Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 220 The secret under the bed

Fengshen Nana's uncle had dark skin, a wrinkled face, and was full of wounds. His hair was dirty and messy, and he didn't know how long it had been since he had washed it.

Fengshen Nana glanced at me, and I asked, "What do you call her?"

"Everyone in town calls me uncle, old cook." Fengshen Nana replied.

I nodded, put my hand on the other person's Tianling Cap, pinched his scalp hard, and softly shouted "Old cook, wake up."

When a person sleeps in a state of extreme panic, if he is suddenly awakened, his soul may be frightened out. However, if you can block his heavenly gate and shout his name, you can lock the soul and prevent the soul from being lost.

Although he was injected with a sedative, the old cook woke up quickly. The first thing he did after waking up was to panic and shout: "Let me go, let me go! Nana, you Here you go, get me out quickly."

Fengshen Nana was so excited that she couldn't describe it: "Uncle, is it you, is it really you?"

The old cook immediately said: "Nana, find your aunt quickly, they want to kill me, they want to kill me."

I immediately asked: "What is trying to harm you?"

The old cook immediately said: "Drum..."

However, after he only said one word, his throat was suddenly blocked by something. He swallowed a mouthful of phlegm, and then his voice began to become blurry. His expression changed from panic to a sneer: "Where are my eggs? Did you eat my eggs?"

Li Mazi next to him burst into laughter, and even I couldn't help laughing: "Why don't you have eggs? You can still lay eggs?"

The old cook gave me a stern look and kept repeating the same sentence: "Where are my eggs? Have you eaten my eggs?"

"Aren't your balls growing on your crotch?" Li Mazi cursed, "You're so shameless."

"I said I laid the eggs." The old cook said angrily: "You all get out of the way, I'm about to lay the eggs."

After saying that, the old cook exerted all his energy and looked like he was going to shit.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?" Fengshen Nana looked worried: "Wake up quickly, don't scare me."

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a loud noise, and a smell suddenly filled the air. I immediately covered my nose and dragged Fengshen Nana out: "Damn, I really pulled it..."

Li Mazi was also stunned. After he realized what he was doing, he hurriedly ran out: "This guy is really disgusting."

Fengshen Nana sighed and said: "Boss Zhang, what should we do next? Why do I feel that what hit my uncle's body is not a human, but an animal that lays eggs?"

I sighed helplessly and patted Fengshen Nana on the shoulder: "Forget it, don't think too much. Since your uncle is just insane and not hurt, it proves that the other party does not want to take away your uncle's life for the time being. We still have time to investigate."

Fengshen Nana said helplessly: "But when my uncle woke up just now, he said that they were going to kill him. I think those things will attack my uncle soon, right?"

"By the way, when I asked him just now what exactly was trying to harm him, what was the word he said?" I asked.

"Let's play drums." Fengshen Nana said, "But he doesn't have any drums at home."

"Let's go to his house and have a look!" I said.

We soon drove to Fengshen Nana’s uncle’s house. Fengshen Nana's uncle's house is pretty good. He bought a house in the suburbs, and it's on the first floor. The decoration inside is clean and tidy, but for some reason, it is not very popular. There must be no young people living here.

Fengshen Nana's aunt was knitting a sweater in the room. When she saw Fengshen Nana, she immediately stood up to greet her. As soon as her uncle was mentioned, her aunt began to wipe her tears again, looking quite pitiful.

Fengshen Nana immediately comforted her aunt and said: "Aunt, don't worry. I have brought you two masters this time. They are very powerful. I guarantee that I can cure your uncle."

Only then did my aunt look at us carefully, her eyes full of doubts: "Are they too young? Is this okay?"

Fengshen Nana immediately smiled and said: "Auntie, don't worry, I have witnessed their abilities with my own eyes. Last time I met a smoker..."

Fengshen Nana told her stories one after another, which made her aunt stunned. My aunt was completely convinced by me. I felt like she was about to kneel down and kowtow to me: "Master, you must save our old cook!"

I immediately comforted my aunt and said, "Don't be anxious. I'll ask you two questions first, and I'll answer them after you think about it."

Auntie nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, you can ask, I will answer truthfully as I know."

"Yes." I nodded: "We just went to see the old cook. The old cook seemed to have mentioned a drum. Do you know what the drum the old cook was talking about was about?"

"Drums?" Auntie shook her head: "I don't know, what does this have to do with drums?"

"Oh, I just suspected that the drum might be a female object."

"Yinwu, what is yinwu?" My aunt looked confused.

I had no choice but to explain the vaginal objects to my aunt. My aunt looked panicked and said, "Look, do you have any vaginal objects in my house?"

"Only antiques that are more than a hundred years old are likely to form negative objects." I said, and my aunt breathed a sigh of relief and said that luckily there were none at home.

