Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 2129 Huge Question

"The information about the six Death God disciples is my sincerity, and the clue for tracing is the white paper fan. I believe you will find it soon. Hahaha... Mr. Zhang, I am really looking forward to this cooperation. "After speaking, Lina smiled at the camera and waved her hand.

The video ended here, and then the automatic deletion process was started. Just like the email she left last time, nothing was left in the end.

After watching the video, I couldn't help but be extremely shocked.

The police from dozens of countries had been tracking down the Twelve Disciples for so long without finding any valuable clues, but Lina actually found out about them. She also secretly tampered with the CIA's high-tech spy equipment.

Not only does she want to expand her sphere of influence in Europe and North America, but she even sets her sights on the Middle East? The ambition is quite big!

She wanted to use my hand to destroy all threats and potential opponents, and she used the information about Miss Han Laoliu Caiyun to force me to do so.

The white paper fan for femininity was also made by her. The video had been recorded a long time ago. Everything was planned by her.

She has even made an accurate estimate of whether I will take action against Raven. I don’t know how she came up with the 12% figure.

What on earth is she going to do?

What kind of game are you planning?

I lit a cigarette and thought about it quietly, but in the end I had to admit that Lina had once again caught my weak point.

The threat of the Twelve Apostles, the revenge of the Undead Cult, and the counterattack of the terrorists, no matter which one is very dangerous, can be fatal!

It is naturally best to act first before danger comes.

I don’t know what happened to Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun, but as Lina said, I must not sit idly by.

It seems that no matter what Lina’s plan is, I can only take one step at a time!

Since the white paper fan is the source of all clues, let’s start here!

I put out the cigarette butt and returned to Shufangzhai again.

Shufangzhai is different from my place. It doesn't open at night. A few boys are packing their things and preparing to close the store.

It was a little strange to see me walking in at this time.

"Big shopkeeper, what are you doing?" The smart-talking boy came forward and asked.

"You all can go." I waved to them and walked into the warehouse alone.

Once again, he walked to the place where Xu Er pointed out that the white paper fan was stored and stopped. He checked it carefully and found no valuable clues.

The bodyguard who looked exactly like Lina was indeed a bit weird, and his skills were not simple. He was able to completely escape from Ye Suling's fatal blow. Although his wig was knocked off in the rush, he could still do this. There are only a few people with a little bit of knowledge.

Since it was stolen by her, there would naturally be no clues left.

However, three points can be concluded from this.

First, the ghost on the white paper fan cannot leave on its own and can only live on the paper fan.

Secondly, other than tempting those who come into contact with him to eat beef as if they were dying, he doesn't seem to have any malicious intent.

Thirdly, Raven must have some means to prevent this Yin spirit from having any effect on her.

Qin Mengmeng fainted two hours ago, which meant that Raven just left here within two hours, and thirty minutes later, she knocked on my door again.

But at that time, I didn't notice the existence of any Yin energy in her body, nor did I use any method to suppress the Yin spirit.

Moreover, Raven's clothes were very revealing: a collarless blouse, a miniskirt, and no place to hide the paper fan.

Lina is so cautious and will not let Raven come to me with a paper fan. What's more, there is also a book of information in the hiding place of the paper fan. This is the real purpose of her sending me the white paper fan, so she will not be so hasty.

This means that in the hour or so between when Raven stole the paper fan from Shufangzhai and then knocked on my door, she must have placed the paper fan in another place.

And it's one round trip, the time is divided by two, and the distance is halved.

More than 40 minutes' journey, where will we go?

When she left here, it was the rush hour after get off work. Although the area near Antique Street was deserted, the 40-minute journey had already reached a busy section. She has good skills, but she will never spread her arms and legs and run fast, which will definitely attract the attention of passers-by.


Such a scantily clad foreign beauty has a very high return rate even if she behaves normally. If I pursue it, I can easily find clues.

Could it be that she left in a vehicle?

If you drive for 40 minutes, the range is quite large.

But there is a drawback to taking a car.

There are cameras at both ends of Antique Street and even in the shops on the surrounding streets.

With her skills, she can easily hide in blind spots and avoid cameras, but once she gets into a vehicle, she will inevitably be photographed.

As long as I am willing, it is easy to find a vehicle that has traveled back and forth within the specified range within 40 minutes - even if she changes vehicles, it is not difficult, and it also increases the risk of exposure.

Then how did she leave quietly and then return without anyone noticing?

I paced back and forth in the warehouse and couldn't figure out the answer.

When I went out, I saw that everyone else had left, only the smart-talking guy was still standing at the door.

"Why haven't you left yet?" I asked.

"Big shopkeeper, you are inside. There is no one in the front hall. What if we all leave and lose something? My home is not far from here. It won't be a big deal if I go back later." The boy said matter-of-factly, but there was a look in his eyes. But there is a shrewd energy.

I know what this guy is planning.

Something happened to Shufangzhai, and the two boys who were guarding the warehouse went to the hospital one after another. Xu Er was frightened out of his mind again, and the whole store was in a mess, so he wanted to please me and take the opportunity to promote him.

"May I have your name?"

"Lan Hua, but they all call me Lan Hua." The boy said a little embarrassed.

"How long have you been here?"

"Including today, it's exactly seventeen days."

He has only been here for seventeen days and is already thinking about getting a promotion. It seems that this guy is quite ambitious.

However, Shufangzhai is indeed a bit chaotic now. Xu Er is frightened, He Fu, and Qin Mengmeng are both in the hospital. They really need someone with a sense of responsibility to take care of them. This little guy is smart and smart, so he is a good candidate.

I nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. You should pay more attention these days. I know it well."

Lan Hua is a very smart boy. He immediately heard the implication of my words. His eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly: "Thank you, the shopkeeper, for your cultivation!"

I walked out the door and said to him: "Call Xu Er and ask him not to come here for the next two days. He should recuperate at home first."

"Yes." Lan Hua nodded respectfully, turned around and locked the door.

After walking more than a dozen steps, I suddenly remembered something, stopped suddenly, turned around and asked, "Lan Hua, when I first came here, you said that Xu Er had just been out for less than an hour. What was he doing?"

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