Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 230 The blood-stained forest

Zen Master Baimei was having more and more difficulty reciting the mantra, and a thin layer of sweat had appeared on his forehead, while Li Mazi was also struggling to resist.

However, as Zen Master Baimei became unable to do what he wanted, Li Mazi's expression became more and more relaxed: "Bald Donkey, if you dare to stop me from seeing the late emperor, I will let you die!"

After saying that, he pushed Zen Master Baimei away directly.

I immediately took out the Sirius whip and whipped Li Mazi hard on him.

Every time he was beaten, Li Mazi would frown in pain. He cast his fierce gaze on me and roared: "Die!"

With an angry roar, he grabbed the Sirius Whip and pulled hard, trying to throw me out alive!

Although I quickly squatted down and hugged a big tree at the same time, I still couldn't withstand the opponent's overwhelming force. In the end, I was still pulled up by the opponent and thrown far away.

I fell heavily to the ground, feeling as if a stone was pressing on my chest and I couldn't breathe. Finally, I felt some relief, but my throat felt sweet and I spit out a mouthful of blood.

I was so beaten by this Yin spirit that I vomited blood. I suddenly became furious, jumped up from the ground, grabbed the Sirius whip and rushed forward again.

However, when I raised the Sirius Whip and prepared to slap Li Mazi, I felt that the Sirius Whip seemed to be grabbed by someone. I whipped it hard, but it couldn't be pulled, and I almost let go of the Sirius Whip.

I immediately turned my head and looked behind me, and I was shocked!

I don't know when, the barbarian girl's head was floating behind me, and her mouth full of blood bit the Sirius whip. Although the yang energy of the Sirius Whip kept hitting the barbarian girl's head, causing her pain, she still bit it tightly, looking like she was going to die with the Sirius Whip.

The red string around her neck was gone. Zen Master Baimei told me before that the red rope is an important tool that the barbarian girl relies on to combine with her physical body. Now that the red rope is gone, the barbarian girl may not be able to return to her physical body...

Since there is no way to survive, this barbarian woman will naturally die with me. She bit the whip and pulled it backwards, preventing me from getting close to Li Mazi.

Damn it, I'm pissed off too. As a living person, I can't beat your head off? I simply wrapped the Sirius whip around my arm and stood in a stalemate with the barbarian girl.

The barbarian girl was very strong. Even though I was already lying on the ground, I was still dragged by the barbarian girl and slid on the ground.

I looked back at Zen Master Baimei, only to find that Zen Master Baimei and Li Mazi were already at odds. Li Mazi's hand was only a few inches away from Master Baimei's neck, but he couldn't move his hand. I knew that Master Baimei was using Buddhist beads to resist Li Mazi.

But Zen Master Baimei was struggling, his expression was constantly distorted, and the beads of sweat on his forehead were falling layer by layer.

I couldn't care less about Barbarian Girl, so I suddenly let go of the Heavenly Wolf Whip. Barbarian Girl flew away with a whoosh because of excessive force. I turned around without hesitation, started running, and kicked Li Mazi hard.

My kick was so strong that I kicked Li Mazi aside, but he managed to stabilize his body in the end.

The moment Li Mazi was kicked away by me, Zen Master Baimei immediately relaxed. But maybe because he suddenly relaxed, Zen Master Baimei couldn't bear the pain and immediately vomited a mouthful of dirty blood!

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zen Master Baimei quickly took out the Yelong Tao from his arms and sprayed all the spit blood on the Yelong Tao.

Yelonggao is the residence of evil spirits. In this way, the evil spirits cannot return. Moreover, she was more or less injured by the blood of Zen Master Baimei, and she rolled on the ground in pain. But soon, he reacted and fiercely attacked Zen Master Baimei again.

And I no longer have any magical weapons in my hands, so I can only rely on my physical strength to confront the evil spirits head-on.

But Zen Master Baimei pushed me away: "My little friend, go deal with the barbarian girl, leave him to me."

I looked at Zen Master Baimei with a worried look: "But you are injured..."

"It doesn't matter." Zen Master Baimei smiled: "I used three drops of blood essence, but she can't beat me."

After finishing speaking, Zen Master Baimei suddenly came back to his senses. Like a spring, he jumped up from the ground quickly, stopped in front of me, and started fighting with Li Mazi.

The battle between the two became intense. The battle was fierce and airtight. I had no chance to get close, so I had no choice but to ignore them.

The barbarian girl had already turned back, opened her bloody mouth, and bit my throat.

I immediately ducked down and picked up a big stone from the ground. This was the only on-site weapon I could find!

The barbarian girl bit me again. I did not dodge, but directly stuffed the stone into the barbarian girl's mouth, and gave her a slap in the face. I immediately felt a lot relieved.

However, this didn't seem to cause much harm to the barbarian girl. On the contrary, it completely angered her. With a roar, she bit the hard stone into pieces and hit me hard.

And this time it was so fast that I had no time to dodge, and before I even reacted, the opponent had already slammed me to the ground, and then kept hitting me back and forth on my chest like a hammer.

I felt like a thousand-jin stone was pressing on my chest, which almost broke my ribs and made me unable to breathe. I stretched out my arm to intercept the opponent, but I felt like my arm was about to be broken by her.

I had no power to fight back, and I was really worried that I would be ravaged to death by the other party.

My vision gradually blurred, and my consciousness was withdrawing little by little. I tried hard to see clearly what was going on over there with Zen Master Baimei, but my eyes were full of blood. But I guess Zen Master Baimei should also be at a disadvantage at this moment, right? Otherwise Zen Master Baimei would not have come to save me.

Just when I fell into extreme despair, a figure suddenly broke into my sight. The barbarian girl seemed frightened and turned around to run away.

However, the wretched old man instantly covered the barbarian girl's head with the bucket in his hand, knocked it upside down on the ground, and then sat on it with his legs crossed, looking at me with a sly smile on his face.

I climbed up from the ground with difficulty, feeling like all the bones in my body were falling apart.

Looking at the wretched old man, he said, "Senior Shu, thank you."

Senior Shu rolled his eyes at me: "Thank you, if you don't want Zen Master Baimei to die, come and sit for me."

Although the barbarian girl was surprisingly strong, she was pinned down by the bucket and was unable to break free from the bucket. She only made a loud banging sound and the bucket rolled up and down.

At the same time, I saw white powdery stuff spraying out of the bucket, and the air was filled with the smell of lime. If I guessed correctly, the bucket should contain dry lime, right?

I was surprised and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Senior Shu said: "What are you still doing? Hurry up, didn't you see that Zen Master Baimei was about to be beaten to death?"

I immediately looked at Zen Master Baimei, but I was horrified to find that Master Baimei was at a disadvantage. Li Mazi kept forcing Master Baimei to retreat, and even punched Zen Master Baimei a few times.

Zen Master Baimei was vomiting blood and was still struggling to hold on. But looking at Zen Master Baimei's appearance, he probably couldn't hold on much longer, right?

I immediately wanted to run up to help, but Senior Shu grabbed me: "Stop, are you going to die if you go up? Sit here, I will help."

After saying that, Senior Shu took out a bead from his mouth and stuffed it into my mouth while I wasn't paying attention.

I was immediately disgusted. There was even saliva on the beads. This old guy was so rude.

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