Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 228: Soul-catching Insect

We kept going deep into the forest, and I felt that we were about to reach the hinterland of the forest. My legs were weak and I was out of breath from exhaustion. Only then did Zen Master Baimei stop, look around, put some saliva on his hand, put his fingers up, and feel it quietly.

I curiously asked him what he was feeling?

Zen Master Baimei said to feel if there are any soul-catching insects nearby? Where soul-catching insects exist, the yin energy is bound to be heavier.

"Okay, this is it." After feeling it for a moment, Zen Master Baimei pointed with his hand: "Throw the fat there."

So I immediately threw it away as a piece of meat. Zen Master Baimei walked up and started walking. He drew dense stripes on the ground with his feet, as if he was setting up a magic circle.

After finishing this, Zen Master Baimei tore off a piece of cassock and threw it on the pork. He led me to hide behind a big tree.

Soon, the greasy smell of pork attracted a lot of mosquitoes. Flies were flying all over the sky, making a messy buzzing sound. It gave me a headache.

In an instant, dense flies surrounded the pork. The pork could not be seen at all, only a black group of blowflies could be seen.

Zen Master Baimei said that it seemed that there must be dead bodies nearby, otherwise there would not be so many blowflies. Soul-catching insects all feed on dead bodies, so there must be soul-catching insects nearby.

I nodded and looked at the piece of fat hopefully. This seducing insect is Li Mazi's only hope. If he can't find the seducing insect, Li Mazi will suffer.

While I was thinking about it, the blowfly that was originally swooping on the fat seemed to be frightened, and scattered, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the surrounding temperature dropped instantly. I felt goosebumps all over my body, and my eyes were fixed on that piece of fat.

Zen Master Baimei warned me: "The soul-catching insect is coming. Don't be reckless later. If you startle the enemy, it will be difficult to catch it again."

I nodded immediately and said yes.

In the distance, a rustling sound came, mixed with the sound of the wind. Although it was very slight, I still caught it.

I followed the sound and looked, and sure enough I found a pair of bright little eyes not far away. They looked around with a sly look, very cautiously. Although the surroundings were very quiet and nothing unusual, the other party still did not dare to come closer. .

I'm a little worried, what if this soul-catching insect doesn't come up?

Zen Master Baimei smiled and told me to rest assured that the formation he arranged would attract the opponent to come up.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a moment, those little eyes finally could not withstand the temptation of fat and walked up little by little.

When the other party got closer, I realized what kind of insect it was. It was clearly a weird-looking mouse. This mouse is almost twice the size of a normal mouse, with a bulging belly and two small eyes that emit a strange light, making it look very weird.

When the mouse came to the fat meat and saw that there was nothing strange about it, he lowered his head and started to eat hungrily.

Although the food was in front of him, the mouse was still very cautious and was secretly observing its surroundings.

My nervous palms were sweating and I asked Zen Master Baimei: "Do you want to go out and catch it now? If I had known, I would have given it some medicine just now."

Zen Master Baimei nodded and smiled: "It has fallen into the trap of the law."

After saying that, Zen Master Baimei muttered words and made strange hand seals with his hands. Just when I was wondering what Zen Master Baimei was doing, I was shocked to find that the torn cassock suddenly opened and covered the mouse.

The mouse was frightened and jumped up to escape.

However, the cassock was like a animal trap. The mouse that was pressed down could not jump up. It could only struggle with its limbs and pull out a big hole in the ground. But its head was still tightly pressed by the cassock, and it couldn't struggle free at all.

Zen Master Baimei walked over leisurely, but I couldn't wait any longer. A tiger pounced on the food and crushed the mouse under him.

The mouse actually tried to turn its head and bite me. I suddenly became furious and slapped the mouse, which made it dizzy. However, it still opened its mouth crazily and gnawed everywhere.

Zen Master Baimei stepped on its head, took out a bright dagger, and put it against the mouse's belly.

I immediately held down the four legs of the mouse, but Zen Master Baimei was reluctant to do so.

I immediately urged Zen Master Baimei to take action as Li Mazi could not hold on much longer.

Finally, Zen Master Baimei put down the dagger helplessly: "Amitabha, all living beings in the world are equal, I can't do anything."

"I'll do it." I said, "This bad karma will be put on my head."

"I didn't kill Boren but Boren died because of me. This poor monk feels guilty!"

"It has nothing to do with you." I immediately grabbed the dagger and stabbed it hard into the mouse's belly. The dagger immediately punctured the mouse's belly, and blood spurted out. But the strange thing is that the blood of this mouse is dark red. If it weren't for the flashlight, it would probably appear completely black.

