Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 225 The woman holding an umbrella during the day

"By the way, have you ever found it strange?" I asked: "Li Mazi came to my shop to drink every day, with occasional intervals, but never more than three days. Why did Li Mazi never come to my store during these three days?" Have you ever looked for me? If he had come to look for me, I'm afraid he would have woken me up long ago."

Yin Xinyue then said: "By the way, there is something wrong when it comes to Li Mazi."

"Oh, what's the problem?"

"Isn't Ruxue on a business trip these days? She calls Li Mazi every day, but every time she calls, Li Mazi just picks up the phone and doesn't speak. It's been like this for three or four days in a row. Ruxue is worried about Li Mazi, so Let me take a look. But I just went to Li Mazi's house and found that the door of Li Mazi's house was locked. I thought he came to your antique shop, so I went straight to find you. Who knew that I would see you like this when I arrived? .”

"No, Li Mazi is in danger!" I immediately realized that something was wrong.

Could it be that Li Mazi is like me and has been hallucinating these past few days, focusing on doing a certain thing instead of going out?

Yin Xinyue came to me and I woke up. If no one disturbed Li Mazi, wouldn't Li Mazi have been hallucinating until his death?

I took a deep breath, and without thinking too much, I took Yin Xinyue out in a hurry and ran to Li Mazi's house in one breath.

The door of Li Mazi's house was locked. I stood at the door and shouted several times. After no one answered, I climbed over the wall and went in. Through the window, I saw Li Mazi.

Li Mazi was sitting on the threshold with his son, still holding a mobile phone in his hand, staring at the mobile phone with his eyes as wide as bells.

However, the phone had long been out of battery and the screen was completely black, but Li Mazi and Li Xiaomeng seemed to be watching some interesting movie, laughing out loud from time to time, looking very weird.

As expected, the two fell into a hallucination.

I snatched the phone away, and Li Mazi was startled and looked up at me: "Brother Zhang, you...why are you here?"

I said angrily: "If I don't come, you two will die."

After saying that, I glanced at Li Xiaomeng. Li Xiaomeng's eyes were blurred, his upper body was shaking violently, his face was pale, and he had no energy at all. Looking at Li Mazi, he is not much better than Li Xiaomeng.

I immediately forcibly pulled Li Xiaomeng up and nervously asked him if he was okay?

Li Xiaomeng rolled his eyes, said "Uncle Zhang", and then collapsed on the ground.

"Send to the hospital quickly." I put Li Xiaomeng on my shoulders and ran towards the door. Li Mazi didn't realize what was going on, so he shouted feebly: "What's wrong with my son? What's wrong with my son?"

Li Mazi chased him for two steps, but his body was too weak and he collapsed on the ground. Yin Xinyue quickly helped Li Mazi to the car.

After going to the hospital for a checkup, I felt relieved. The two of them were just short of water and almost collapsed. After adding some saline and glucose, they gradually returned to normal.

Li Mazi was very upset: "Damn, mobile phones really kill people. I will never use mobile phones again."

I said coldly: "It's not the phone's problem. Think about it carefully, how many days have you been sitting on the steps like this?"

Li Mazi looked at the dawn outside the window and said, "Maybe he has been sitting all night, but even if he has been sitting all night, he shouldn't be exhausted."

I threw his cell phone to him and pointed to the electronic calendar on the wall of the hospital: "Take a good look at the time."

Li Mazi looked up and suddenly screamed: "Is this calendar wrong? I was at home for three days and three nights? How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible." I sneered and told Li Mazi what I had experienced.

After hearing this, Li Mazi was immediately confused: "This... holy shit, we have been plotted against? Who is the woman holding the umbrella? Let me kill her."

I sighed: "I don't know, I'm afraid she has escaped long ago. You take good care of yourself first, and I will go back to investigate and see if I can find any clues."

How could Li Mazi stay in the hospital? He got up from the bed, pulled out the infusion needle, and wanted to go back with me.

There was no way, I knew nothing I could say would help, so I had no choice but to take Li Mazi back together.

Fortunately, my antique store has cameras, so I decided to dig out the surveillance footage and take a look.

I found the video from three days ago, when I just discovered "Five Immortals".

During the surveillance, I got up from the bed early in the morning, ran to the utility room and rummaged through the cabinets. After a while, I found a thick book from the utility room. Through surveillance, we can even see the four big titles of "Xinhua Dictionary" on the book.

I spread the dictionary flat on the table and studied it carefully. It was bright and motionless, as if I was asleep.

Time passed by, and I actually lay on the table for three full hours. Except for occasionally scratching my head, there was no other movement.

At this moment, the door of the utility room suddenly opened, and then a woman came out with an umbrella in her hand and a red rope tied around her neck. She looked very strange.

When I saw her, my heart was filled with a powerful fear. When did she hide in there? Why didn't I notice it at that time? Could she really be a ghost? But even if it is a ghost, I should be able to detect it.

I think it is possible that I was confused by the other party when I entered the utility room, so I mistook "Xinhua Dictionary" for "Five Immortals".

The woman holding an umbrella walked over to me and sat down on the table. I didn't notice it and continued to read with great concentration.

The woman suddenly took out a concentric lock tied with an iron chain and dangled it in front of my eyes. I opened my eyes in confusion and looked in the direction of the woman. I was not surprised at all, my expression was calm...

"Hypnosis, you are hypnotized." Li Mazi screamed: "I know it, this is indeed hypnosis!"

I took a deep breath and said, "It shouldn't be that simple, and hypnosis won't last so many days, right? Keep reading."

The woman's mouth opened as if she was talking to me, but the surveillance video didn't have a microphone, so the sound wasn't recorded. I felt like she was asking me some questions.

The exact question asked is unknown. But later on, the woman in red got very angry, slapped the case, turned around and left.

After that, I resumed my reading state, and it continued like this until I was discovered by Yin Xinyue. During this period, I remained motionless and stared at the book.

I took a breath, why do I have no memory of her at all? Hypnosis can be so thorough, it seems that this woman is a master.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of panic.

Bang bang bang!

While we were studying the video carefully, there was a sudden knock on the door.

I was already a little nervous, and the knock on the door at this time made me involuntarily nervous.

"Who?" I asked.

"Amitabha, little friend, are you okay?"

It turned out to be the voice of Zen Master Baimei.

Zen Master Baimei came early and late, but he came at this time. I knew that the arrival of Zen Master Baimei must be related to the woman holding the umbrella. I was so happy that I hurriedly ran to open the door.

Zen Master Baimei has a kind smile on his face, a pure white beard, a cassock, and a string of Buddhist beads in his hand. He looks like a Buddha with great brilliance.

"Master Baimei, it's you, please come in quickly. Please come in." I immediately and enthusiastically invited Zen Master Baimei to come in.

Zen Master Baimei smiled faintly and walked in, staring at mine with his kind eyes.

As he watched, Zen Master Baimei frowned. I immediately said nervously: "Zen Master Baimei, what are you...seeing?"

Zen Master Baimei nodded: "Well, my little friend, have you ever had any unusual experiences these days?"

I nodded immediately: "Master, please come in quickly and I will talk to you in detail."

Zen Master Baimei smiled cheerfully and said, "This poor monk is here precisely for this matter."

I poured a cup of Longjing for Zen Master Baimei. While he was tasting it, Zen Master Baimei asked me to talk about the strange things I encountered.

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