Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 235: The Strange Story of the Baby-Eating Monster

Things became more and more serious, and Brontosaurus discovered that the scope of his sleepwalking was no longer limited to the kitchen. He began to shuttle back and forth between the bedroom and the living room with a kitchen knife in the middle of the night. His wife was awakened several times by his sleepwalking.

It wasn't until one time that a shocking thing happened that the Thunder Dragon completely fell into the abyss of despair!

That day, the Brontosaurus was looking for food at home as usual, but during this period, the Brontosaurus ate all the edible food at home. The Brontosaurus was so hungry that he was almost crazy. He rummaged through the cabinets in the kitchen and hall bedroom. After eating some ham sausage, the Brontosaurus's appetite was awakened and he began to lose his mind due to hunger.

In this desperate hunger, his attention was inadvertently focused on his child, who had just turned one month old.

How could the sleeping child at this moment still be a small life in his eyes? It was just a piece of tender pink meat. At that time, he couldn't control himself at all. Without any sense, he raised the kitchen knife and walked towards the child step by step.

If the wife hadn't woken up in time and rescued the child from the kitchen knife, God knows what would have happened next.

After waking up, Brontosaurus was very upset. And his wife didn't dare to live at home anymore. Despite the Thunder Dragon's begging, the wife finally left with the child.

Thunder Dragon later figured it out and decided that it would be better to leave. If he did something excessive to his child, he probably wouldn't have the courage to continue living.

Thunder Dragon realized that he might be entangled with something unclean, so he looked for experts everywhere.

However, experts are not as easy to find as potatoes in the market. After being deceived by several scammers pretending to be experts, Brontosaurus also despaired of the so-called experts. However, he did not give up searching. Sometimes he would go far away and even spend the night on the street.

Just because Brontosaurus didn't go home didn't mean that the terrifying thought didn't haunt him. He is still hungry 24 hours a day, and the idea of ​​eating children often pops up in his mind. Brontosaurus often cannot control his reason. When he sees children on the street, he will rush towards them uncontrollably. , trying to eat small children.

But fortunately, he couldn't succeed every time, after all, there were adults stopping him.

It's a coincidence. Perhaps it was destiny that the Thunder Dragon accidentally passed by my antique shop when he was looking for an expert. As he passed by the door of my store, he was having a difficult mental struggle.

The severe hunger told him to eat a child quickly! Otherwise, you will starve to death. But his remaining conscience warned him not to do this, never to do this.

As time went by, the intense hunger gradually drove away his reason. When he saw that he was going crazy and secretly determined to steal a child to eat, the desire was suppressed.

He was overjoyed, thinking that he had finally defeated his lust.

But as soon as he left my antique store, the strange thoughts became stronger again, gradually suppressing his reason. He immediately retreated to my antique shop, and his senses regained the upper hand.

After testing this for several times, Brontosaurus concluded that only my antique shop was the safest.

But then he was driven away by me, so I had no choice but to find another place where I could temporarily suppress this desire.

Unexpectedly, he found it again soon, at the door of Yin Xinyue's house. But who would have thought that we were lovers and that he would linger in front of Yin Xinyue's house and provoke me again...

After being driven away, the crazy desire surged out like a flood that burst a dam. He could no longer find a place to suppress his desire, so he attacked a child playing on the side of the road.

Then he was taken to the police station.

Brontosaurus still hates me. If I had been a little kinder at the time, I'm afraid he wouldn't have gotten into the game, right? So when Fengshen Nana asked him if he had any accomplices, he mentioned me.

Unexpectedly, Fengshen Nana actually knew me. Thunder Dragon accidentally learned that I could kill demons, which made Thunder Dragon even more excited. He insisted that I was the one who ordered him, hoping to trick me into coming to the police station for help. .

We all know what happened after that. It was destined by God that I would be involved in the storm of Thunder Dragon again...

After listening, we all fell silent. Fengshen Nana asked: "Boss Zhang, if you don't care, this guy will be locked up for two days at most. After he is released, he will cause harm to society. Maybe the disease will be transmitted to You, just take care of yourself!"

Looking at Fengshen Nana's expression, I knew that she wouldn't let me go if I didn't care.

This woman really likes to be nosy. She can stand and talk without hurting her back. Every time I deal with vaginal objects, am I not risking my life?

This rich gentleman Nana probably thinks that I can settle it with just a wave of my hand, right?

Seeing my silence, Thunder Dragon begged again. In the end, I was forced to do nothing. I could only sigh and said: "Damn, I wonder if I owed you money in my previous life. Please take me to your house first." Let’s see, I’ll make a decision after reading it.”

Thunder Dragon immediately thanked me, and Fengshen Nana said that because of your illness, I will let you go this time, but next time, I will wait to be shot!

Although Fengshen Nana was just a young detective, she was more than capable of handling such civil disputes, so after giving him a lesson, she released the Brontosaurus.

All the money on Brontosaurus was spent, so I had to take a taxi back at my own expense.

He was a little embarrassed and assured me all the way that if I could help him get back to normal, he would definitely repay me well.

The Leilong family lived in a family courtyard assigned by the work unit. The family courtyard must have been a few years old, and they were still rows of tile-roofed houses. However, from the shocking word "demolished" on the wall, I knew the significance of the existence of this tile-roofed house: it was waiting for demolition compensation.

Although it looks old, Thunder Dragon's house is still clean and exudes a literati atmosphere. There are famous calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls. The furniture in the house is a combination of classical and modern. It is quite pleasant to walk into it.

But I seemed to vaguely smell a rotten smell. The smell was disgusting. I frowned, checked carefully, and found that it seemed to be coming from the kitchen.

I frowned and asked, "What's this smell like?"

Brontosaurus also walked into the kitchen full of doubts. When he saw it, he screamed in shock: "What's going on? Who did it?"

"What's wrong?" All the nerves in my body immediately became tense, and I hurriedly followed him.

And when I saw the scene in the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel numb.

In the small kitchen, there were densely packed animal carcasses, including cats, mice, and dogs, and most of them were cubs of animals.

These animals had been dead for many days and were piled together. The corpses were moldy and had a layer of white velvet growing on them.

What is even more horrifying is that the cause of death of these animals was a deep wound on the neck, and a bloody kitchen knife was stabbed in the neck of one of the puppies. Swarms of maggots occupied the kitchen knife, which was very disgusting.

I took a deep breath and asked, "Who else has the key to your house? I just saw that the door lock didn't seem to be broken."

Thunder Dragon thought for a moment, turned around, locked the kitchen door, and said, "My wife and I each have one, but there should be no reason for my wife to do such a thing..."

I looked at him with dark eyes.

His eyes were so shocked that he almost popped out of his head: "You mean... I got all of this?"

I nodded: "It's very possible. Do you have any surveillance here?"

The Brontosaurus had a look of fear on his face: "No...whose kitchen is under surveillance? Master, I don't even remember that I brought so many animal carcasses to my house. Besides, what do I do with so many animal carcasses?"

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