Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 215 The man with braids

While I was thinking about it, there was a loud knock on the door.

My nerves immediately became tense. I took out the cow tongue from my pocket, wiped it on my eyes quickly, and stared at the door.

Part of the cow's tear glands is on the tongue. It is said that cow's tears can open the human's yin and yang eyes, so when I wiped the cow's tear glands on my eyes, it actually left cow's tears. In this way, I can see the spirit body, and I will be prepared.

The other party knocked on the door several times, but we didn't open the door. The knock on the door stopped, and then the footsteps sounded again, walking in another direction.

What's the meaning? Could it be that the other party sensed my Heavenly Spirit Formation and was afraid? It shouldn't be. Before this formation is activated, there is no energy fluctuation, and the other party cannot sense it.

"Is someone looking for you?" I looked at the non-mainstream channel.

The non-mainstream person shook his head: "No, no one knows I live here."

That would be strange.


Just when I was puzzled, the non-mainstream couldn't help but scream. Fortunately, he covered his mouth in time, and the scream was short, so he probably wasn't noticed.

What's wrong? I immediately looked at him, but he was staring at the ground with a horrified look. I quickly lowered my head and found two rows of footprints scattered on the quicklime, appearing little by little! The footprints appeared very slowly, but it could be seen that they were walking in the direction of the smoker's bedroom.

I was certain in my mind that it was indeed the evil spirit on the smoking pole that came back with the smoking man.

I immediately shook my head at the non-mainstream and told him not to speak and to pay attention to what was going on.

Maybe I applied too little cow tears, so I didn’t see the spirit body directly, but my eyes felt a little sore.

But now I couldn't care less about the sore eyes, I was thinking about the strange footsteps all the time. Now the footsteps are still ringing in the corridor. I can almost conclude that the footsteps are not those of the smoker. After all, the smoker and the evil spirits in the pipe have already entered.

Are those footsteps human? If someone suddenly breaks in at this moment, it will be troublesome. I stared at the door nervously, praying that the other party would never come in.

The footprints walked all the way to the recliner, and then they finally stopped. Then, I saw the recliner begin to sway slightly, and on the lime sprinkled on the recliner, a human figure slowly appeared: lying down. posture.

I immediately nodded to the non-mainstream, indicating that the non-mainstream could take action, and I used my cow tongue to squeeze my eyes as hard as I could.

Soon, I felt that my eyes were sore, and it took a lot of effort to even open them.

Finally, he reluctantly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the lounge chair without hesitation!

Lying on the recliner was a very blurry figure. It was better to say it was a blurry black shadow than a human figure. The black shadow was leaning against the big smoking gun, puffing hard. Unexpectedly, the big smoking gun started to raise smoke, and all of it was sucked up by the black shadow.

And next to the black shadow, there was another black shadow. If your guess is correct, this should be the weapon spirit in the smoke gun, right? This black figure was smaller and more blurry than the figure on the couch. I could barely make out that there seemed to be a long braid on the other person's head... the same braid that men wore during the Manchu Dynasty.

This pipe comes from the Qing Dynasty?

The shadow did not smoke directly from the gun, but continued to smoke the spirit of the big smoker. As the smoker's spirit body was sucked away bit by bit, its appearance became increasingly blurry.

No wonder! I suddenly realized that the pipe was indeed a dangerous thing. It could absorb spirits directly. This was quite terrifying... just like a person cannibalizing another person.

The non-mainstream man grunted and knelt in front of the recliner: "Father, I was unfilial and failed to honor you properly during my lifetime. I know I was wrong. I will definitely burn a lot of paper money for you in the future. I will definitely listen to you. You will Stop harassing me."

The big smoker's spirit was stunned for a moment, moved the pipe away, and began to look at the non-mainstream inexplicably.

He probably didn't realize that the non-mainstream person was his son, so he didn't move for a long time, just watching in stunned silence.

"It's me, Chen Changsheng, I'm your son." Non-mainstream kept reminding him.

