Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 223 All living beings are equal

He supported his body with difficulty, sat upright little by little, then grabbed a tissue and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

But the blood at the corner of his mouth was getting more and more, and it couldn't stop at all.

I frowned: "Why don't you go to the hospital for treatment first?"

The more I look at Zhao Dafa, the more I feel that he does not look like the kind of vicious-hearted master.

Zhao Dafa was stunned for a moment. Maybe he didn't expect me to care about him so much, right?

He smiled at me and said, "Young man, do you want to know why I have to deal with the old cook?"

I nodded immediately.

Zhao Dafa sighed: "I'm not going to deal with the old cook, it's this drum."

After saying that, Zhao Dafa handed the drum to me.

I was a little flattered and took the drum.

There is one thing that Xian'er, a horseman from the Northeast, pays attention to, that is, his Wen Wang Drum and Wu Wang Whip cannot be shown to others at will, otherwise he may be killed and will have bad luck in his life.

I didn't expect that Zhao Dafa would take the initiative to show it to me. Naturally, it was a little hard for me to understand, but I couldn't bear the temptation of this vaginal thing.

This is a snakeskin drum. The drum surface is flat and very tough. Even if it has a big hole, it is still very strong.

The body of the drum is actually made of bones. I don’t know exactly what bones they are, but the bones are loose, lightweight, and hollow, making them easy to resonate. More importantly, bones are easy to preserve and will not rot or break easily.

It's slightly yellowish and very tough. It must have been soaked in corpse oil, right?

I checked the snakeskin drum up and down and found that the snakeskin drum was really hard and must have been some years old.

So I looked at Zhao Dafa and asked Zhao Dafa, is this snakeskin drum a priceless antique? Its first owner must have been a powerful character.

Zhao Dafa smiled happily: "After so many years, I finally met someone who knows the goods. Yes, this snakeskin drum has a history of hundreds of years. It is said that its first owner was one of the Five Immortals of Northeast China. The first ancestor, the Golden Flower Empress!"

"Back then, the Golden Flower Empress defeated the old monster of Montenegro with this snakeskin drum. However, the snakeskin drum was also damaged, so the Golden Flower Empress found a dragon snake, peeled off its skin and bones, and finally repaired the snakeskin drum. This snakeskin drum has been passed down from generation to generation."

"It is said that this snakeskin drum also contains a trace of the soul of the Golden Flower Empress. At certain times, this snakeskin drum is actually conscious."

"It's not my intention to deal with the old cook, but this snake skin drum's intention." Zhao Dafa said helplessly.

"What?" I was stunned for a moment. What does Snake Skin Gu mean? How on earth did the old cook offend Shepigu, so much so that Shepigu wanted to kill him.

Zhao Dafa patiently explained: "Do you know the old chef's job?"

"Isn't he a chef?" I said.

Zhao Dafa nodded: "Yes, he is a chef, and he is also an elite among chefs. He is very popular in the hotel and has high moral standing. But I want to say that he is actually a cruel devil who died in There are countless lives in his hands, including the disciples and grandsons of the Five Northeastern Immortals."

Zhao Dafa continued: "His cooking skills are superb, and anything in his hands can become the best ingredients, such as pink and tender snake soup, rat stew with three delicacies, and even roasted hedgehogs alive, which is outrageous. He really did everything he could..."

"He killed so many lives, and the Golden Flower Queen was angry, so she asked me to kill the old cook and avenge those little animals!"

"But I know in my heart that the old cook has no choice but to do it, so I advise the Golden Flower Empress not to be impulsive. I will help her to persuade the old cook to be more careful in the future."

Animals are inherently kind, so when Zhao Dafa said this, the Golden Flower Empress agreed.

Unexpectedly, the old cook turned a deaf ear to Zhao Dafa's warning, and even intensified his warning. Zhao Dafa was always said to engage in feudal superstition, which displeased Zhao Dafa, and the conflict between the two finally broke out, and the old cook broke Zhao Dafa's drum.

You must know that this drum is Zhao Dafa's belief. How can he let others slander and trample on it at will? So Zhao Dafa was ready to teach the old cook a lesson, which could be regarded as revenge for the various Baojiaxian.

Zhao Dafa's method of revenge was very simple, that is, he invited various immortals to take turns controlling the old cook's body. He even sent a few immature immortals to go to the old cook's house to attract popularity and make the old cook almost alive. Revenge for the little animals.

I just didn't expect that I would come forward at the critical moment and stop the evil spirit inside the drum, and the evil spirit turned back on Zhao Dafa. Zhao Dafa has offended the Golden Flower Empress, and he is afraid that he will never dare to take action again. After all, the immortal family invited will definitely avenge the Golden Flower Empress.

I was speechless for a while after hearing this. The Golden Flower Empress was just a well-trained golden krait. But even though I am an animal, a trace of soul consciousness can still be so powerful. I dare not look down on these animals anymore as they almost want to take away human lives.

While chatting with Zhao Dafa, Fengshen Nana came in with her aunt. Both of them were injured, but this did not seem to affect her aunt's anger. Auntie rushed up and grabbed Zhao Dafa's face: "You old guy, you almost killed my wife, I will strangle you to death..."

I immediately stopped my aunt and glanced at Fengshen Nana. Fengshen Nana also angrily threw a pair of handcuffs to Zhao Dafa: "Put them on yourself!"

Zhao Dafa snorted coldly: "Why should you arrest me? There is no basis for it."

Fengshen Nana rolled her eyes at Zhao Dafa: "Asshole, you almost killed my uncle. There are both witnesses and physical evidence, so don't even think about denying it."

"Forget it." Zhao Dafa smiled miserably: "What kind of witness? What kind of physical evidence? I have never even been to the old cook's house. Even if you are going to be punished, you, a little girl, have no right to decide."

After saying that, Zhao Dafa suddenly stood up. Before I could react, Zhao Dafa had already hit a cabinet hard.

The cabinet broke in response, and Zhao Dafa collapsed on the ground, with a bloody hole on his head. He only squirmed twice, then completely stopped moving and died.

Fengshen Nana and her aunt were immediately dumbfounded and couldn't figure out why Zhao Dafa wanted to hit him to death. But I felt like a mirror in my heart. Zhao Dafa has been a master of dancing all his life, and now he has offended the ancestors of Chu Ma Xian. Is it difficult to walk in the future? It would definitely not end well in the end, so it would be better to end his life in this way and pray to the Golden Flower Empress to forgive him.

Zhao Dafa died. The cause of death was suicide. Because Fengshen Nana recorded the video with her mobile phone, we have no suspicion.

And I bought that snakeskin drum. Zhao Dafa was childless and lonely. When he died, there was no one to bury him, so I arranged the funeral for him and bought a cemetery. I guess it was the reward of the snake skin drum!

Later in my career, I encountered countless cases of animals taking revenge on humans.

All living beings in the world are equal, and there is no distinction between high and low in life, even if the other person is just an insignificant little animal.

I once read in the newspaper that a top student at Tsinghua University scalded more than a dozen kittens to death with boiling water. In the end, the whole family contracted cancer and died miserably!

I also witnessed with my own eyes that a chef paid for the pangolin with his own money before it was served to the table, so that it could continue to nurse its children. As a result, a year later, a school bus fell off a bridge and more than fifty primary school students died. Only the chef's son survived!

Animals also have clear distinctions between grudges and grudges. All life should be respected. I wish all the cute little animals in the world are well.

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