"Then think about it, were there any signs before the old cook got sick? For example, he said something strange, did something strange, or offended someone."

"Hey, when you said that, I remembered it." My aunt said: "I remember that the old cook had a quarrel with his neighbor Zhao Dafa the day before because of the child, and they even got into a fight. I don't know if it counts. "

"Does Zhao Dafa have a drum at home?" I asked.

"Probably not." My aunt said, "Then Zhao Dafa sells vegetables at a stall. He has a good relationship with my old cook on weekdays. After he fell ill, Zhao Dafa even came to deliver nutritional supplements."

"what about others?"

"There is nothing else," said my aunt.

"Okay, don't tell anyone about this yet. I will investigate this Zhao Dafa when I get a chance! By the way, take me to the old cook's room to see if I can find any problems."

Auntie nodded immediately and took us into the old cook's room.

The room was a mess, with a fishy smell, but it was kept clean. The most conspicuous thing on the floor was a puddle of dried blood. I asked my aunt, was that blood spit out by the old cook?

My aunt nodded immediately and said yes, but for some reason, the blood seemed to be integrated with the floor. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't clean it up.

I nodded thoughtfully, squatted down, pinched a little blood in my hand, and finally frowned: "This blood doesn't seem to be human blood. It's a bit fishy and unusually cold."

"What do you mean?" Fengshen Nana looked at me with wide eyes: "Why is it not human blood that my uncle vomited out? And this blood has been on the floor for less than half a month, so of course it is cold."

I sneered and said, "Feel it yourself and see."

Fengshen Nana was confused and touched it carefully with her hand. Such a touch made her retract her hand in fright: "What's going on? This blood... is too cold, like ice cubes."

I nodded: "What animal's blood is ice?"

Fengshen Nana shook her head: "Just tell the truth, don't be so secretive."

"The blood of snakes is ice." I said, "Your uncle said that he wanted to lay eggs. Snakes also reproduce by laying eggs. So I suspect that your uncle may have been entangled by a snake."

"Snake demon?" My aunt was shocked: "My old cook is most afraid of snakes. He usually avoids snakes when he sees them. Why would a snake demon bother our old cook?"

"I'm not sure about this. Give me some time, I think I should be able to find clues. Auntie, give me Zhao Dafa's address and I'll go take a look." I said.

My aunt immediately said nervously: "Could it be that damn Zhao Dafa who wanted to kill my old cook? It was just because of the children fighting and there was a little conflict, what about it?"

I immediately said: "Everything is pure speculation. Don't tell anyone. Leave this matter to us. You can pretend that nothing happened."

In the end, my aunt had no choice but to nod.

I took Li Mazi and prepared to leave, but when I turned around to leave, I suddenly heard a slight movement under the bed!

I frowned. The movement sounded like something crawling against the floor, making a rustling sound.

I immediately stopped and looked under the bed, but because of the sheets, I couldn't see what was going on under the bed.

"Auntie." I immediately stopped my aunt who was dejected and about to walk out, and said, "Do you have any snakes at home?"

The aunt shook her head: "Snake? No, how could I have a snake in my house? The old cook is most afraid of snakes."

I took a deep breath and said, "Li Mazi, move the bed away from me."

Li Mazi smiled bitterly at me and said, "Brother from the Zhang family, I, Li Mazi, am not afraid of anything. The thing I am most afraid of is snakes. Tell me, are there really snakes down here?"

I said, "I'm not sure about this. Anyway, please help me move the bed first."

Li Mazi had no choice but to go with me to carry the bed.

The bed was quickly opened by the two of us. The moment the bed was opened, a sharp sound immediately sounded.

I was so frightened that I quickly threw the bed aside and took a closer look.

Looking at it like this, I was stunned. I never thought that there were a large group of small animals hidden under the bed, including snakes, hedgehogs, and mice. This bed was actually used as a nest by them.

The floor under the bed was now full of holes. Rats, snakes, and hedgehogs all lived in the holes. Upon noticing our arrival, they all got into the hole and disappeared without a trace.

"Oh my god." My aunt screamed, her body instantly lost balance and fell to the ground.

I immediately helped my aunt up and asked Nana Fengshen to pour her a glass of water. After giving her a drink, she felt much better.

After recovering, my aunt immediately burst into tears: "Oh my god, what evil has our family done? Why do such a bunch of things come to make a nest? Our family is going to be doomed now, my poor old cook, What will I do if you die?"

My aunt's voice was very loud, like a small speaker, which attracted many neighbors to watch.

I had no choice but to ask Fengshen Nana to persuade my aunt to stop crying, otherwise the matter would be more difficult and difficult to solve.

After my persuasion, my aunt finally returned to normal little by little. I also breathed a sigh of relief and asked my aunt if she didn't know that there were so many animals living under the bed. After all, animals emit weird smells and it's impossible not to make some noise.

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