Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 218 Natural enemies

The evil spirit seemed to know the policewoman's purpose, and actually gritted his teeth to prevent the policewoman from stuffing the jade pendant into Chen Changsheng's mouth.

Chen Changsheng's eyes were red, he was holding on to the big smoking gun tightly, and closed his mouth so tightly that the policewoman couldn't stuff it in at all.

Maybe it was because the policewoman was frightened by Chen Changsheng's ghostly appearance. Her arms were shaking so much that her jade pendant fell to the ground several times.

I yelled at the policewoman: "What are you afraid of? He should be afraid of you! Open his mouth and stuff it in."

The policewoman looked at me with pleading eyes and said with a cry: "I...I don't dare."

At this time, the bedroom door was pushed open suddenly, and Li Mazi barged in fiercely: "You bastard, I'm giving you face, right? I'm going to kill you."

After saying that, Li Mazi grabbed Chen Changsheng's chin and pinched Chen Changsheng's mouth open.

The evil spirit was afraid of the policewoman, but not Li Mazi, so Chen Changsheng grabbed the big smoking gun and threw it at Li Mazi.

Moreover, Chen Changsheng was very strong, and he actually smashed Li Mazi's forehead open, causing blood to flow profusely.

The policewoman was so frightened that she just stared at the other party in shock. After a long time, Li Mazi yelled impatiently: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and stuff it in."

Only then did the policewoman react and stuff the jade pendant into Chen Changsheng's mouth.

Chen Changsheng let out a scream, his whole body twitched and fell to the ground, and the big smoking gun fell out of his hand.

I immediately told the policewoman: "Go to the door and guard, Li Mazi, get out quickly."

I have a Heavenly Wolf Whip to protect my body, and the policewoman is a descendant of Heshen, which has a natural deterrent effect on evil spirits. Both of us can protect ourselves. But Li Mazi couldn't do it, so I let Li Mazi escape.

Li Mazi nodded and rushed out without hesitation, while the policewoman stood at the door, holding the door with both hands.

A gust of evil wind blew out of Chen Changsheng's body, and the temperature of the room instantly dropped a lot. Where the wind stopped, a thin black shadow was curled up in the corner, looking like it was trying to escape.

"Bold evil spirit, you are at the end of your rope, why don't you just surrender quickly?" The Sirius Whip whipped the air, making a loud sonic boom. And the spirit of justice on it also burst out fiercely, charging hard at the evil spirit.

The evil spirit was struck by this energy of justice, and seemed to have suffered intense pain. He was enraged and pounced on me fiercely.

Looking at the skinny and charred black figure all over my body, I felt a little scared. However, I couldn't give up resistance because of fear. On the contrary, I became more and more courageous as I fought. The Sirius Whip fell one after another, making the opponent unable to get close.

The other party knew that there was no way to escape from me, so he had to change direction and rush towards the policewoman.

The policewoman was scared. Because of the influence of the jade pendant, she should be able to see the evil spirit. When she saw the ghost that was burned to charcoal, the female ghost screamed in fear and turned around to escape.

However, Li Mazi seemed to have guessed that the policewoman was going to escape, so he simply stood behind her.

When the policewoman turned around, Li Mazi hugged her and forced her to stand at the door.

I couldn't laugh or cry immediately. I'm so brave to be a policeman. How dare I do that? So I yelled angrily: "If you don't want to die, just guard the door for me, otherwise I can't guarantee that he won't cause trouble for you after he escapes..."

I was purely trying to scare the policewoman. Then the evil spirit had not had time to hide from the policewoman, so how could it take the initiative to cause trouble for the policewoman?

After being yelled at by me, the policewoman really calmed down a lot and screamed at the top of her lungs: "Ah, get out, get out of here."

The more fierce the policewoman was, the more scared the other party was, so the charred black figure immediately began to retreat, and finally huddled in the corner again.

