After settling the matter with the old cook, Fengshen Nana admired me more and more, and even advised me to join the ranks of the people's police because I was so good. I would definitely be able to contribute to society.

I shook my head with a wry smile and said, "I'm not as noble as you!"

Nana Fengshen was very disappointed, but she still gave me a business card and told me to call her at any time and she could introduce me.

Looking at Fengshen Nana's slim waist, I just couldn't laugh or cry. I couldn't understand why such a beautiful girl wanted to be a policeman. Wasn't she afraid of danger?

After returning home, I studied snakeskin drums almost every day. Once when I was looking for ancient books left by my grandfather in the store, I found a book called "Five Immortals", which recorded the story of the Five Immortals in Northeast China. .

Not only is there a detailed spell to invite immortals, but this snakeskin drum is even mentioned.

I was surprised. I didn't expect that my grandfather's involvement was so extensive, and even involved Chuma Xian.

I was attracted by the content in the book. I never left the door without leaving the door, so I read "The Record of the Five Immortals" in detail every day.

I don’t know how long it took, but when there was a knock on the door, I finally walked out of the sea of ​​books.

As soon as I woke up, I felt exhausted all over, and I was so tired that I couldn't walk. Immediately, I picked up a bottle of mineral water and drank it.

I went to open the door in despair, and found that it was Yin Xinyue standing at the door.

When Yin Xinyue saw me, she immediately screamed: "Brother Zhang, why have you become like this?"

I frowned and looked at Yin Xinyue inexplicably: "What's wrong?"

"You don't have a mirror at home." Yin Xinyue dragged me into the store: "Take a closer look."

I was immediately shocked by what I saw in the mirror. Unkempt and disheveled is not enough to describe me. At this moment, I looked more like an uncivilized primitive. My face and hair were dirty, I was wearing a tank top and shorts, and my skin was dirty. Dark, covered in a layer of sweat.

I immediately cursed: "Damn it, why did it look like a bird? Just wait for me, I'll take a shower."

But as soon as he moved, his vision went dark, and he fell unconscious.

I don't know how long it took, but I was woken up by Yin Xinyue's call. I opened my eyes in a daze, looked at the anxious Yin Xinyue, and forced a smile: "I'm starving to death..."

"You still know you're hungry." Yin Xinyue said distressedly, "I'll cook you a bowl of noodles, just wait a moment."

After saying that, Yin Xinyue went to the kitchen to cook for me.

I'm still wondering, isn't it just one day? Why am I in such a bad state?

I got up from the bed with difficulty and asked Yin Xinyue how long I had been unconscious.

Yin Xinyue said: "I have been unconscious for almost three hours, but it scared me."

"Oh." I glanced out the window and found that the sky had turned dark. I took out my phone and looked at the time again, and I was suddenly shocked.

"Xinyue, stop cooking now, come here and I'll ask you something." I shouted to Yin Xinyue.

Yin Xinyue said casually: "Just ask whatever you want."

"What day is it today?" I asked.

"April 15th." Yin Xinyue replied casually.

"Damn it." My heart suddenly went cold: "I haven't gone out for three days and three nights, and I haven't eaten? No wonder I'm so weak."

"What?" Yin Xinyue looked at me inexplicably: "I think you are hallucinating because you are hungry. You haven't gone out for three days and three nights and you haven't eaten anything? You are suffering from depression and you need treatment."

"What I said is true." I clearly remember that after I finished dealing with Fengshen Nana's matter, it was April 10th. The day after tomorrow, that is, April 12th, I found the message left by my grandfather. "The Record of the Five Immortals", I have been reading it with great interest since then, and I have never left the table...

This was so terrifying. I felt scared for no reason. Was I confused by the "Five Immortals"? So what is the magic power of "Five Immortals"? There must be something wrong with that book.

I immediately ran to the table to look, but there was nothing on the table.

Yin Xinyue put a bowl of poached noodles in front of me: "Eat it quickly, don't let it get cold."

I was really starving and had no time to worry about the "Five Immortals", so I just started eating it hungrily. After finishing eating, he lit a cigarette and asked Yin Xinyue if she had seen the "Five Immortals" I put on the table.

Yin Xinyue said inexplicably: "I think you are really crazy. What about "Five Immortals"? When I was helping you clean up the room just now, I saw a Xinhua Dictionary on the table, and you even made a lot of marks on it. Incomprehensible symbols, what a strange man.”

"Where?" I immediately asked Yin Xinyue to take out the Xinhua Dictionary. I really couldn't believe it. I actually read the Xinhua Dictionary for three days and three nights.

Yin Xinyue took out the Xinhua Dictionary from the bookcase and gave it to me. I took a look at it and my eyes were suddenly shocked. Yes, I must have been reading this Xinhua Dictionary in the past three days, because it was There are a lot of strange little symbols marked, exactly what I marked these days.

I tried hard to think about what I had remembered in the past few days, but I found that my mind was blank and I remembered nothing at all. In other words, those memories were illusory and did not exist.

Damn, how is this possible? Is there something wrong with this Xinhua dictionary?

I took the Xinhua Dictionary in my hand and looked it up and down, but didn't find anything suspicious. I cut my middle finger again and dripped a drop of blood on it. The blood quickly penetrated into the Xinhua Dictionary. Everything was normal. This Xinhua Dictionary was not a vaginal object.

Since this Xinhua Dictionary is not a sinister object, could it be that I have been cursed by someone these past few days and have been living in an illusion? This thought made me shiver all over. If Yin Xinyue hadn't come, I might have hiccupped.

"What's wrong?" Yin Xinyue saw that my face was pale and she wiped the cold sweat from my forehead with concern.

I said: "Something's wrong, something's wrong. By the way, Xinyue, when you came here just now, did you notice any suspicious characters walking around?"

Yin Xinyue thought for a while: "Suspicious person? Oh, don't tell me, I really forgot. When I came here just now, I found a pretty girl standing at the door of your store looking around, and even looking in through the crack in the door. I asked her what she did for a living, but she didn’t say anything.”

"Damn it, stop that woman!" I yelled angrily.

Yin Xinyue stopped me: "Forget it, they have already disappeared, so why are you stopping me?"

I didn't give up, so I ran to the door and took a look. Sure enough, there was no one there.

I walked back helplessly: "Why didn't you stop her just now?"

Yin Xinyue said: "How dare I stop her? That girl is a bit scary."

"How to scare people?" I immediately asked curiously.

"Do you think it's strange that she is holding an umbrella in broad daylight with a red rope tied around her neck? Although her face is beautiful, it is also frighteningly white..."

"Using an umbrella during the day?" I frowned.

Yin Xinyue seemed to have thought of something and looked at me nervously: "Don't you think that woman is a ghost?"

Seeing Yin Xinyue's face turned pale with fear, I quickly said not sure, don't be afraid.

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