Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 227 Falling into the trap

"Li Mazi..." I immediately squatted down and tried to shake Li Mazi awake. However, Li Mazi was already weak. He glanced at me with a dark look, then rolled his eyelids, and there was no movement at all.

Zen Master Baimei came over at this moment, laid Li Mazi flat on the ground, opened his eyelids and looked at him, and finally sighed helplessly: "Put him on the bed first! Use a hemp rope soaked in black dog's blood to put him on the bed." Tie them up."

I nervously asked Zen Master Baimei: "What's wrong with Li Mazi?"

Zen Master Baimei said: "I'm afraid that my soul will be impacted, so I'll use the black dog's blood pressure to restrain it for the time being, so as not to scatter my soul."

I sighed and immediately put Li Mazi on the bed, then prepared black dog blood and hemp rope, tied Li Mazi up, and then asked Zen Master Baimei what to do next?

Zen Master Baimei said: "This Night Dragon Eater is indeed a royal treasure. I'm afraid the evil spirits attached to it will not be easy to deal with."

My heart twitched, and I immediately asked Zen Master Baimei what would happen if he couldn't deal with it?

"It can range from losing one's soul to losing one's soul, and the worst can lead to losing one's life," said Zen Master Baimei.

I felt depressed for a while. This Li Mazi's life was really bad.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, please open the door quickly." Just when I looked at Li Mazi with a headache, a voice like snow suddenly came from the door.

My heart twitched violently. If Ruxue sees Li Mazi like this, how can I explain it to her?

But this matter cannot be hidden, so I could only run to open the door in a hurry. When Ruxue saw me, she threw me a package: "Brother-in-law, this is a gift for you. Where is Li Mazi? I heard from my sister that he is here In your store.”

"Ruxue, listen to me." I quickly comforted her and said, "Li Mazi encountered a situation, but I guarantee that he will not be in danger, and I will definitely rescue him."

"Ah?" Ruxue trembled with fear: "What happened to Li Mazi? Let me go see him quickly."

After saying that, Ruxue rushed in without hesitation.

When Ruxue saw Li Mazi's appearance, she immediately panicked. She ran up and patted Li Mazi gently on the face twice: "Li Mazi, what's wrong with you? Wake up quickly."

Li Mazi's soul was unstable. Where could he hear Ruxue's voice? He just lay on the bed blankly without any response.

Zen Master Baimei advised: "Amitabha, don't disturb Donor Li's rest, otherwise it will disturb the soul and cause trouble."

Ruxue was so anxious that she almost cried: "Brother-in-law, who is this old monk? Is what he said true?"

I was worried that Ruxue's loud cry would disturb Li Mazi's soul, so I called Ruxue out, and Zen Master Baimei followed.

I said: "Ruxue, although Li Mazi's condition is not very serious now, if he is not taken care of well, he will probably lose his mind! So, you'd better stop harassing him now and let him have a good rest."

Ruxue nodded immediately: "Brother-in-law, you have a way to save him, right?"

I nodded, although I had no clue: "Zen Master Baimei, what do you think we should do to save Li Mazi?"

Zen Master Baimei took a deep breath and said, "Come with me to find something."

I nodded immediately: "Ruxue, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to take care of Li Mazi during this period."

Ruxue said hurriedly: "If anything, this is what I should do. You can go ahead, I will guard Li Mazi."

I nodded. Before leaving, Zen Master Baimei gave his prayer beads to Ruxue. If Li Mazi tried to resist and broke away from the hemp rope, he could use the beads to strangle his neck to prevent his soul from really running out. If the beads are broken, small beads must be inserted into Li Mazi's mouth or anus. Otherwise, if something happens to Li Mazi's soul, even Zen Master Baimei cannot guarantee that he can save Li Mazi.

Ruxue immediately nodded her head, reassuring us, but she did not reach out to pick up the beads. She just looked at Li Mazi with tears in her eyes and asked Zen Master Baimei to put the beads on the table.

Zen Master Baimei nodded and sighed: Poor lovers in the world, and then took me away.

But the further we walked, the more I felt something was wrong. Although Ruxue was infatuated with Li Mazi, the two of them did not break the last barrier. Ruxue shouldn't treat Li Mazi so 'blatantly', right? It feels like it does to your own husband.

And when Ruxue came to my house, the clothes she was wearing were a bit strange. I had never seen her wearing clothes like that before. It was a bit old-fashioned. It must have been clothes from the last century, right?