"Son... son?" The smoker repeated these words vaguely, as if he didn't realize what a son was.

Chen Changsheng immediately moved the big smoker as I told him, and told me some memories that the two of them shared. Although those memories were very few, they were nothing more than going to an amusement park once and eating at two buffets. The focus was on the details... …

Under the influence of Chen Changsheng's emotions, the big smoker finally regained some sense and said in an excited tone: "Son, I am your father, I am your father..."

Fortunately, the plan went smoothly. I immediately nodded to Chen Changsheng, indicating that he could proceed with the next step.

Chen Changsheng immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Father, you can go on your journey in peace, I will burn paper money for you. I am still young and I don't want to learn to smoke. You come back every day and you are harming me."

The big smoker immediately became excited: "Save me, my son, save me..."

Sure enough, there is a secret.

But just as the big smoker said this, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a figure broke in.

I really wanted to curse at that time. If I came in at this time, I would kill someone. If I alerted the evil spirits, I would push Chen Changsheng into the fire pit.

The person who pushed in the door was Ruxue. Ruxue saw me and smiled at me: "Finally I found you."

I ignored Li Ruxue and quickly looked in the direction of Chen Changsheng.

As expected, the other party was enraged. The dark figure with the Qing Dynasty pigtails actually wanted to force his way into Chen Changsheng's body.

Damn it, I had no choice but to fight with the opponent. I immediately yelled at Chen Changsheng: "Start the formation quickly!"

Chen Changsheng was so frightened that he immediately slammed the chicken's butt to the ground.

The moment the chicken butt fell to the ground, the formation was activated, and all the chicken bones trembled. A rooster crowed immediately, and a beam of light invisible to the naked eye instantly enveloped Chen Changsheng.

The black shadow that was about to penetrate Chen Changsheng's body was instantly ejected far away by the beam of light from Chen Changsheng's body and disappeared.

Chen Changsheng ran to me in panic and asked me tremblingly: "Boss, how did the matter go?"

"Not very good." I looked at Ruxue coldly: "What are you doing here? You are full."

Ruxue glared at me dissatisfied: "Did I miss something?"

I gritted my teeth angrily: "You still have the heart to watch the fun? Do you know that you almost killed us just now?"

"Really?" Ruxue was even more surprised: "So, a ghost did come just now."

My face turned red with anger. The point I made was whether there was a ghost or not? I suddenly felt a little sympathy for Li Mazi.

Chen Changsheng also said angrily: "Sister, what are you doing here? Do you know? That ghost almost jumped on me just now. Fortunately, I activated the formation in time."

Ruxue said: "You know nothing, didn't you already tell me that I am Boss Zhang's assistant? Since I am an assistant, I naturally have to help with the cooking at any time."

Chen Changsheng also saw that Ruxue was bragging, so he simply ignored Ruxue and asked me, what should I do now?

I said depressedly: "I'm afraid things are not optimistic. If we use this formation to force the other party away, the other party may be hostile to us. If we want to deal with it in the future, it will be troublesome."

Chen Changsheng also shook his head in pain and smiled bitterly: "Then what should we do?"

I said: "We can only take one step at a time. Tomorrow night, we will adapt to the situation! I will leave first and think of a countermeasure on the way."

After saying that, I took Ruxue and left. Before leaving, I asked Chen Changsheng to tidy up the house. I really can't bear to see it in such a mess.

On the way, Ruxue asked me excitedly what I was going to do next. Why not open an altar to kill demons and eliminate demons? Does my family have ancestral Taoist robes and peach wood swords? Do you want her to take a set of photos of Taoist priests for me and publish them in Film and Television Weekly for free?

What she said gave me a headache, so I turned up the speaker as loud as possible.

After I got back, I lay on the bed and fell asleep. Unexpectedly, early the next morning, I was awakened by a rapid ringing of my cell phone.

I picked up the phone in a daze, and after just one glance, I woke up.

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