can’t quit smoking. Therefore, instead of saving money, he has lost everything. All the money from odd jobs is wasted on this.

Because he smokes, he has no money to send non-mainstream students to school. In addition, non-mainstream students are influenced by their father, so they have to hang out in school every day. I simply dropped out of school and later hung out with a gang of gangsters, collecting protection fees during the day and hanging out in Internet cafes at night.

He rarely goes home, maybe once a week.

When he came home that day, he found that the door to his house was closed and the lights in the room were turned off. He felt strange because this was the time when his father smoked most heavily. Why didn't he smoke today?

And when he entered the living room, he realized something was wrong. The room was filled with the smell of cigarette smoke, and there was even a strong burnt smell, accompanied by a stinky smell.

He was startled and immediately began to search for the source of the strange smell, and soon discovered that it came from his father's bedroom.

When he finally opened the door to his father's bedroom, he was stunned by what he saw.

On the recliner in the bedroom, there was a black 'person' with a burnt body. The reason why he judged it was a person was because the 'person' could barely make out his hands and feet.

His body was covered with rats and snakes, and his facial features were bitten to pieces, exposing the bright red flesh inside. The corpse water flowed along the recliner and onto the floor, soaking the floor.

Even though he had died, he still held the big smoking gun in his hand. Green smoke rose from the big smoking gun. The fire in his body was ignited by the sparks in the smoking gun.

Fortunately, the fire was not big. It only scorched the outer layer of skin and did not burn it to ashes.

Non-mainstream is extremely sad, after all, he is his only relative in this world. The non-mainstream man had no money, so he buried his father hastily, found a Taoist priest to pray for him, and even buried his father with a big smoking gun.

The non-mainstream was very sad and settled in the old house. He was very upset. If he had been at home, his father would not have been burned alive by the smoke.

But something happened that night.

The non-mainstream person was sleeping in the bedroom, but suddenly he smelled the smell of cigarette smoke, and the smell was very fresh.

It feels strange to be outside the mainstream. Since my father died, the smell of cigarette smoke in the room has dissipated. So what is going on with this smoke smell that appears for no reason?

In the end, he got up from the bed and ran out sneakily to take a look. Unexpectedly, he really saw the problem after taking a look like this.

In the room, a familiar large smoking gun was quietly placed on the recliner, with green smoke rising from it and surrounding it. There seemed to be a person sitting on the recliner, shaking slightly.

The non-mainstream was immediately frightened. He had already buried this pipe in his father's grave. How could it appear here again? He immediately realized that his father might be back.

Although he has feelings for his father, he is still very scared when he learns that his father's ghost has returned. He quickly went to burn incense and kowtow to his father under the portrait. As the smoke from the big pipe went out, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had seen his father off.

But in the middle of the night, he suddenly had a strange dream. He dreamed of his father. His whole body was scorched black. While smoking, he told the non-mainstream to come to my antique shop and give me 150 yuan. He put the money in a locked drawer. Here, he said this was a reward for me.

After the non-mainstream woke up, they didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just a dream.

But in the end, he curiously pried open his father's locked drawer. A look at it almost scared him away. There was a lot of change in the drawer. He counted it, and it happened to be one hundred and fifty. piece. He knew that his father had really appeared last night, and he did not dare to neglect his father's request, so he immediately sent the money to his father.

However, the situation did not get better. Almost every night, Non-mainstream would be woken up by the smell of smoke. When he woke up, he would see the smoke from the big smoking gun and the recliner shaking gently, as if his father was still lying on the recliner smoking. Similar.

Although he buried the smoking gun in his father's grave several times during this period, the big smoking gun would come back on its own every time.

During this period, his father also gave him several dreams. I told him in the dream that I was the one who said that you can only continue smoking if you die because of the cigarette stick and become a ghost.

That's why non-mainstream people say that my father's death has something to do with me.

Because he often passively smokes 'second-hand smoke' at night, he now has a craving for cigarettes. He couldn't control himself several times and secretly smoked with a pipe.

Because of smoking, his body weakened rapidly, and now he has become skinny, sallow and thin, looking more and more like his father.

He was very scared, fearing that he would end up like his father. So even though he gradually became addicted, he always chose to restrain himself. To this day, he feels that he really can't restrain himself. As long as he doesn't smoke for a while, he feels uncomfortable.

After saying that, Non-Mainstream took out a cigarette, lit it with trembling hands, and started smoking with great enjoyment.

I pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and said, "You are still smoking. You dare to smoke even though you know it will kill people!"

His face instantly turned pale, and his body was shaking violently: "I...I really can't control myself, I really can't control it."

"Just bear with me." I said angrily: "A manly man, if you don't have any self-control, how can you get married and start a business in the future?"

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