I said coldly: "Now I will give you a way to survive. If you stick to the pipe obediently and never harm others in the future, I promise to keep your soul intact. Otherwise, I will beat you to pieces. If you agree, I will Nod."

The other party was already cornered, so when I yelled like this, the other party nodded immediately.

I breathed a sigh of relief: "Where is the ghost of Chen Changsheng's father? Where did he go? Why didn't he come with me?"


The evil spirit didn't speak. I could just sense his consciousness. He was communicating with me using his consciousness.

It seems that its nature is still gentle, otherwise I shouldn't be able to scare it with my Sirius whip, right?

"Okay, you can go in." I waved my hand.

The evil spirit, like a general amnesty, got into the smoker without hesitation and made no movement.

The policewoman asked me in a trembling voice, "Are you okay?" As soon as I nodded, she suddenly squatted on the ground like a deflated rubber ball: "Oh my God, what the hell, there really are ghosts in this world."

I chuckled and said, "You are a beautiful policewoman. How can a policewoman be afraid of ghosts?"

The policewoman was still in great shock and had no energy to pay attention to my cynicism: "Then...then how can can I be a criminal police officer in the future? Most of the cases I deal with are homicide cases."

I consoled you, "It doesn't matter. You are a people's policeman who represents justice. You have a royal aura. Ordinary monsters and ghosts really don't dare to get close to you."

The policewoman did not relax at all because of my comfort. She still looked at the big smoking gun nervously.

"Jade pendant... I don't want the jade pendant anymore." The policewoman was helped to the sofa by Li Mazi. She was still as soft as a cooked noodle: "I'll sell it to you."

"Oh why?"

"There is a ghost in the smoking gun, and there must be a ghost in the jade pendant." The policewoman said, "I don't want to deal with ghosts every day."

I was overjoyed. These two yin objects were natural enemies. If I could possess these two yin objects, it would be of great help to me in the future. Let's not talk about the big ones. If anyone dares to provoke me in the future, he can directly use the smoking gun to pester him, and then use the jade pendant to solve the problem after having enough fun... Not to mention revenge, he can also make a lot of money.

Of course, I’m afraid I will never put this evil idea into reality in my lifetime. I'm not that kind of despicable person. I think Li Mazi is more likely to use it.

I put the jade pendant and the bong together to ensure that the bong won't cause trouble.

After all, this jade pendant is an antique from the Qing Dynasty and has a certain value, so I asked the policewoman to give me a price.

The policewoman didn't seem to value money very much, and said casually: "You do me a favor, and I will give you this jade pendant for free!"

It seems that the policewoman was not joking with me before. She came here tonight just to test me and see if I am really capable.

I shook my head and said we would talk about it later, I wanted to take a break.

Chen Changsheng also woke up quickly. It seemed that he still remembered the incident when he was knocked out. After he woke up, he started yelling. I comforted him for a long time before he finally calmed down.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to ask me if I had rescued his father?

I smiled and nodded and said, don't worry, the matter has been solved perfectly, your father has passed away and been reincarnated, and he was relieved.

On the way back, Li Mazi happily asked me how much these two things were worth.

I said it was worth at least several million, right? Li Mazi was immediately overjoyed, lit a cigarette, and said leisurely and contentedly: "It seems it's time for me to go out. If I don't make money, I'm a beast."

As soon as Li Mazi took out his cigarette, Ruxue snatched the cigarette away from him: "No smoking is allowed in the future."

Li Mazi looked at Ruxue angrily: "Why are you not allowed to smoke? Who do you think you are?"

"Humph, if you're not allowed to smoke, you're not allowed to smoke."

"Give me a reason."

"A man who smokes is an irresponsible man." Ruxue said angrily.

Ruxue’s words made me deeply moved. Yes, a man who smokes has no responsibility?

Smoking is not only irresponsible to oneself, but also irresponsible to relatives and friends, and ultimately harms both others and oneself.

Li Mazi was speechless by Ru Xue's truth, and finally threw the cigarette case out of the window: "Damn it, I won't smoke anymore."

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