Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 229 Corpse Fragrance Bird

Senior Rat was grabbing the body of the Soul-Charming Rat excitedly, with a cannibalistic look in his eyes: "Which bastard killed him, I'm not done with him."

"Senior Rat." I shouted immediately.

After Senior Shu saw me, he immediately ran towards me. Looking at his eager expression, I knew that this senior rat must have come with bad intentions: "Little bastard, it turns out it's you. Are you deliberately trying to make things difficult for me? You give me back the seducing rat, and you give me back the seducing rat."

After saying that, Senior Rat was going to scratch my neck.

I was taken aback and immediately backed up, but Senior Rat was not willing to let me go. He chased me ferociously. Finally, a tiger pounced on me and threw me to the ground: "Grandma, kill me, the Rat. I will teach you a lesson today." you!"

"Listen to my explanation..." I argued.

How could Senior Shu be willing to listen? He pressed me down and refused to get up.

"Amitabha." Zen Master Baimei chanted the Buddha's name and walked out: "Mouse, long time no see."

Senior Shu was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Zen Master Baimei with an awkward expression. He chuckled and said, "Master Baimei, you... why are you here?"

"Did you raise that seductive rat?" Zen Master Baimei didn't talk nonsense to him, he just smiled lightly.

Senior Rat nodded: "Yes, I raised him. But that guy was greedy and ran out secretly..."

"I brought it out." Zen Master Baimei said, "If you have any grudges, just come to me."

Senior Mouse smiled awkwardly: "No, Zen Master Baimei, no, it's just a mouse. Haha, you guys are busy, I'll leave first."

At this point, Senior Rat was ready to run away.

"Stop." Zen Master Baimei shouted, and Senior Rat immediately stopped obediently.

The gossip in my heart arose spontaneously. There must be some story between Senior Rat and Zen Master Bai Mei. Otherwise, why would Senior Rat be so afraid of Zen Master Bai Mei?

"Zen Master Baimei, do you have any other instructions?" Senior Mouse asked tremblingly.

"Let me ask you." Zen Master Baimei said, "I heard from Chu Yi that you seem to have a corpse-scented bird?"

Senior Shu immediately waved his hand: "What's the matter? This guy is good at everything in the first grade of junior high school, he just loves to joke. Oh, by the way, I'm still cooking porridge at home, I have to go back quickly to avoid getting confused."

"Stop." Zen Master Baimei shouted: "I want to borrow your corpse-scented bird. Saving a person's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Let's cancel the previous debt!"

Senior Mouse looked at Zen Master Baimei with a troubled expression: "Master Baimei, it's not that I don't agree, but it's true that the Corpse Fragrance Bird hasn't grown up yet. If you use it, wouldn't my previous efforts be wasted and all my hard work has been in vain? You also know that Corpse Fragrance Bird has not grown up yet." Birds are so precious."

"Well, I'll come and settle the score with you, poor monk." Zen Master Baimei clasped his hands together angrily and glared at Senior Shu.

As soon as Zen Master Baimei glared, Senior Shu immediately became frightened: "Okay, even if I'm afraid of you, my whole life will be ruined in the hands of you and Chu Yi. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Zen Master Baimei said: "We encountered a Japanese barbarian, and we need to use your corpse-scented bird to help deal with it."

"What?" Senior Rat was immediately dumbfounded: "Japanese barbarian girl? How did you provoke that thing? No, no, I really can't help you with this. I, a corpse-scented bird, is still in the growth stage. If I really get along with the barbarian girl, If you match up, you will definitely suffer a loss."

"As long as you rescue one hostage." Zen Master Baimei said, "It's a good deal for you."

Senior Mouse still refused to agree, but in the end, due to my persistence and the coercion of Zen Master Baimei, Senior Mouse could only agree with heartache.

"I have pity on my corpse-scented bird, you little broom star, why did I know you?"

