Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 234 White Mildew

"You just said you were an accomplice with him, how dare you lie to me?" Fengshen Nana said angrily.

"I have no choice but to help you, master." The man in black kept kowtowing his head.

save you? That's weird.

I rolled my eyes at him fiercely: "Okay, now the truth is out, right? I'll leave first if it's okay."

Fengshen Nana stopped me: "Aren't you going to ask what on earth this guy has committed?"

After Fengshen Nana said this, I calmed down. Yes, if we don’t understand this guy’s origins, what if he continues to sleep in front of Yin Xinyue and I’s house after he goes out?

So I asked: "Why did this guy enter the police station?"

"Attacked the baby." Fengshen Nana said: "And this is not the first time he has committed a crime. He is a habitual offender."

I couldn't laugh or cry for a moment: "Attack a baby? How naive does this guy have to be to have a grudge against a baby? You're a pervert. You police need to take good care of him. If you let such a scumbag into society again, this is a huge threat."

But the man in black just kowtowed to me and begged: "Master, help me, I have my own reasons. If you don't care about me, I really won't survive..."

I said coldly: "Go away, I'm too lazy to meddle in your business."

After that, I will walk out of the police station.

Seeing that I was coming, the man in black was so soft that he threatened me: "Master, if you don't help me, after I go out, I will guard the door of your store every day. I have many infectious diseases on my body. You’ll be in trouble.”

As he spoke, the man in black took off his turban.

When I saw the true face of the man in black, my stomach couldn't help but twitch, and I got goosebumps all over my body, and I didn't dare to take a second look.

This guy's face was actually covered with dense white mold spots, as if he had vitiligo, and there were many thin and long hairs on those spots, completely occupying his cheeks.

There were even mold spots on my lips, which was disgusting!

Fengshen Nana was even more unbearable than me. She turned around and rushed to the bathroom to vomit. She vomited for a long time and could not recover.

"Master, this disease is really contagious, and now my whole body is moldy. If you don't save me, I'm afraid I will really rot." The man in black begged bitterly.

I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down: "Why don't you go to the hospital for a check-up? How can I help you?"

I have to admit that this guy's threat is still very effective. At least I am very afraid that he will spread the infectious disease to me.

How can a good person become moldy? This should be a symptom that only appears on corpses.

The man in black said helplessly: "Master, I may have provoked something unclean. Some horrible thoughts pop up in my mind every day, and I can't control myself at all. But as long as I hide in front of your store, that kind of Weird ideas will be suppressed, so I linger in front of your antique store."

"At first I thought it was a coincidence, but the female police officer told me that you are an expert, so I thought of using this method to invite you here. I hope you can help me!"

The man in black begged and cried, looking very pitiful and not pretending.

"A scary thought? What a scary thought?" I asked inexplicably.

"Eat babies." He said: "As long as I am hungry, I will have a very strong urge to eat babies, and I can't control it at all."

Eat babies!

These three simple words made my scalp tingle.

The most dehumanizing thing in the world is cannibalism, right? Not to mention eating babies.

In this age, how could such a pervert still be born? I knew there must be something fishy about this guy, so I took a deep breath and asked, "Have you never seen a psychiatrist? Could it be that you have a psychological problem?"

"It's useless." The man in black said dejectedly: "Everything was normal before, and I was even very caring. I was a civil servant, how could my quality be so bad? Let alone eat babies."

"But since my wife gave birth to my son, I started to become weird. At first, I didn't know that I was weird. My wife told me that when I saw the baby, I would drool and my eyes would light up. Then I started to get sick, and these horrible white spots appeared on my body. Master, you must save me, only you can save me!"

He burst into tears and cried very sadly.

Fengshen Nana said: "Mr. Zhang, you must tell me, is this guy covered in dirty things?"

I cursed my bad luck. Yin Xinyue and I had already started preparing for the wedding, and I was not planning to accept any more business. I didn’t expect that if I didn’t accept the business, the business would come to me on its own.

I was filled with emotions, and suddenly realized that ever since I stepped into the circle of negative things, I have been in constant trouble. All kinds of things happened one after another, leaving me no time to rest.

It seems that there is God's will in the dark, and the ghost merchant is destined to be a ghost merchant. I can't resist it.

If you insist on having your own way, you may violate the rules.

