Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2128 Cooperation

"Old friend, long time no see!" Lina said with a smile, took a glass of red wine from the hand of the maid next to her, and took a sip.

At this time, I noticed that the maid looked exactly like her, except that she had no hair and a blood-red tattoo on her bare head.

Although this video was recorded long ago, Lina seemed to have guessed my thoughts. She pointed at the maid and said with a smile: "This is my stand-in bodyguard Sonia Raven. Do you think we are very cute?" Like? If she puts on a wig, wouldn’t she be able to tell the difference at all? Haha, let alone you, even Hepburn and my father couldn’t recognize her at the time.”

Lina shook the wine glass gently and said: "I know that the impression I left on you may be very bad. But if you were me, what choice would you make? You would be willing to be regarded as stupid. Another ridiculous victim? There is no need to hate my so-called conspiracy. I only temporarily deceived you, but I did not harm you, right? And in the end I also told the truth, and you also killed the dragon. Bad My good deed."

"I know that you may not like my style of doing things, but this is the way the world is. There is a devil hidden in everyone's heart, no matter how kind and benevolent they appear on the outside."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, I know you may not agree or like this topic. Then let's talk about this cooperation! In order to express my sincerity, I will first explain to you that you Full of doubts.”

"The Twelve Disciples are not my people. As you know, they are disciples of the God of Death. They will never be solicited or bribed by any force. But because of this, I will never tolerate them within my sphere of influence. A group of people that I cannot control and are very dangerous. What do you Chinese people call that? How can you allow others to sleep peacefully on the side of the bed? Well, yes, that's it, not to mention this is a group of killers!"

"So, I have wanted to get rid of them for a long time."

"I found a lot of detailed information secretly, but I can't hand it over to the police, no matter which country it is from."

"The police arrest requires evidence and investigation. But before those idiots can really find anything, they will be discovered. Then my efforts for so many years will be in vain, so I have been looking for someone, someone who is related to I have the exact same idea, and the right people to match this crazy idea..."

"Recently, Raven discovered their new movements. Two of them went to China. And they matched your walking traces very well. But then both of them disappeared inexplicably. From this, I am sure that this is definitely not a coincidence. . Although I don’t know how you got into trouble with them. But I am sure, Mr. Zhang, you, like me, want to kill them very much! So, this is the first basis for our cooperation. Kill the Twelve Apostles. "

"The undead cults all over Europe and North America have always been my powerful enemies in the world, because they are inextricably linked to my potential opponents, even spanning hundreds of years. If we don't get rid of these evil heretics, they will sooner or later They will threaten me under the instigation of other families."

"The Middle East is in chaos, which is exactly the area I want to expand into next. Unfortunately, this old bastard Imzai is the biggest obstacle. All he wants is war and endless death. Everything else is of no interest. So getting rid of him and the group of terrorists who follow him is the best option."

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang actually coincided with me again! He showed a strength that surprised me and almost couldn't believe it. He actually killed the three major priests of the Undead Cult and Imzai in one fell swoop."

"Oh, you must be curious, how do I know all this?"

"Lin Zhenbang is an American spy. His glasses are embedded with the CIA's latest high-tech, nano-cameras."

"However, the inventor who developed this cutting-edge technology is my person. To be more precise, he became my person after I used special drugs to control the lives of his wife and daughter. All through This technology transmits graphic and textual information back to the CIA, and I will also receive a copy at the same time."

"So, I discovered you in the returned images. Although your makeup skills are very good, I have undergone special training and am also a makeup master, so I can easily recognize you. And when we were on the Wusuli River, we Having experienced so many dangers together, I am no longer familiar with your movement habits and attack methods. So I am very sure that the peerless master disguised as a Middle Eastern bearded man is you. Moreover, after image processing, I found that I My guess is indeed correct, the beard matches your appearance perfectly!"

"Now the Undead Cult and a large number of terrorists want to find the real murderer. Once they find out, Mr. Zhang must be very clear about the consequences."

"Of course, we are old friends, and I will never tell the truth - if you are willing to cooperate with me."

Lina smiled at the camera: "There is a saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since we two have so many common enemies, I think our friendship will last for a long time, not to mention that we have had The experience of living and dying together.”

"Mr. Zhang, I now have a plan that can kill all these people. I think after you read the plan, you will definitely appreciate it and happily agree."

"Before that, let's play a little game first!"

"I accidentally got a white paper fan from China, and this fan is a bit weird. Everyone who touches it will eat beef crazily until they faint. I think you will be interested in this thing. I'm interested. So, I sent it to you."

"Then, I asked Raven to steal it and put it together with a book of information."

"That information contains information about six Death God disciples. I think you will be more interested. Of course, you have to find it first."

"This cooperation is also very simple. I am responsible for providing clues and you are responsible for getting rid of them. At critical moments, I will also let Raven help."

"Of course, you can choose to cooperate or not, but..."

Lina paused, drank the wine in one gulp, and said with a smile: "I think those two friends in Africa must be very important to you, otherwise you wouldn't hold that huge event for them. Wedding, right? Want to know their news? Then follow the rules of the game and find them step by step."

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