Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 219: Haunted by Hundreds of Ghosts

Afterwards, the smoking gun sold for one million.

The other party was quite rich, and after trying the unparalleled pleasure that the smoking gun brought him, he became addicted to the smoking gun.

I didn't sell him a piece of the jade pendant. When the smoking gun appears again, it should be the time when he quits smoking, right?

After this incident, my life got back on track. I still sat idle in an antique shop every day waiting for business. I said I was waiting for business, but it was better to say that I was used to it. I was used to enjoying the silence and elegance late at night. On the contrary, it was not I hope some business will come to me.

Those who are content are always happy. They are not hungry, do not suffer from hunger and cold, and can be accompanied by beautiful women. I already feel very content...

One day about a week later, Li Mazi came to my shop as usual, carrying braised pork and a pot of old wine. Although the weather is gradually getting warmer, Li Mazi is still used to boiling wine, so the coal stove in my shop keeps burning.

While drinking, Li Mazi suddenly looked up at me with a serious expression: "Brother Zhang, what does Ruxue do?"

I was surprised. Li Mazi never seemed to care about Ruxue. What happened today? Maybe he fell in love with her and decided to get to know her better.

I laughed. I never thought that this pair of happy enemies could really get together.

So I briefly introduced Ruxue's situation to Li Mazi.

Li Mazi nodded thoughtfully, his eyes a little distracted and distracted. I immediately asked Li Mazi what was going on. Did he fall in love with another girl?

Li Mazi was shocked and repeatedly waved his hands to tell me not to talk nonsense.

Nonsense? Looking at his guilty look, I knew that Li Mazi must be interested in Ruxue.

While they were chatting, a woman's voice suddenly sounded at the door: "Boss Zhang, are you there?"

The voice became more and more familiar.

I quickly looked towards the door and found out that it was the beautiful policewoman Fengshen Nana, a descendant of Heshen.

Because she is a Manchu, her name is Fengshen.

I almost forgot about her, and I haven’t contacted her during this period of time. I thought that in this life, we were like two parallel lines that would never intersect.

"Yes, I'm here." I nodded and looked at her strangely: "Why are you here?"

"Why, I can't come?" Feng Shen Nana smiled coquettishly, walked up to me without any politeness, and sat directly next to me: "I have such a leisurely life in this little life, just drinking and eating."

Her strange voice made me feel uncomfortable, so I asked her impatiently if she wanted to see me for anything.

She smiled and said: "Have you forgotten? Didn't we agree last time that I would give you the jade pendant and you would help me handle something? How about it? It's almost time to rest now."

I had a headache, and it looked like I had to start working again.

I had no choice but to put down my glass and said, "Go ahead! Let me see what the situation is first and then decide whether to help you or not."

"That's it." Fengshen Nana said: "I have an uncle who may have committed evil, so I want to ask you to go and have a look."

I shook my head: "Sorry, I really can't handle this kind of thing."

"Why?" She looked at me dissatisfied: "You have received the reward, and now you are talking like this. Believe it or not, I will arrest you and accuse you of engaging in feudal superstition."

"It's useless for you to threaten me." I said, "Did he commit evil acts because of some evil spirit? If there is no evil spirit and he simply commits evil acts, I'm afraid I can't do anything about it. You know, I'm just a human being. He is a trader of yin objects, and he is proficient in subduing yin objects."

Fengshen Nana said: "I don't know if it's a sinister thing, but I think you'd better come with me and have a look! If not, just leave it alone."

I sighed, knowing that it wouldn't be good to ignore this kind of thing.

After all, I have already taken her jade pendant, and I have to agree even if it means a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

In desperation, I could only nod my head and said, "Okay, I'll try my best!"

Fengshen Nana smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely thank you greatly when the job is done."

"Go now." After drinking two ounces of wine, I felt a lot more courageous and my yang energy was strong. It would be safer to go now.

"Forget it, I won't be able to see him now." Fengshen Nana said: "At this point, the mental hospital has already closed..."

"Mental hospital?" Li Mazi immediately became interested: "Are you asking us to treat mental illnesses? You really think of us as miracle doctors."

Fengshen Nana glanced at Li Mazi dissatisfiedly. Last time when Li Mazi was at Chen Changsheng's house, he forced her to block her at the door to face the evil spirit. This made her very prejudiced against Li Mazi.

At this moment, Li Mazi made such a mockery, Fengshen Nana became even more angry, and the two started to quarrel. But luckily I stopped him, otherwise the two of them would definitely have fought.

I asked Fengshen Nana to tell me the details, and I made a simple judgment to see if it was related to any femininity.

Feng Shen Nana started talking to me.

The person she wants me to help this time is her uncle. Her uncle is over sixty years old, has a cheerful personality, and is a senior chef in a large hotel. He was just promoted to the head of the kitchen some time ago.

However, as soon as she was promoted to supervisor, her uncle started to become nagging.

I didn’t go to work for several days and locked myself at home every day.

