Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 217: Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan

After staying up until 7:30 in the evening, the policewoman finally called us. After asking for our detailed address, she immediately took a taxi and rushed over.

While waiting, Li Mazi also came. Needless to say, Ruxue's follower also came.

So I told Li Mazi the whole story. Li Mazi pondered for a moment, and finally asked me who the owner of the big smoking gun was. Could it be a famous person who died of smoke in ancient times?

I said I didn't know, but the possibility was unlikely. After all, people who died from smoking were usually in a state of excitement when they died, and there was no pain. Naturally, they couldn't be said to have turned into ghosts.

Li Mazi nodded in agreement.

Not long after, the female police officer also arrived. She walked into Chen Changsheng's home holding her nose and said that the government had long demolished this residential building. How come there were still people living here?

Chen Changsheng immediately said nervously that although this building is a bit old, it is still very strong and there is no problem for people to live in it.

The policewoman rolled her eyes at Chen Changsheng and said, "Why are you nervous? I'm not from the demolition team, so I will kick you out."

After saying that, the policewoman looked at me and asked me when I would let her see ghosts.

So I said, "I have to figure out now, what exactly is that ghost afraid of you? Are you wearing some ancient antiques, or are your ancestors a famous figure in history?"

The policewoman thought for a moment, and finally took off a jade pendant from her neck and handed it to me and said, "This jade pendant was handed down from my ancestors and has been passed down for dozens of generations. Do you know what it is?"

I carefully held the jade pendant in my hands and turned it over and over to observe it. The jade pendant is carved from fine Hetian jade with fine craftsmanship. It is engraved with several large coiled snakes, dancing on the clouds, as if they are alive.

Judging from the smoothness of the rubbing on it and the smell it contains, this jade pendant should be quite old. There is even a little red mixed in the jade pendant. The red is looming, and from a certain angle, it looks like a drop of blood.

"Hey." At this time, Chen Changsheng suddenly exclaimed: "How come the patterns on this are becoming more familiar to me the more I look at them?"

I explained: "This big snake pattern was a status symbol in the Qing Dynasty! The emperor and the prince represented the real dragon, so their yellow robes and all royal objects were engraved with dragons. And the ministers below, You can use a legless snake as a symbol. I think this jade pendant should belong to a minister in the Qing Dynasty."

"Chen Changsheng, you said this pattern is very familiar. Does your smoking gun also have such a pattern?" I asked.

Chen Changsheng nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, I remembered that my big smoking gun also has such a pattern!"

The pipe is made of wood and brass. The material is much softer than Hetian jade, so the patterns on it have become blurred after hundreds of years of friction. So when I first looked at it, I wasn't sure that the vague pattern was a legless snake.

However, Chen Changsheng suddenly said that the pattern of the legless snake was very familiar. In addition, the legless snake could only be used by ministers of the Qing Dynasty. I immediately guessed that this jade pendant and the smoking gun should belong to the same era.

And their master must be a mortal enemy, so the ghost on the smoking gun is afraid of the jade pendant.

The policewoman suddenly sighed and said: "I didn't realize that you still have some sense. Yes, my ancestor was indeed a minister of the Qing Palace."

"Which one is it?" I asked hurriedly.

The policewoman was a little reluctant to say it, but hesitantly said: "You just need to know that he is one of the top ministers in the Qing Palace! His story has been made into many TV series, no less than a hundred, and there are many in history. A huge impact.”

Seeing that she refused to tell me, I knew there must be something fishy going on, so I kept asking.

In the end, the policewoman was really annoyed and could only relent and said, "It's He Shen."

"He Shen?" I was speechless for a moment. This corrupt official was indeed well-known, and he was also a well-known minister. The policewoman refused to talk about He Shen before. She probably felt that this ancestor had embarrassed her and was in the dark, right?

"I know." Ruxue suddenly shouted: "I probably know who the owner of this big smoking gun is."

"Ji Xiaolan." Ruxue and I said almost in unison.

That's right, the owner of that big smoking gun is definitely Ji Xiaolan.

As we all know, Ji Xiaolan had a nickname, Ji Da Yandai, and was a famous cultural figure in the Qing Dynasty. The "Sikuquanshu" compiled by him had a huge influence on later generations, and he was also a good and honest official in history.

He liked to smoke during his lifetime, and he smoked very fiercely. His big smoking gun was a gift from the emperor.

It is said that one time when Ji Xiaolan was going to court, he got addicted to cigarettes and started smoking in the Qianqing Palace. While smoking, the emperor went to court. In order to avoid being discovered by the emperor, he simply stuffed the big smoking gun into his sleeve.

Unexpectedly, the smoking gun actually set Ji Xiaolan's clothes on fire, burning his arms into a mess, and he was unable to go to court for two whole months.

