Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 232: The martyr girl breaks her wrist

Zen Master Baimei patiently told me.

In Chinese history, the founder of the Liao Kingdom was named Yelu Abaoji. It is said that one day, Yelu Abaoji was hunting on the grassland with 300 cavalry, and suddenly saw a huge thing flying in the sky.

Yelu Abaoji immediately ordered his men to fly with thousands of arrows and shot the huge creature. It turned out to be a black dragon!

The black dragon was crumbling, and finally fell down five hundred meters away. After the fall, the black dragon was dying, so Yelu Abaoji ordered people to imprison the dragon with iron chains and cells.

However, Yelu Abao's plan to imprison the dragon caused an uproar among the people. Everyone agreed that the black dragon was a messenger sent by the god. Yelu Abaoji had offended God by killing the dragon, and God would punish Yelu Abaoji.

However, Yelu Abaoji did not believe in evil at all. He felt that he was the emperor and still went his own way.

But not long afterwards, Yelu Abaoji, who had always been invincible, suffered a defeat. During the defeat, Yelu Abaoji also died mysteriously. Everyone unanimously concluded that Yelu Abaoji had suffered retribution.

After the death of Yelu Abaoji, the first thing that Queen Shulu did at that time was not to establish a prince, but to summon all the Liao generals who accompanied Yelu Abaoji on the expedition, and said to those generals: "I miss the late Emperor very much." ,what about you?"

The generals echoed on the spot, saying that they also missed the late emperor.

Queen Mother Shulu said sadly: "Since you also miss the late emperor, then you should go and accompany the late emperor first!"

The generals were confused and didn't understand what Queen Mother Shulu meant.

It was not until the funeral was held for Yelu Abaoji that the Queen Mother Shulu rolled out the guillotine one after another, and the generals finally understood, but it was too late. All the generals who accompanied Yelu Abaoji on the expedition were buried for him.

However, this did not ease the Queen Mother Shulu's longing for Yelu Abaoji. She wanted to send someone to bring a message to Yelu Abaoji, so she thought of a close friend of Yelu Abaoji: Zhao Siwen.

This Zhao Siwen was one of the generals that Yelu Abaoji valued most during his lifetime. The Queen Mother Shulu felt that sending Zhao Siwen down was the best choice.

However, she misjudged that Zhao Siwen was a Han, and the Han people were not that pedantic in this matter. So when Queen Mother Shulu asked Zhao Siwen to go down and deliver a message to Taizu Taizu of the Liao Dynasty, Zhao Siwen refused without hesitation: " I dont go!"

"Why don't you go? You have the best relationship with the late emperor. You must go."

Zhao Siwen was also very thoughtful, and he immediately said: "The person who has the best relationship with the late emperor is none other than Queen Mother Shulu. Why don't you go to accompany the late emperor in person?"

One sentence left Queen Mother Shulu speechless. Finally, Queen Mother Shulu said angrily: "The prince is still young, and I still have to shoulder the responsibility of accompanying the prince as he grows up."

Zhao Siwen said coldly: "Queen Mother Shulu, do you know why the late emperor didn't entrust you with a dream?"

The reason why Queen Mother Shulu asked Zhao Siwen to go down was because Yelu Abaoji had been dead for some time and she didn't even dream about it, so she sent someone down to ask about the situation.

Queen Mother Shulu immediately asked: "Why didn't you dream?"

Zhao Siwen replied: "That's because the late emperor shot a black dragon. God is punishing the late emperor. I'm afraid the late emperor's life down there will not be easy. If we don't atone for the late emperor's sins, I'm afraid the late emperor will continue to suffer... …”

Queen Mother Shulu immediately asked him nervously, what should I do to get God's forgiveness?

The society at that time was all about "broken friendship". Sometimes, in order to prove her loyalty to her husband, a woman will cut off her wrists as a last resort to prove herself.

Zhao Siwen said casually that the only way to ask God for forgiveness is to cut off your wrist.

Zhao Siwen originally made an excuse to ask Queen Mother Shulu to retreat when she saw the difficulties, and not to cause trouble for herself and other ministers in the future. Otherwise, she missed the emperor and asked someone to go down and take the message. Is this okay?

Unexpectedly, Queen Mother Shulu was really a chaste and fierce woman. She took the scimitar from the guard without hesitation and cut off her left arm.

Zhao Siwen was dumbfounded, but he could not go back on what he said. He immediately took the severed palm of Queen Mother Shulu and enshrined it under the black dragon's corpse, hoping to beg the black dragon's forgiveness!

He never expected that the black dragon would actually 'appear'. The black dragon, which had been dead for many days, began to secrete mucus from its mouth, gradually covering the severed palm. Within a few days, the liquid secreted by the dragon condensed into a ball, and the broken palm was digested by the mucus, forming the Night Dragon Eater.

At first, the shape of the Yelong Tao was irregular. Empress Dowager Shulu believed that it was a "gold medal for immunity from death" given by God to the late emperor, so she buried the Yelong Tao in Yelu Abaoji's mausoleum.

After that, Empress Dowager Shulu could dream of the late emperor every day, and Zhao Siwen was able to survive. However, Empress Dowager Shulu gradually began to become obsessed. She would lie in bed every day just to dream of the late emperor, and her body was aging very quickly. Soon, he fell seriously ill and passed away.

Before her death, Empress Dowager Shulu warned those around her that it was the late emperor who was lonely down there who summoned her to sleep with him, and ordered people to be buried with the late emperor after her death.

The allusion of the martyr girl's wrist-cutting has been spread since then. The world is shocked by the Queen Mother Shulu's loyalty to the late emperor, but I have a different view on this matter.

Yelu Abaoji massacred all directions. He killed an unknown number of Han people during his reign. He died suddenly in middle age. This is a typical example of self-inflicted consequences!

The Empress Dowager Shulu seemed to be even more cruel and inhumane. She relied on killing generals who had made great contributions to speak out, but comforted herself by "breaking off her wrists". It was really ridiculous.

After listening to Zen Master Baimei's lecture, I wondered why a barbarian woman would come to my door thousands of years later? What is the connection between her and Queen Mother Shulu?

Zen Master Baimei smiled and said: "The tomb of Yelu Abaoji is buried in the small country of Japan. It is said that the first generation of barbarian women was the guardian of Yelu Abaoji's tomb. Now that Yelu Abaoji has been revealed again, the barbarian women will naturally come to visit. coming……"

It dawned on me.

It is an eternal truth that those who commit unjust acts will be punished by themselves, whether you are the king of a country or a common citizen.

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