Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 226 Japanese Barbarian Girl

With a depressed look on my face, I told Zen Master Baimei about being hypnotized.

After hearing this, Zen Master Baimei raised his eyebrows: "It seems that the other party is really coming to eat the night dragon!"

"Ye Long?" I was surprised and couldn't figure out what the relationship between the umbrella-holding woman and Ye Long was.

Zen Master Baimei said quietly: "During these days, there was a strange woman wandering outside the Dabei Temple, and even tried to hypnotize me, but I saw through it, and she ran away. I vaguely felt that there was something about her. There is an aura of night dragon taste, which seems to follow the past

Yelong has any contact. "

I was shocked: "How dare she hypnotize us to find out the whereabouts of Yelongzao? Alas, I was hypnotized at the time, and I might have revealed the news about Yelongzao to her."

"But who is she, and why does she want Yelong?" Li Mazi asked with a depressed look.

Zen Master Baimei recited the Buddha's name: "I don't know, but the forces behind the other side are strong. We can't attack forcefully, we can only outwit them."

"Oh, what force?" I asked inexplicably.

Buddhism is considered the largest force in China, with believers spread all over the country. To be called 'hugely powerful' by Zen Master Baimei, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

So when Zen Master Baimei said this, I began to feel uneasy.

"Japanese barbarian women, do you know?" Zen Master Baimei asked.

"Barbarian girl?" I frowned. I had heard of it before. It seemed to be a Japanese monster. But what did Zen Master Baimei mean by that? Are we being haunted by monsters?

"Yes, Barbarian Girl. In terms of nature, Barbarian Girl is very similar to the flying head descender in Thailand. Barbarian Girl's magic power is powerful, and the head and body can be separated. You can also go out during the day, but you must hold an umbrella. The connection between the head and the body of the barbarian girl is not very good, and there is a gap, so they will wrap the red rope around their neck to block the gap."

No wonder the woman we saw looked so strange, with a red rope tied around her neck.

But when I think about being entangled by monsters, I can't help but feel depressed. How the hell did I attract monsters?

I quickly asked Zen Master Baimei if there was any way to deal with barbarian women.

Zen Master Baimei took out the Yelong Tao from his loose cassock and placed it in front of me: "We might as well wait and wait, that barbarian girl will definitely take the bait."

I nodded immediately, no matter what today, I must catch the barbarian girl!

But it was a bit uneasy to have Yelong in the store, so I just kept watching.

Night fell soon, the street lights outside the window emitted a soft light, and there was only a small dim desk lamp in the shop.

Yelongzao began to emit soft white light, and there seemed to be a layer of water ripples waving on it. The scene looked very beautiful and beautiful.

I seemed to be a little attracted by the beautiful appearance of Ye Long Gao, and I stared at Ye Long Gao.

After watching for about thirty minutes, I accidentally heard a rapid knock on the door.

I immediately glanced at Zen Master Baimei. Zen Master Baimei didn’t seem to hear. He still closed his eyes and meditated, motionless.

Bang bang bang!

The knock on the door came again. I couldn't calm down anymore, so I got up and prepared to open the door.

As soon as I stood up, Zen Master Baimei opened his eyes and handed me the prayer beads in his hand: "Go ahead. If you encounter danger, use the beads to resist it."

I nodded immediately and ran to the door cautiously. Li Mazi also followed closely behind.

Li Mazi held the door with both hands and made a gesture to me, meaning that when he opens the door later, don't worry about whether there is someone outside or not, and he will slap the other person first.

I nodded in agreement.

But when the door opened, it was empty. Is there anyone anywhere?

But the more this happened, the more cautious I became, so I walked out little by little and looked outside the store.

There was not a soul outside the deserted antique shop. I sighed in disappointment, turned around and backed away.

But as soon as I turned around, I was suddenly frightened out of my mind!

At the door of the store, there was a head floating in the air, with its back to me. The hair was very long and messy, like a sky lantern. He was up and down, but he was lingering at the door, refusing to go in.

But Zen Master Baimei stood at the door at some point, blocked the door with his body, clasped his hands together, and shouted the Buddha's name: "Donor, what is the purpose of coming here? We might as well talk about it."

But the head didn't pay any attention to Zen Master Baimei. I immediately ran over and looked at the face of the head.

This is a beautiful face with exquisite features, with a red rope tied around her short neck. The woman's face was pale, and her big grape-like eyes were staring at us.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Zen Master Baimei nodded at me. I knew what Zen Master Baimei meant was for me to attack, so I immediately grabbed the beads and smashed them on the head.

However, the other party moved quickly and easily avoided the beads.

