Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 214 Tianling Formation

In fact, I feel very sorry for the non-mainstream. He grew up in such an environment since he was a child. Now his only relative has passed away. He doesn't even know what the world of normal people is like? His worldview was completely distorted, and no one led him to the right path. I couldn't help but want to teach him a political lesson to normalize his distorted worldview.

The non-mainstream person's whole body twitched, yawned continuously, and his nose and tears flowed down one after another: "I can't control myself, it's really uncomfortable..."

I was shocked to see his uncomfortable look. Was he addicted to cigarettes? This is simply a drug addict.

I asked him to restrain himself again and again, but in the end he really couldn't restrain himself and tried his best to grab the cigarette, and even wanted to attack me. I had no choice but to throw the cigarette to him and let him get addicted to it.

After smoking a few cigarettes, he finally came to his senses, slumped in the passenger seat while puffing away a puff of smoke, and looked out the window with blurred eyes.

Finally, the car stopped in front of the non-mainstream house.

This is a very bad residential building, very remote, it must be a few years old, there is even a big hole in the wall, and it may collapse at any time.

Even this dilapidated building does not belong to his family, it is rented, and the rent is already in arrears for several months.

Fortunately, the landlord felt sorry for him and did not press for rent.

It’s really hard to imagine how poor this family must be.

There should be no property here, and the corridors are not cleaned. There is a mess everywhere, garbage is everywhere, and there is even feces in the corners.

If the non-mainstream hadn't brought me here, I would have even doubted whether this abandoned building was a ghost building because no one lived there.

On the third floor, I saw a non-mainstream home.

There were plastic bags of instant noodles and fast food boxes everywhere, all moldy and smelly, with no place to put your feet in them.

Non-mainstream asked me to wait at the door while he quickly tidied up the room, flushed the feces and urine in the toilet, took out the plastic bag, and used a mop to clear a clean path before letting me in.

I said: "Take me to your father's room to see!"

The non-mainstream nodded immediately and opened the smoker's room.

As soon as the room was opened, there was a pungent smell of smoke. Even though the big smoker has been dead for some time, the smell of smoke in the room still hasn't dissipated.

The furnishings of the room are very simple, including a recliner, a shabby bed, and a bedside table. The bedside table is covered with traces of cigarette burns, and there are still cigarette ashes scattered in the corners.

In short, from every corner, you can tell that this is the home of a top smoker.

The recliner was partially burned and turned into black coke, and there was even some sticky stuff on it.

Needless to say, those sticky things must be traces of corpse oil soaking into the coke.

Non-mainstream people asked me: "Boss Zhang, do you see anything?"

I shook my head: "I can't tell for the time being, but I'm afraid we have to talk to your father tonight."

"Ah?" The non-mainstream people were so frightened by my words that they couldn't help but tremble all over: "Talk, how to talk?"

"Just asking what's going on." I looked up and down at the non-mainstream: "To be fair, what is your status in your father's heart?"

The non-mainstream thought for a while: "Maybe he is his only relative. Even though he usually ignores me, he actually cares about me very much. He always asks me to come back to eat whatever he has to eat, and he doesn't want to part with it himself. Eat. And he never allowed me to smoke when he was alive, for fear that my life would be as useless as his..."

"That's right." I said: "As the saying goes, a tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds! Even if he turns into a ghost and loses his mind, his original intention of loving you will not change. He will never hurt you, let alone You will not be allowed to smoke.”

The non-mainstream person immediately asked: "Then why did I become addicted to cigarettes? If I were a normal person, no matter how many cigarettes I smoked, I wouldn't be able to become so addicted within a month."

"So, this matter involves evil spirits." I sighed: "Your father was influenced by the smoking gun. I even suspect that he had no sense at all when he turned into a ghost. Even I can’t even recognize you, that’s why I did such a thing.”

The non-mainstream nodded immediately: "That's definitely the case."

I said: "Well, when your father came back to smoke, he should have brought back the spirit of the weapon in the big bong, that is, the undead attached to the bong. When your father had enough of smoking, he actually let the bong go. The weapon spirit inside is overly addicted to smoking, and if you interrupt it midway, it may anger the weapon spirit. Tonight, I will arrange a formation to try to restore your father's sanity without affecting the weapon spirit!"

Non-mainstream immediately said yes, everything will be subject to your orders, boss.

So I took Non-mainstream to the vegetable market and bought some things I would use in the evening.

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people, and food is a necessary thing related to life, old age, illness and death. Because they have been in contact with various foods for a long time, our ancestors gradually discovered that certain foods themselves have the effect of suppressing evil and expelling yin. Therefore, in the past, using food to deal with demons and ghosts accounted for almost half of all Taoist methods.

What I am going to set up today is a more traditional formation, using mostly ingredients. This is what brings the non-mainstream to the vegetable market.

I bought a big rooster, a cow tongue, some carrots, and some lime.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

After I went back, I asked the non-mainstream to drain the blood from the big rooster, and then stewed the big rooster and carrots together, while I sprinkled lime all over the lounge chair and his father's room.

Non-mainstream was very strange why I asked him to cook carrots and rooster. At first he even thought that I was preparing dinner with soy sauce and condiments.

I immediately stopped the non-mainstream and asked him to only put refined salt in it and nothing else.

Non-mainstream people inexplicably say what kind of flavor this can have? I warned him not to eat chicken. If he eats chicken, I'm afraid he will be in big trouble tonight.

Soon, Non-Mainstream cooked a whole chicken, so I asked him to separate the meat and bones. Throw all the meat into the trash can, leaving only the chicken butt, carrots and chicken bones.

The non-mainstream people were even more surprised, but they didn't say any more nonsense and did as I said.

Soon, the chicken bones were separated. According to the memory in my mind, I scattered the chicken bones and sliced ​​carrots in the room, forming a large array of heavenly spirits!

The eye of this Tianling Formation is the piece of cooked chicken butt. Without activating the eye, the Heavenly Spirit Formation will not cause harm to the spirit body.

The purpose of this formation is to allow the non-mainstream to activate the formation to protect themselves and expel the evil spirits when they cannot control themselves. God knows how powerful the evil spirit in this pipe is?

Everything is ready, the next step is to wait patiently.

The clock is ticking, and I can even feel my heartbeat beating with the clock.

Non-mainstream was so nervous that he held the chicken butt in his hand and sat at the door of his father's bedroom. He looked at the lime under his feet from time to time. If a ghost appeared, the first sign would be the lime under his feet.

Snap, snap!

Not long after, there was a crisp sound of footsteps outside the door, and finally stopped at the door.

The non-mainstream and I immediately became nervous. How is this going? It stands to reason that a silent ghost like this would generally not deliberately make footsteps.

So I asked the non-mainstream person softly: "When your father came back a few days ago, were there any footsteps like this?"

The non-mainstream person immediately shook his head: "No... not the slightest movement."

My heart sank immediately. There were no footsteps a few days ago, but today there were footsteps. What does this mean? Could it be that the other party has noticed what we have done, and this is his deliberate action.

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