Ji Xiaolan also has a mortal enemy, He Shen. One is a corrupt official and the other is an upright official. The two of them have been going back and forth and fighting openly and secretly for decades.

However, He Shen was a first-grade official at that time, while Ji Xiaolan was only a third-grade civil servant, so they were not at the same level. Although Ji Xiaolan is not in the same league as He Shen, but if he goes against He Shen, then he is working with his head in his waistband! It's strange that Ji Xiaolan isn't afraid of He Shen.

After figuring out the ins and outs, a plan quietly took shape in my mind. I smiled and said to the policewoman: "It seems I have to borrow your jade pendant today."

The policewoman was very happy: "As long as it doesn't break, you can use it as you like. But if I don't see ghosts tonight, you will be dead!"

I smiled slightly: "Don't worry! I guarantee that you will see a real ghost, but you must do as I say tonight, otherwise you may be in danger."

The policewoman nodded: "Okay, it's up to you."

After discussing it, I asked the policewoman, Li Mazi and Ruxue to wait in the living room, while Chen Changsheng and I stayed in the bedroom.

Chen Changsheng asked me tremblingly, "Don't we need to prepare the spirit-removing formation today?" Could he be in danger?

I smiled and told him to rest assured that everything was ready today, all he needed was the east wind.

All problems will be solved tonight!

We waited in the bedroom, and when the pedestrians on the street gradually became fewer and the lights dimmed, I asked Chen Changsheng to lie on the recliner, lit the big smoking gun, and ordered him to smoke fiercely.

Chen Changsheng was very worried, saying that he did not dare to smoke with a big pipe, as it would definitely attract the evil spirits in the pipe.

I said impatiently: "If you don't draw out the evil spirit, how can you solve it? Anyway, if you want to solve this matter smoothly, you'd better do as I tell you."

In desperation, Chen Changsheng had no choice but to pick up the smoking gun tremblingly.

This big smoking gun is indeed addictive. At first, Chen Changsheng was still timid and did not dare to smoke hard for fear of provoking the thing.

However, as the craving for cigarettes gradually increased, Chen Changsheng couldn't care too much about it, and smoked one after another, very fiercely. Judging from his yawning and ecstatic appearance, he looked like a drug addict.

While twitching, Chen Changsheng suddenly began to twitch all over his body, and his hands and feet were shaking violently.

I immediately shook Chen Changsheng's body: "Chen Changsheng, wake up, wake up!"

Chen Changsheng did not wake up, but instead seemed to be getting more and more serious. In the end, not only did his whole body twitch, his muscles even began to stiffen. His legs were straight, his eyelids were rolled up, and strange gurgling sounds kept coming from his throat.

I stopped calling Chen Changsheng, I knew that thing had already rushed into Chen Changsheng's body.

I quietly put on my cow's tears and glanced around secretly. For some reason, Chen Changsheng's father did not come today. I felt worried in my heart. Could it be that its soul had been sucked away?

While he was thinking about it, Chen Changsheng suddenly stopped twitching, and quickly filled a handful of tobacco leaves with his pipe. After lighting it, he took a comfortable puff.

And this puff was really powerful, and I continued to suck it for a long time!

Chen Changsheng's face turned blue due to suffocation. Seeing that he was about to suffocate to death, he took a long breath.

Coming, I took a deep breath, took two steps back, and stared at Chen Changsheng to see what Chen Changsheng wanted to do.

Chen Changsheng took several deep puffs of cigarette and swallowed it all without spitting it out. Every bite almost suffocated him to death, and every time he could barely hold on anymore, he would slow down a little.

And as the Yin Spirit was twisting and turning, Chen Changsheng's pupils gradually dilated, and I seemed to be able to vaguely see a trace of black mist appearing on his forehead.

He looked like he was close to death.

It seems that the Yin spirit wants Chen Changsheng's life. After all, Chen Changsheng has angered him and he will not give up until he dies.

I immediately shouted towards the living room: "Come here!"

The policewoman hurried in immediately. When she saw Chen Changsheng's appearance, no matter how strong his mental quality was, she couldn't hold it anymore and couldn't help but scream: "What's going on? This kid What's wrong."

When Chen Changsheng saw the policewoman, his eyes immediately showed a hint of fear, and the hand holding the pipe couldn't help but tremble.

Taking advantage of Yin Ling's fear, Chen Changsheng regained some sense: "Brother Zhang, save me!"

I immediately nodded to Chen Changsheng and told him not to be afraid.

Chen Changsheng only recovered for a moment before his mind was controlled by the evil spirit again, and he continued to smoke heavily.

I held the Sirius Whip and stood aside while the policewoman put the jade pendant in her hand into Chen Changsheng's mouth.

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