Senior Shu reluctantly took out a bird from his arms. The bird looked to be the size of a sparrow. It was red all over, had a pointed beak, and its eyes were also very red. It emitted a faint fragrance. The aroma smelled very special, at least I had never smelled such a strange smell in my first half of my life.

Senior Mouse whispered into the ear of Corpse Fragrance Bird, as close as a father. After finishing speaking, Corpse Fragrance Bird suddenly flapped its wings and flew up.

The flying speed was not high and the speed was not fast. Senior Shu immediately caught up with him.

Zen Master Baimei said: "After rescuing the hostages, call us."

Senior Shu agreed and hurriedly followed.

After Senior Shu left, Zen Master Baimei meditated on the spot and recited the Great Compassion Mantra silently. Originally, I wanted to ask about the past between Zen Master Baimei and Senior Shu, but I saw Zen Master Baimei sitting in meditation and was too embarrassed to disturb him, so I simply sat down next to him.

My mind was in turmoil, always thinking about where to find Li Mazi? What will the other party do to Li Mazi? Li Mazi's soul is unstable. If the soul is really squeezed out of the body, can we still save Li Mazi?

And Senior Rat, he looks crazy and unreliable at all. Can he deal with the Barbarian Girl? Can the corpse-scented bird really find a barbarian girl?

My heart feels like it's being fried, and every moment feels like a year.

While waiting anxiously, I finally received a call from Senior Shu: "Little bastard, how are you going to compensate me?"

Listening to Senior Shu’s tone, I knew I had succeeded.

I was overjoyed and quickly asked Senior Rat if we could take action? How is Barbarian Girl doing now?

"Hmph, there are still things in the world that I can't solve? The barbarian girl was driven away by me. She probably went to find Li Mazi. You'd better find Li Mazi before then, otherwise God knows what the barbarian girl will do to Li Mazi. What?" Senior Shu said.

I immediately said thank you.

Senior Shu was still complaining over there: "You just took pity on my Corpse Fragrance Bird, so it's useless. You kid must make it up to me..."

I didn't have time to take care of Senior Shu, so I immediately woke up Zen Master Baimei: "Master Baimei, Senior Shu has solved the hostage problem, let's go find Li Mazi quickly."

Only then did Zen Master Bai Mei stand up, looking around with confused eyes, and finally pointed in the direction behind him: "I was in the underworld just now, and a group of ghosts told me that there was a strange man peeling off souls two kilometers south of us. If If I guess correctly, it should be Li Mazi."

I was extremely shocked. I didn’t expect that Senior Shu could survive the underworld. I didn't think too much and hurriedly chased south.

Sure enough, not long after running in the direction pointed by Zen Master Baimei, I saw a man with his back to us, sitting cross-legged on the ground, with his waist hunched over, as if he was eating something.

I frowned and looked back at Zen Master Baimei.

Zen Master Baimei didn't stop at all, and ran directly towards Li Mazi. The beads in his hand circled Li Mazi's neck: "Amitabha, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and it's time to turn back! Donor, it's still too late to turn back now."

Li Mazi then slowly turned around, and his pupils turned black, which was terrifying.

The corners of his mouth and nostrils were covered in blood, and he seemed to be chewing a piece of flesh in his teeth, which looked very scary.

I tried my best to find the source of the blood and flesh, but I was horrified to find that Li Mazi's arms were full of bite marks, and his flesh and blood were blurred. Just now, he was hunched over and devouring his own flesh.

There was a sudden surge in my abdomen, and I almost vomited.

Li Mazi sneered at us, stood up slowly, and said with a mocking voice: "I miss the late emperor very much, but I asked him to bring me a message."

After saying that, he actually wanted to take off the beads.

Zen Master Baimei made a sound, clasped his hands together, squatted on the ground, and silently recited a mantra.

Immediately, the beads once again exerted their powerful power, forcing Li Mazi to squat on the ground, but Li Mazi was unwilling to give in and tried hard to stand up!

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