Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 233 The mysterious man in black

After Yelong was split open by Zen Master Baimei, it melted into liquid. Finally, Zen Master Baimei threw it into the furnace and burned it completely.

Although Li Mazi was rescued by us, his soul was shocked and he felt dizzy all day long and was unsteady on his feet. Ruxue stayed by Li Mazi's side every day and took care of him with all her heart. Until Li Mazi fully recovered, Ruxue still refused to leave.

Ruxue's careful care finally melted the smelly and hard stone of Li Mazi, and his attitude towards Ruxue gradually softened.

Eileen Chang once said: The best way to forget someone is time and new love.

I think if the momentum of the two of them continues, it won't be long before Li Mazi can get over the shadow of his wife's death.

Not long after the matter was resolved, Yin Xinyue and I began to think about getting engaged. Now we know each other very well and can deeply feel the care from each other. The conditions are very mature.

That day, after I took the wedding photos and sent Yin Xinyue off, I dragged my tired body towards the store.

When I returned to the antique store, I saw a person squatting in front of the store from a distance!

I subconsciously thought that there must be business coming to my door. Although I didn’t want to continue dealing with vaginal objects before getting married, since the other party came to my door, I couldn’t refuse...otherwise it would affect my reputation.

When I walked up, I found the other person squatting at the door and sleeping. Moreover, this man was dressed very strangely. He was wearing a black robe, and his face was covered by a black gauze, leaving only a pair of eyes outside. With gloves still on his hands, there's no way to tell whether the other person is a boy or a girl?

He was dressed so strangely and squatting casually in front of my shop. He must be a beggar, right? After shouting twice to no avail, I had no choice but to kick him gently: "Hey, wake up, wake up."

I kicked him twice, and he finally opened his eyes. He seemed to be still awake, and asked drowsily: "How long have I been asleep?"

"How did I know?" I said angrily: "This is my shop, and I still have to do business. If you want to rest, go find a hotel to rest."

After saying that, I will drive the other person out.

Who knew that the other party just refused to leave and said, "The store is yours, but does the door of the store also belong to you? Do you have a permit for this land?"

I'll sleep here today. "

Damn it, I realized that I might have met a gangster who was asking for money in disguise. I angrily grabbed a hundred-dollar bill from my pocket and threw it in front of him: "Get out!"

Unexpectedly, the other party sneered, and then took out two hundred-dollar bills from his pocket: "Here, consider it as my temporary accommodation fee! I can't walk, so I think your place is comfortable to sleep in."

After saying that, the other party closed his eyes and fell asleep with peace of mind.

I couldn't laugh or cry for a while. This guy was really weird. He couldn't afford to live in a hotel, but he stayed here with me. It was really annoying.

I was very angry, and the good mood of the day suddenly disappeared. I simply ignored him. After walking into the antique store, I locked the door tightly from the inside.

Although my body was very tired after being manipulated by photographers all day long, I could not sleep due to tossing and turning. I guess whoever gets involved in this matter will be worried, right? Imagine there is a strange person lying at the door, and you have no idea what his purpose is...

The more I thought about it, the more worried I became. Finally, I simply walked out, had a fight with him, and threatened that if he dared to sleep in front of the store again, I would call the police.

When it came to calling the police, the other party immediately gave up. He shook his head helplessly, then turned and left.

I also breathed a sigh of relief and went back to sleep.

However, when I slept until three o'clock in the middle of the night, I was suddenly awakened by the ringing of my mobile phone. I answered the phone in a daze and asked who it was, full of resentment.

Yin Xinyue's voice came from the other side: "Brother Zhang, are you asleep?"

I gave a long yawn and said I haven't slept yet, what's wrong?

"Come here." Yin Xinyue's voice was filled with deep fear: "There is a strange person in front of my house. He has been squatting there and sleeping. It scared me to death."

I frowned, and an ominous premonition emerged in my heart. I always felt that the weirdo Yin Xinyue mentioned was the guy I kicked away.

I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down. Tell yourself not to panic. If I panic, Yin Xinyue will definitely be even more frightened.

"Xinyue, don't be afraid. Lock the doors and windows. Don't go out. Tell me what characteristics that person has?"

"Wearing black clothes, he squatted motionless at the door. He didn't know what he was doing. He looked at my house from time to time. I was frightened. Do you think this person is a gangster?" Yin Xinyue asked.

I said, "Don't move around. I'm going to go take a look now! Don't worry, not everyone wearing black clothes is a gangster."

After hanging up the phone, I was so angry that my mouth was filled with smoke. I just drove that bastard away, why did he go to Yin Xinyue's house again? Damn it, if you don't teach him a lesson, how can you be Yin Xinyue's boyfriend in the future?