This suspicion made me uneasy and tormented. Finally, I stopped Zen Master Baimei and asked him if he had noticed anything weird about Ruxue.

Zen Master Baimei shook his head: "No."

I said that I always felt that something was wrong with this Ruxue, so I'd better make a call to confirm.

So I took out my cell phone and called Ruxue.

The call was quickly connected. Ruxue's voice on the other end was a little urgent: "Brother-in-law, I'm about to call you. How is Li Mazi? Have you gone to see him?"

My brain exploded with a buzz, it was indeed like this. I said to Ruxue without hesitation: "Ruxue, where are you now?"

Ruxue said: "I'm in the car on the way back. We're almost home."

I took a deep breath, forced myself to calm down, and said as calmly as possible: "Well, okay, when you come back, go to Yin Xinyue's place first. I will take Li Mazi to Yin Xinyue's place to find you."

After saying that, I hung up the phone and said to Zen Master Baimei angrily: "Master Baimei, the one at home is not Ruxue at all. Could it be that she was transformed from a barbarian girl?"

After hearing what I said, Zen Master Baimei also frowned: "Oops, barbarian girls are good at illusions. Could it be that we have fallen into the barbarian girl's illusions?"

Damn, that must be the case. A few days ago, Li Mazi and I were hypnotized by a barbarian girl. We didn't eat or drink at home for three days, and we almost lost our lives.

After thinking of this, I felt a headache and turned back in a hurry.

When that barbarian girl was alone with Li Mazi, God knew what she would do to Li Mazi, which was worse than a beast. If Li Mazi really has a problem, how should I explain it to Ruxue?

We ran back to the antique store in one breath, and I kicked open the door and went in. However, after entering, they found that the room was empty, and there was no sign of 'Ruxue' anywhere. Only Li Mazi was still lying unconscious on the bed.

"Li Mazi, Li Mazi." I immediately went to check Li Mazi's body. I wanted to see what the barbarian girl had done to Li Mazi.

However, I looked over and over and found nothing unusual. Li Mazi had not changed much before we left.

However, Zen Master Baimei came up with a solemn expression, opened Li Mazi's mouth with his hands, and asked me to shine a flashlight inside. His face suddenly became horrified.

I quickly asked Zen Master Baimei what happened?

Zen Master Baimei said: "It's the soul-eating worm. She fed the soul-eating worm to Li Mazi!"

"What is a soul-eating worm?" I felt uneasy in my heart. Although I didn't know what a soul-eating worm was, I knew that it would definitely be very detrimental to Li Mazi.

Zen Master Baimei said: "As the name suggests, the soul-eating insect is an insect that can swallow Li Mazi's soul. Once Li Mazi's soul is swallowed, the Yin spirit in the night dragon will take its place, and Li Mazi will really not be able to survive. "

My head suddenly got big: "What should I do? Can insecticides be used to kill bugs?"

Zen Master Baimei shook his head: "Of course not, let's go, follow me quickly to find the soul-catching insect."

"What's a soul-catching insect?" I asked as I picked up Li Mazi.

Li Mazi has become like this, so naturally I can no longer leave him alone in the store. I can only take Li Mazi with me.

Zen Master Baimei said: "All things in the world are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Since there are soul-eating insects that devour souls, there are naturally soul-seducing insects that draw out souls."

Zen Master Baimei took the Yelong Tao in his hand and played with it carefully: "This Yelong Tao is really harmful to people."

We didn't waste any more words and left in a hurry.

When leaving the antique shop, Zen Master Baimei bought a large piece of fat meat from a nearby butcher shop, boiled it a little, and after a layer of lard melted on the surface, Zen Master Baimei let me hold it.

Finally, Zen Master Baimei took me to a gloomy and weird forest.

This forest is not far from where we live, behind a large hospital, but because of the remoteness of the road, few people come here.

The government also tried to develop it in the past, but it is said that every time it was developed, it would encounter a lot of supernatural incidents, so in the end there was no choice but to stop work.

I heard that the hospital dealt with some dead babies and some dead human specimens, all in that forest.

The forest was eerie and dark, and the light of a flashlight couldn't solve much of the problem.

The ground is full of rotten branches and leaves, as well as medical waste discarded by many hospitals. If you are not careful, you may step on discarded needles.

The most incomprehensible thing is that there are still countless corpses of kittens and puppies hanging on the big trees here. Some of the corpses of small animals have their skins peeled off alive, dripping with blood, which is very shocking.

I really don’t understand why some young people like this exciting way of torturing animals. Aren’t they afraid of retribution?

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