And my behavior seemed to anger her. She flew up and down quickly, and then while I was dazed, she bumped into me fiercely.

I was so shocked that I quickly grabbed a handful of soybeans from my pocket and sprinkled them on the head.

The head was hit by the soybean, and there was a crackling explosion sound, but the explosion did not cause much damage to her. She passed through the soybean and slammed into my chest fiercely.

I was shocked and immediately dodged back. Zen Master Baimei reacted the fastest. He chanted a spell in his mouth, and the beads I threw out turned around and flew back again, roaring towards the head.

If the barbarian girl doesn't dodge, she will definitely be hit by the beads. If the barbarian girl dodges, she won't be able to attack me.

Obviously the barbarian girl didn't want both sides to suffer, so she finally dodged, and the moment she dodged, a scream came out of her mouth, which sounded like the sound of rubbing an awl on metal.

The sound gave me goosebumps all over my body and chills down my back.

The sound was not constant, but was rising and falling. Even Zen Master Baimei seemed a little unable to withstand the sound. He covered his ears and stared at the barbarian girl's head, not knowing how to attack.


At this moment, a slight cracking sound came from behind me. I immediately turned my head to look, but was horrified to find that Yelong Gao had a crack in the middle, and a circle of white light was released from the crack.

The white light seemed to carry warmth. Even though it was so far away, I could still feel the scorching temperature.

Zen Master Baimei secretly sighed, and quickly led us back.

The barbarian girl left quickly after letting out a cold laugh.

I looked at Zen Master Baimei tremblingly: "Has the Night Dragon Awakened? Have the undead inside been released?"

Zen Master Baimei nodded with difficulty: "That's probably the case."

"Wow, what is that?" Li Mazi suddenly screamed.

I immediately looked at the white light.

I saw a bright figure in the white light. The figure was floating unsteadily, sitting firmly on the throne, but I still felt that it was a woman, and she should be a very strong woman. She exuded a kingly aura and looked at us with a numb expression.

I took a deep breath, these old ladies are not simple, they can kill people with just their eyes.

While we were looking at it dumbfounded, the white light suddenly became powerful, and the light quickly spread everywhere, and soon it would swallow us up.

Zen Master Baimei immediately shouted: "Run!"

I didn't care too much, turned around and started to run away, but how could our escape speed be compared to the white light? Not long after, I was enveloped in white light. My eyes instantly turned pale, and I couldn't see anything except the dazzling light.

And my body froze in an instant. I couldn't move my legs, so I could only stand there anxiously while turning my head to look at the woman in the white light.

The woman wears a phoenix robe and a crown inlaid with gold and silver, which makes her even more aura. Her every smile and every movement can bring great shock to people.

Her calm eyes looked at me, which actually made me have the urge to worship her. So, I couldn't control my body a little bit, and I knelt down towards her little by little.

"Don't kneel!" In my daze, I heard the voice of Zen Master Baimei. My mind suddenly became much clearer. I stood up again under the strong pressure and looked at the woman with a fierce expression: "Get the fuck out of here."

The braver a person is, the more afraid they are of evil spirits and monsters, so when I shouted out, the other person was actually a little scared, and looked away from me, and I suddenly felt relaxed.

"Don't kneel!" Then Zen Master Baimei roared again.

I was stunned for a moment. I didn’t kneel down. What did Zen Master Baimei mean? Could it be Li Mazi.

I was shocked and immediately looked at Li Mazi. And when my eyes fell on Li Mazi, I suddenly felt annoyed.

Li Mazi actually knelt down in front of this woman.

I didn't have time to think too much and rushed forward to pull Li Mazi up. But my body was still stiff, and a few short steps wasted a long time.

And when I was struggling to move towards Li Mazi, I clearly saw the woman in yellow robe approaching Li Mazi. Zen Master Baimei immediately yelled at me, telling me to leave Li Mazi, it was too late.

I was unwilling to do so. How could I just watch Li Mazi being manipulated by ghosts and gods? But even Zen Master Baimei didn't dare to come close. If I tried to pull Li Mazi up, I would probably end up even worse!

So I really have no choice but to go backwards and keep the green hills intact without fear of running out of firewood. Li Mazi is in danger. I can't let anything happen again. Otherwise, who will save Li Mazi?

Finally, after the woman in yellow robe got close to Li Mazi, she pounced on Li Mazi.

Li Mazi was stunned the whole time, with dull eyes and expressionless face, as if he didn't know anything. He couldn't hear me no matter how much I shouted.

The woman in yellow robe disappeared into Li Mazi's body, and the surrounding light also faded quickly. In the blink of an eye, the world returned to normal.

Only the gash opened by Yelong's mouth proved that what just happened really happened!

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