What's even weirder is that my uncle seemed to have lost his soul in those days. He sat on the bed all day without eating or drinking, just looking at the floor and giggling. If his aunt hadn't been a nurse and force-fed him some millet porridge, he might not have been able to survive those days.

About a week later, my uncle suddenly spoke, but whether he spoke or behaved, he sounded like a woman.

"The mirror in my fairy house is broken, who can fix it for me?"

"I've run out of rouge in the Immortal Mansion. Send it to me quickly?"

This frightened her aunt. This was not her uncle at all. At first, my aunt thought she had bumped into some female ghost, so she burned incense and offered sacrifices and invited experts to come and see her, but it didn't help at all. In the end, it became more and more serious...

The next day, my uncle changed again. He kept sticking out his tongue and shouted in a vague voice: "Big chicken, I want to eat big chicken."

When my uncle said this, he was out of his mind and there was no sparkle in his pupils at all.

Moreover, my uncle is usually a vegetarian because he believes in Buddhism. Why would he suddenly want to eat chicken?

My aunt was frightened by this series of changes in her uncle, and immediately asked someone to send her uncle to the hospital for examination.

However, my uncle's body was as heavy as a large weight. He was sitting on the bedside, and three or four young and strong young men could not lift him.

In the end, the hospital drove the car directly downstairs, and a group of doctors came, and then they reluctantly carried him to the car.

But when I got to the hospital, they couldn't find anything wrong at all, and even a brain CT scan found no problems.

The hospital suggested that my aunt send my uncle to a mental hospital for examination, but everyone knows where the mental hospital is. If my uncle goes in, I'm afraid he will never come out again in this life...

The uncle is the backbone of the family. If he falls, the family will be completely destroyed.

In the end, the aunt had no choice but to take the uncle home, hoping to find an expert who would take good care of the uncle.

However, instead of getting better, my uncle's condition got worse. He seems to be suffering from schizophrenia, acting like a different person every day.

Until one day, my uncle sneaked out in the middle of the night and ate three chickens from his neighbor's house. After eating, he even squatted in the corner to smoke. The neighbor argued with him, and he directly attacked his neighbor and bit off one of his ears. .

The Public Security Bureau intervened, and the uncle's condition could no longer be concealed. The police took tough measures and finally sent the uncle to a mental hospital.

My aunt cried every day, but to no avail, so she found Nana Fengshen, hoping that Nana Fengshen could help her and free her uncle.

However, Fengshen Nana went to see her uncle and found that her uncle was terminally ill, crazy and aggressive, and was imprisoned in a small separate room. If this were released, the consequences would be disastrous!

So Fengshen Nana had to do her aunt's ideological work.

Auntie was crying so hard that she couldn't explain it at all, so Fengshen Nana had no choice but to promise her to help find an expert to solve the problem.

It just so happened that at this time, Fengshen Nana met us by accident. We proved to her that there really are ghosts in the world, and she finally believed that her uncle was really a ghost, and not just schizophrenic.

Fengshen Nana saw that we had real abilities and were not Taoist priests who cheated money on the street, so she asked us to help.

After I finished listening, I was silent for a long time.

A situation like her uncle's is really rare. If it's schizophrenia, it can only split into two personalities at most, right? But Fengshen Nana just said that her uncle had at least five or six personalities.

It's still possible that a ghost rushed over me, but it wasn't a bus, so how could it be attacked by so many ghosts?

And why did you choose him?

Anyway, I definitely have to take care of this matter, so I’ll do my best.

So I said to Fengshen Nana: "It's best to go and have a look now. His symptoms should be obvious now, right? There is a high chance of finding clues."

Fengshen Nana hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded firmly, called her superiors, and after settling the relationship, she took us to the mental hospital.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was already early morning when we arrived at the mental hospital. Fengshen Nana showed her police officer ID before entering.

The mental hospital is really not as cold as usual. The ward is densely packed with patients wearing hospital clothes, and some are walking back and forth in the corridor. A few people are crying loudly. I took a look and found that there were a few young nurses. Inject the patient.

This is more like a slaughterhouse than a mental hospital.

The yin energy here is very strong, probably because people die often, right? I've heard before that if there are homeless people on the streets, shelter institutions will trick them away and then torture them to death.

After they are tortured to death, their organs will be sold. This black industry chain is the main source of funding for shelter institutions, and it is almost an unspoken rule for the existence of shelter institutions across the country...

In a claustrophobic room, we met Fengshen Nana’s uncle.

Fengshen Nana's uncle had just been injected with a sedative and was already asleep.

Even in his sleep, Fengshen Nana's uncle was still in great panic. His body twitched from time to time, and he made a suffocating sound in his throat.

Fengshen Nana looked at me: "Would you like to go in and take a look?"

So I nodded to Fengshen Nana: "Let's go in."

Nana Fengshen called the staff to open the iron door. I walked up to her uncle and took a cursory look.

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