I got dressed in a hurry and called Li Mazi. If that guy was really a gangster, it would be safer to take action with more people.

After arriving at Yin Xinyue's residence, she found that it was indeed the man in black. I was furious, rushed up and kicked him awake: "Hey, hey, hey, wake me up."

The man in black opened his eyes drowsily and looked up at me: "Why is it you again? The ghost is still there."

"Fuck you." This person was really arrogant. I said angrily, "This is my home. What do you mean by squatting in front of my house?"

He was startled for a moment: "This is your home too? Are you bragging? You, a small boss, can afford to live in such a luxurious villa? Yep."

Li Mazi was woken up from his sleep by me. He was already full of resentment. Now he was aroused by this guy's tough attitude and became furious: "Boss, don't talk nonsense, follow the rules! Chop off a leg."

"Come on, stop scaring people." The man in black sneered: "You are pretending to be a gangster. When I was a gangster, you were still wearing crotchless pants."

Li Mazi snorted: "Really?"

After saying that, he took out the watermelon knife prepared in advance without hesitation, held it in his hand and weighed it: "Then let's use the left leg."

Immediately afterwards, the watermelon knife slashed hard at the thigh of the man in black.

The man in black was really scared. He jumped up from the ground and cursed: "Damn it, find a place to sleep peacefully, you two bastards are disturbing me."

Although he was unwilling to do so, the man in black did not dare to stay any longer, so he turned around and left with a curse.

Seeing the man in black leaving, Yin Xinyue walked out tremblingly, still looking frightened: "Why is this man dressed so strangely? It scared me to death. He was dressed in black and had two eyes outside."

She didn't dare to continue sleeping alone in the villa, so I simply asked her to go back with me and squeeze in my shop.

After my warning, the man in black should not dare to come back again, right?

But even though he left, I was still full of doubts in my heart, what happened to that guy? It's not for money, and it doesn't seem to be a threat to us, so why is he wandering between Yin Xinyue's and mine? Who is he targeting? What's the purpose?

With this doubt, I didn't sleep well the whole night.

Yin Xinyue is a conservative girl. Before getting married, the most generous thing she could do was let me hug her. There was no choice but to hold Yin Xinyue and make fire all night long.

Who knew that early the next morning, I suddenly received another call from Fengshen Nana.

Fengshen Nana hasn't called me for a while since she solved the old cook's problem. She must have something wrong if she called me so early in the morning.

So I answered the phone, and the lady on the other end of the phone, Nana, was full of sarcasm: "Tsk tsk, Mr. Zhang, you're so awesome. You can do such a thing. I'm lucky I trusted you so much before."

I was stunned for a moment and asked inexplicably: "Fengshen Nana, what do you mean?"

"You know it yourself." Fengshen Nana said coldly: "Come to the police station! Hurry up, or I will come to arrest you."

"You're crazy." Being mocked by Fengshen Nana, I immediately became furious. The man in black made me angry yesterday, and then he watched Yin Xinyue all night and did nothing. I finally fell asleep, and now I am being ridiculed by Feng Shen Nana. Even a saint would be angry.

Fengshen Nana was also angry: "You must arrive within half an hour, otherwise I will take the criminal police to arrest you now!"

After saying that, Fengshen Nana hung up the phone. When I called again, no one answered.

I really don't know whether to laugh or cry. I really wonder if I have been guilty of Tai Sui in the past two days. Why am I so unlucky?

I had no choice but to listen to Fengshen Nana's tone, and it didn't seem like it was a joke. People don't fight with officials, so I went obediently in the end.

In the small police station, I met Feng Shen Nana.

Fengshen Nana wiped her nose coldly and said: "I am about to lead people to arrest you."

"What's going on?" I said angrily, "I'm really busy and I don't have time to waste time here with you."

Fengshen Nana said: "Your accomplices have been recruited. Let's go, I will take you to confront him."

When I saw the so-called 'accomplice', I became furious and ran away.

It was actually the man in black last night. Needless to say, this family must have framed me.

I said angrily: "I don't know this guy. No matter what this guy has committed, it has nothing to do with me."

"Don't you know me?" Fengshen Nana looked at me in surprise: "How could you not know me?"

"When I say I don't know him, I mean I don't know him." I said impatiently, "Can't your police investigate a person before summoning him?"

Fengshen Nana looked at the man in black angrily: "Do you know him? Did he instigate you?"

Unexpectedly, the man in black actually knelt down to me with a grunt: "Help me, Master, please help me. I have no vision, but I didn't expect you to be an expert. I have no vision, and I offended you yesterday. But you must save me."

He knelt on the ground and burst into tears, making me extremely embarrassed.

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