Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 222 Fighting against Chumaxian

The old cook was going crazy in the room, bumping around and biting everyone he saw.

My aunt squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

The old cook bit my aunt's neck without politeness. I was so shocked that I flew out and kicked the old cook.

However, the old cook had an extraordinary strength. Instead of kicking the old cook to the ground, I was bounced to the ground hard. My whole body ached from the fall, and I didn’t even have the strength to get up.

The old cook also bit his aunt's neck firmly, and her aunt began to cry out in pain.

Nana, the rich gentry, immediately pounced on him and tried to drag the old cook away. But how could the old cook be dragged away so easily? In the end, it was Fengshen Nana who was pinned down by the old cook and unable to move.

Li Mazi was so angry that he grabbed a chair, put the legs of the chair around the old cook's neck, and finally dragged the old cook away.

The old cook suddenly became furious, grabbed the chair with his backhand, and raised it high above his head. Li Mazi struggled, and was overturned by the chair in the end.

Soon enough, before Li Mazi could react, the old cook immediately slammed the chair on Li Mazi's back. The solid wooden chair was smashed into pieces.

Li Mazi also screamed and lay on the ground twitching non-stop!

"Evil!" I was so furious that I couldn't care less about showing mercy. I jumped up with the Sirius whip and whipped the old cook hard.

Although the Heavenly Wolf Whip was effective, it was not obvious, so the old cook was forced back by me but was unharmed. Instead, he quickly circled around my back and pounced on me ferociously, trying to strangle my neck.

I took a deep breath, turned around quickly, and forced the old cook back again.

Although the Heavenly Wolf Whip is powerful, its power is still weakening little by little, so after seven lashes, the old cook still took advantage of it.

The old cook slammed into me, and I was pinned down by him, unable to move. The old cook started to catch me with all his teeth and claws. I resisted desperately, but how could my strength be compared with the old cook's?

Although Li Mazi and Fengshen Nana ran up to help, I still couldn't escape the fate of being beaten.

Although the situation was extremely urgent, I still forced myself to calm down and think of countermeasures...

What are the natural enemies of Baojiaxian? I thought carefully.

Cat, yes, it’s a cat.

Rats, snakes and hedgehogs, isn’t it the cat that scares the most? Especially the big black cat, with its strong yang energy, is the most powerful one to protect the family immortals.

This should be the reason why people who worship Baojiaxian never keep cats, right?

I immediately roared: "Li Mazi, go catch a big black cat, the sooner the better."

"Okay." Li Mazi agreed immediately and ran out in a hurry. I was still fighting angrily with the old cook.

"Meow." Just when I could hardly hold on any longer, a cat meowed suddenly.

It's strange that Li Mazi didn't catch a black cat so quickly. I immediately followed the sound, only to find that it was Fengshen Nana.

Fengshen Nana pouted her little mouth, and the cat meow came from her throat. She was imitating the cat meow.

Although the meow was not lifelike at all, and was even very short, and I could immediately tell that it was imitated by a human being, the old cook was frightened, and suddenly broke away from me and huddled in the corner.

But when the old cook discovered that the cat meow was actually faked by Feng Shen Nana, he became even more angry. He rushed forward without hesitation, grabbed Feng Shen Nana's throat, and threw her violently. In the bathroom.

The old cook actually wanted to attack Fengshen Nana. I grabbed the Sirius Whip and whipped it hard on the old cook's legs. The long whip quickly wrapped around the old cook's legs. His steps were unsteady and he fell hard to the ground.

I immediately rode up and jammed the old cook's throat.

Just then Li Mazi came back, holding a big black cat in his hand.

When the big black cat saw the old cook, he was instantly excited. He let out a sharp cry, then rushed forward ferociously and lay on the old cook's face.

The old cook was completely panicked and immediately struggled to get out of this damn predicament. But is this predicament so easy to get out of? The big black cat scratched and bit the old cook on the face. In the end, the old cook couldn't do anything. He screamed and struggled. Then a dark wind blew out of his body and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The old cook also stopped struggling and just collapsed weakly on the ground.

There was a strange creaking sound under the bed, and countless rats, snakes, and hedgehogs came out from under the bed and escaped. The big black cat had quick eyes and quick hands. He immediately ran up and caught a few mice.

At this time, there was a banging sound from upstairs, as if the door had been kicked open. I immediately thought of Zhao Dafa. Baojiaxian was collided by a big black cat. Zhao Dafa, who cast a spell, must have suffered a backlash. He should have chosen to escape in a panic, right?

I immediately called to Fengshen Nana: "Let's go up with me and stop Zhao Dafa."

Although after all this hard work, I was already exhausted and weak, but I still gritted my teeth and rushed upstairs with persistence.

The door of Zhao Dafa's room was wide open, and there was no sound inside. Worried that it was a scam, I grabbed a flower pot and walked in little by little.

The room was eerily silent, and all that could be heard was a rough gasp. I frowned and looked inside cautiously.

It was dark inside, with no lights on. In the haze, I heard Zhao Dafa's voice: "Come in! Life is scary. Alas, the light is on the left side of the door."

I casually turned on the light switch on the left, and the room was instantly illuminated. I saw Zhao Dafa slumped on the sofa, holding a broken drum tightly in his arms. He seemed to be dying, with blood all over his nostrils and corners of his mouth, his breathing was rapid, and his face looked pale. Sallow. Sallow.

So I said to Zhao Dafa: "Zhao Dafa, it's all your fault."

Zhao Dafa laughed dumbly: "Do you think I still have the right to defend myself?"

"Why do you do this?" I said coldly, "Why do you want to harm people?"

"Why else?" Zhao Dafa said: "I have nothing to say. You are a capable person, and I am willing to die in your hands."

"You must have your own reasons." I walked up and sat across from Zhao Dafa: "Tell me about it, maybe I can still forgive you."

"Haha." Zhao Dafa sneered: "But why do I feel that I can't survive?"

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