I had no choice but to reluctantly take over the matter: "I can't tell whether it's dirty or not. I have to investigate it carefully!"

Fengshen Nana said thoughtfully: "This guy was arrested before because he attacked the baby. And the way he attacked the baby was also very special. He just bit the baby hard... I don't know. Will those babies be infected with strange diseases by him?"

"Bite the baby?" I felt pain in my body again. If there is really an evil spirit at work, then this evil spirit must be full of resentment and extraordinary.

I said, "Now, please patiently tell me what happened to you, without leaving out any details. As long as I can help you, I will help."

The man in black nodded excitedly: "Okay, okay, thank you, Master!"

As he said, he works in a local power plant. He is a well-established civil servant and a typical warm-hearted person. He is very popular in the company and will take the initiative to help anyone who has difficulties.

Because his name is Thunder Dragon, colleagues often joke that he is a descendant of Lei Feng, a living Lei Feng in the new era.

If he hadn't suffered from this strange disease, Brontosaurus would have had a pretty good life, with a harmonious family, a career that was envied by outsiders, and a good salary...

But since his wife gave birth to a son for him, his life has changed dramatically.

On the second day after my son was born, the Brontosaurus became a little unusual...

At first, Brontosaurus felt that his appetite suddenly increased. No matter what he ate or how much he ate, he could not feel full. He would eat three bowls of rice at a time, 24 hours a day. And I became very lazy, my whole body was weak, I just wanted to lie on the bed, and I couldn't even take care of my wife's confinement period.

If his wife hadn't been well-educated and sensible, I'm afraid the two would have divorced long ago. While his wife was taking care of the children, she was also cooking and feeding the children.

Although Brontosaurus ate a lot, he was weak all day long. He lay in bed without moving, and he didn't even have the heart to look at the child.

Brontosaurus suspected that he had some disease, so he went to the hospital for examination. However, the hospital examination results showed that everything was normal, but the doctor discovered a very strange phenomenon in Brontosaurus!

That is, there is a lot of white hair on the left cheek of Brontosaurus. The doctor said that this should be caused by mold, but how could human skin become moldy? I asked Brontosaurus if he had done any surgery on his face, such as face-slimming injections and whitening injections.

Thunder Dragon shook his head helplessly, saying that he had been lying in bed all day, too weak to do anything, so how could he still have the time to do beauty treatments?

The doctor even joked that this must be the legendary 'mouldyness caused by laziness', right?

Brontosaurus went back disappointed, but after returning, his symptoms worsened.

I didn't even go to class, I just wanted to wolf down food.

This reminds me of the Jade Ring. The symptoms of Brontosaurus are very similar to the Jade Ring, a feminine object. The Jade Ring also makes people eat it non-stop.

It’s just that the jade ring finger makes people fatter as they eat more, but the symptoms that appear on Brontosaurus are mold...

I wonder if the Brontosaurus ate some poisonous food and developed strange lesions?

After that, every night around nine o'clock, Brontosaurus would become unbearably sleepy. Even if a knife was placed on his neck, it would not stop him from sleeping, as if he had taken a lot of sleeping pills.

But at two o'clock in the morning, Brontosaurus would have a very strange dream. He dreamed that he was so hungry that he couldn't bear it. He went to the kitchen to make food, but every time his hand touched the knife, he would wake up inexplicably. After waking up, I found that I was not sleeping and dreaming on the bed, but standing in the kitchen confusedly with a knife, staring in the mirror in a daze.

You must know that Brontosaurus has never had the habit of sleepwalking before, but he has been sleepwalking one after another these days, and the content of each sleepwalk is similar. He is cooking in the kitchen, and when he wakes up, he stands in front of the mirror with a kitchen knife. .

Every time he woke up, the first scene Brontosaurus saw was himself angrily standing in front of the mirror waving a kitchen knife. He began to feel that his face was strange, as if he had never seen that face before... although he was sure that The face is your own.

And he found that the moldy area on his face was getting bigger and bigger. When he touched it with his hand, he felt excruciating pain. He could even pull off the moldy white hairs, along with disgusting mucus.

Brontosaurus was so frightened that he sought medical treatment everywhere and even saw a psychiatrist, but none of them could give him a definite explanation. Thunder Dragon lives in this kind of fearful life, feeling that he is going crazy...

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