"Is he dead?" Zen Master Baimei asked.

"Dead." I said.

Only then did Zen Master Baimei reach out his hand without any scruples and rummage in the mouse's belly: "I am a compassionate Buddha. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I believe that if there is someone under the mouse spring who knows it, they will be very happy."

Soon, Zen Master Baimei grabbed the mouse's stomach out of its stomach. I didn't expect that the stomach could still move, as if there was something small inside that was constantly pushing against it, ready to escape at any time.

Zen Master Baimei looked at the thing in his hand and said calmly: "What's inside is the legendary soul-catching insect. Give this stomach to Li Mazi."

I nodded immediately, carefully held my stomach in my hands, and stepped back little by little.

But when I turned around and looked in the direction of Li Mazi, I suddenly trembled all over and was dumbfounded.

Where is Li Mazi in front of him? The place where Li Mazi was originally lying is now empty, and Li Mazi has disappeared.

My head suddenly felt dizzy, and I immediately ran up and shouted Li Mazi's name loudly.

Zen Master Baimei, who was ministering to the mouse, heard me calling Li Mazi and realized that something was wrong. He gave up ministering to the mouse and hurriedly ran up.

"Find him quickly." Zen Master Baimei was sweating profusely: "Don't let him escape. The Yin spirit in Ye Long Gao has adapted to Li Mazi's body so quickly. She is controlling Li Mazi's body to run away. !”

I searched around anxiously, but the forest was so big and it was still at night. If he really wanted to hide, it would not be that simple for us to find him.

I searched and searched, but to no avail.

Zen Master Baimei also looked helpless. It seemed that he had no choice.

I was so depressed and desperate that I really wanted to hug my head and cry. Li Mazi is the only close friend I have had for so many years. Although this guy is full of shortcomings, he has been with me through thick and thin and experienced so many lives and deaths. What should I do if he leaves?

When I was desperate, my cell phone rang suddenly. I immediately took out my phone and found that it was Ruxue calling.

Ruxue asked me where I was now and why the store was so empty.

I immediately became nervous and said: "Ruxue, go back quickly, my store is not safe now. Remember, never talk to anyone, especially women, you know?"

I'm worried that Barbarian Girl is still hanging around the antique store.

Ruxue asked strangely: "What happened? Why can't I talk to women? There is a woman next to me now, saying that she is also looking for you."

"What?" My head suddenly got bigger: "Look, is there a red rope around her neck? Is she holding an umbrella?"

Ruxue said yes.

My legs weakened and I almost collapsed on the ground without being frightened: "Ruxue, listen to me, leave the antique store now. It's best to run to the police station to seek shelter and let the police arrest the woman."

There was a moment of silence over there.

"Ruxue, Ruxue?" I shouted nervously.

There was a sinister sneer from the other side: "If you don't want her to die, don't harass my master anymore, otherwise, you will regret it."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone.

A few minutes before the call was hung up, I clearly heard Ruxue’s cry for help.

The other party immediately made me angry, and I shouted: "Zen Master Baimei, that barbarian girl actually held my friend hostage!"

Zen Master Baimei frowned: "Kidded your friend? Did you make any demands?"

"Let us stop harassing her master," I said.

Zen Master Baimei's expression changed: "Now we are in big trouble."

Such a calm person as Zen Master Baimei was spinning around anxiously. It seemed that he really had no choice.

But I was almost in despair: "Zen Master Baimei, we are divided into two groups. You go to find Li Mazi, and I will deal with the barbarian girl. No matter what, we must not let the barbarian girl succeed."

But Zen Master Baimei shook his head: "I'm afraid it's too late. Firstly, you will definitely not be able to find the barbarian girl. Secondly, even if I find Li Mazi, it will be useless. If we help Li Mazi, the barbarian girl will definitely notice it. I'm afraid that by then Your friend’s life is at risk.”

I was so anxious that I was sweating profusely. This damn barbarian girl had forced me into a desperate situation. She wanted me to make a choice between Li Mazi and Ruxue... Although I have a strong relationship with Li Mazi. , and Ruxue can only meet by chance.

But what Zen Master Baimei said is right. All living beings are equal. I have no right to decide the life and death of others...

Just when we were in dire straits, I suddenly heard a furious voice: "Which bastard killed my seductress? I'm going to fuck your whole family. Get out of here!"

Um? Hearing this voice, I was immediately stunned. Isn't this Senior Rat? Why did Senior Rat appear here? I was taken aback and immediately looked in the direction of killing the soul-sucking rat.

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