Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 216 Beautiful Police Officer

It turned out to be a call from 110!

Damn it, why are you calling 110?

Could it be that Li Mazi was so stuffed last night that he went drinking crazy on the street?

I immediately answered the call, and the operator's voice came from the other side of the phone: "Hello, are you Mr. Zhang? Do you know a person named Chen Changsheng?"

"Chen Changsheng? We know him. What's wrong?" I breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it's not Li Mazi.

"It's like this. There's something going on here with Chen Changsheng. Please help deal with it," the other party said.

"what's up?"

"I couldn't tell you on the phone, so you might as well come over." After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

I hurriedly got dressed and hurried to the police station.

At the police station, I met Chen Changsheng. Chen Changsheng, with a bruised nose and swollen face, huddled in the corner, motionless. After seeing me, he immediately looked at me asking for help: "Boss, help, help."

I immediately became angry: "What's going on at your police station? It's illegal to use lynching."

"What's illegal?" The beautiful police officer next to him also got angry: "He was teasing women and he was beaten."

I looked at Chen Changsheng with a depressed expression: "Are you teasing a decent woman?"

Chen Changsheng immediately shouted that he was wronged: "I don't even know what happened. While I was sleeping, I dreamed that I ran out and touched people uncontrollably. When I woke up, I was at the police station... "

I looked at Chen Changsheng with a depressed look on his face: "I understand! Officer, you see he is still underage. Can he be educated before he can go out?"

"Take it back." The beautiful police officer said, "Such a scumbag is lucky if he was not beaten to death."

So I immediately took Chen Changsheng out of the police station.

Chen Changsheng looked at me with a depressed look on his face: "Boss Zhang, I really didn't mean to do this. I feel like that thing is starting to cling to me..."

I said: "Stop talking nonsense, what is going on? Please tell me carefully."

"Well, there's actually nothing to say. I was sleeping at the time, and I dreamed that I was naked and running onto the street. I didn't feel ashamed at all. I also thought it was quite poetic and picturesque. Seeing the street I was jealous of the couple I was sleeping with, so I touched them uncontrollably, and then I was beaten. When I woke up, I showed up at the police station."

"Huh?" I had a headache when I heard it. Running naked on the street, I still thought it was quite poetic. What was in this guy's mind?

I looked at him extremely depressed: "Did you feel anything special?"

"Something special?" Chen Changsheng thought about it carefully and said, "What can be special about it? By the way, I suddenly remembered something. I was in a daze at the time, and suddenly I felt like I had been slapped in the face. , this slap made me terrified, and then I woke up.”

"I guess the one who hit me was the policewoman."

"You were afraid of the policewoman, so you woke up? According to what you said, it was actually the evil spirit that was afraid of the policewoman, so it took the initiative to leave your body." I thought.

"But now that I think about it, I don't think there's anything scary about that policewoman. She's even a little pretty." Chen Changsheng said.

I smiled faintly: "Everything in the world is interdependent. I think we have finally found the nemesis of that evil spirit this time! Come, come back with me."

With that said, I immediately turned around and walked towards the police station.

Chen Changsheng asked nervously: "Why are you going back? Aren't you afraid that the policewoman will arrest me again?"

I said: "Your wealth and life are all on her. If you don't find her to understand the situation, I can't solve that smoking gun."

Chen Changsheng had no choice but to go back with me.

We returned to the police station again, and the female police officer was surprised and asked us why we came back?

I smiled and said I wanted to report the crime.

"What case are you reporting?" the policewoman asked impatiently.

"My brother was beaten and I want to report it," I said.

"He deserves it." The policewoman said coldly: "Who told him to be a bitch and harass others?"

"But the other party has no right to hit my brother. It is against the law to hit my brother." I said, "And I suspect that he was not hit by the victim, but by someone with ulterior motives to avenge public and private revenge."

According to what Chen Changsheng said before, there was no doubt that the one who beat him was the policewoman in front of him.

When I said this, the female police officer became really nervous: "You can't file a case against him. Even if you file a case, he will be held responsible for sexual harassment. You'd better think it through before doing it."

I smiled and said, "We don't have to report the crime, but can you do me a small favor?"

"What are you doing?" the policewoman breathed a sigh of relief and looked at us.

"I want to know your birth date and your name." I said.

There must be a reason why the evil spirit in the smoker is afraid of the policewoman, so I want to find out what the reason is!

"No way." The policewoman suddenly became furious: "Why are you asking these questions?"

"I'll tell you the truth." Although I knew that the policewoman probably wouldn't believe it, I still decided to give it a try: "My little brother is caught in dirty things. But when you hit my little brother, The evil spirit was actually scared away by you. So I think you are the nemesis of that evil spirit, and I want to figure out why the evil spirit is afraid of you, so that I can prescribe the right medicine to help my little brother."

Sure enough, when I said this, the policewoman laughed instantly: "You really spend a lot of money to pick up girls. You can make up such a story."

I said helplessly: "Then I have no choice but to report the case. In fact, telling us your birth date is nothing to lose for you. If you are willing, I can even help you calculate a divination."

The policewoman finally became impatient and said, "You are so nagging, you can help me if you want, unless you come up with evidence!"

I'm helpless, where the hell am I going to give you any evidence? I can't catch a ghost for you on the spot.

In the end, I could only say: "Okay! Go to his house tonight. There is a ready-made ghost in his house, and I can prove it to you."

The policewoman thought for a moment and finally nodded resolutely: "Well, if you can prove that what you are telling the truth, I can introduce you to an additional business."

I smiled bitterly and said: "Business or not, let's talk about it later. To be honest, I'm a little tired of dealing with supernatural events now, and I've been wanting to stop for a while."

The policewoman couldn't help but laugh: "You're bragging, you're telling the truth."

Before leaving, she gave me a business card and said she would call me after get off work. I nodded and left with Chen Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng was actually quite worried, asking whether the policewoman was teasing us. She was a police officer. Would the police believe in ghosts and monsters?

I thought about it for a while and realized that the policewoman didn't seem to be joking. She probably really wanted something from me. Forget it, thinking so much now is a waste of time, let’s wait until tonight!

After I went back, I kept thinking, what on earth is the other party afraid of about the policewoman?

Although the policewoman is a police officer and has a royal aura, she can only scare ordinary ghosts. Like that braided ghost from the Qing Dynasty, it was obvious that he was not afraid of a little royal aura.

There must be other reasons why it is afraid of the policewoman. Maybe there is something the policewoman carries that can restrain it.

Or maybe the ancestor of the policewoman was the enemy of the evil spirit in the cigarette pole!

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