Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 236 Golden Bowl

I shook my head and said, "I won't be able to explain it to you for a while, but you must be unconscious and rational when you are being controlled."

Thunder Dragon immediately asked: "Then what should I do?"

I saw that his face was purple and his lips were trembling violently. He was obviously frightened. He was most likely to be washed away by dirty things now.

I was worried that once the Brontosaurus was controlled, I would definitely suffer a loss because I was unprepared. So I comforted Thunder Dragon and said: "Thunder Dragon, take two deep breaths, calm down, and read after me!"

Next I started teaching Lei Long to read the Tao Te Ching.

After reading the Tao Te Ching with me several times, Thunder Dragon calmed down and I breathed a sigh of relief. I started walking around the house to feel if there was any problem with his house.

After walking around, I found that the place with the strongest negative energy in his house was not the kitchen, but the bedroom.

This is thought-provoking. Logically speaking, with so many dead animals in the kitchen, there should be a lot of gloom!

But the Yin Qi in the bedroom can actually suppress the Yin Qi in the kitchen. It seems that there is something very powerful hidden in the bedroom.

I pushed the bedroom door, but it was locked. I quickly asked Brontosaurus to open the bedroom door.

But Thunder Dragon frowned and said that he had been sleeping in the living room after what happened before. In order to prevent Brontosaurus from carrying a kitchen knife and killing people, his wife had already taken away the key to the bedroom.

I had no choice but to let the Brontosaurus kick open the bedroom door.

Even though Brontosaurus was weak, he was still very strong when he kicked the bedroom door, so he kicked the bedroom door open with one kick.

But after the door was kicked open, I found a very clear shoe print left on the door panel. I grabbed the door to stop it from swinging, and finally discovered that what was left on the door panel was a rotten and moldy shoe sole mark!

Brontosaurus also discovered the moldy shoe print, raised his foot and took a look, and suddenly screamed.

Brontosaurus's shoes turned out to be moldy and rotten, with a centimeter-long white fluff growing on them, and pus began to ooze from the soles of his feet. Brontosaurus shouted in horror: "It's broken, it's broken, why don't I feel it? It doesn't hurt at all." No."

Due to psychological effects, although he felt no pain, he could no longer stand up. He sat on the ground and stared blankly at his moldy feet.

I had no choice but to run to the bedroom and take a look.

The bedroom is still very freshly decorated, in the style of Balala Little Demon Fairy, a typical princess room. Children's items and toys were neatly placed in the cabinets, which was in sharp contrast to the miserable scene in the kitchen.

I searched around the bedroom and didn't find anything wrong in the bedroom.

I had no choice but to step out and ask Brontosaurus: "What do you have at home that you bought before your accident? The closer the time, the better."

Brontosaurus thought carefully for a moment and finally said: "The child's clothes, milk bottles and toys were all bought before my accident."

"Anything else? Is there anything weirder?"

The Brontosaurus hesitated for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, and patted his head: "I remember, I remember, I seem to have bought a golden bowl."

After saying that, Brontosaurus climbed into the bedroom and opened the safe in the bedroom. After turning over and over, he finally found a small golden bowl inside: "Master, take a look, is there something wrong with this golden bowl? It was bought for my son's birthday, but the night I bought it back, I Then things started to go wrong…”

"Why didn't you tell me such an important detail earlier!" I calmly held the golden bowl in my hand and looked at it carefully.

This gold bowl looks very different from the gold bowls bought in the gold store. The biggest difference is that the gold bowls in the gold store are all brand new, with bright surface and clear patterns. Shining brightly in the light.

But the golden bowl in front of me is different. The surface is very dull, and you can even see dirt in some places. The pattern on it is also a bit blurry. It feels like it has been used for a long time.

Moreover, the patterns on it are also very weird. They are not the popular longevity stars on the market, but plants and flowers. I held it in my hand and weighed it. It was cold to the bone and extremely heavy... I suspected that this was not a pure gold bowl, but just gold-plated on the surface.

"Master, master?" Seeing me observing the golden bowl in silence, Thunder Dragon became a little impatient and asked, "Have you discovered anything?"

I said thoughtfully: "Where did you buy this golden bowl?"

Thunder Dragon hesitated for a moment and said, "I bought it from an antique shop. What's wrong?"

I was surprised: "Why did you go to an antique shop to buy a gold bowl? Shouldn't you have bought it in a gold shop?"

I have basically locked in that the female object is this golden bowl. Since it was bought from an antique shop, it proves that this golden bowl is an antique.

Lei Long said: "A friend of mine works in an antique shop. This golden bowl is a treasure that was recently collected from the countryside. It seems to be from the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. At first, he refused to take action. It was because of my persistence. I finally bought it...why, is this thing abnormal?"

I asked in confusion: "Then tell me, why did you buy this gold bowl? The child has just been born to celebrate, shouldn't it be purchased from a gold store?"

"Because..." he said with a bit of embarrassment: "I don't have enough savings on hand, and the gold shop doesn't offer credit. I bought it on credit from a friend."

It dawned on me.

"But why didn't your friend tell you that this golden bowl was so evil? Something must have happened to him when it was in his hands." I asked.

Thunder Dragon sighed and said: "My friend also just took it back from the countryside. I bought it before it was warm in his hands. I guess he didn't know there was something wrong with this golden bowl, otherwise he would definitely not sell it. Give it to me... The two of us have a very close relationship."

I sneered: "That's not necessarily the case."

Thunder Dragon was shocked: "Then according to what you said, it was my friend who deliberately harmed me?"

I shook my head: "Not sure, but I'd rather believe it or not! It's always right to be cautious."

Thunder Dragon gnashed his teeth in hatred: "Damn it, I regard him as my best friend. I think of him in everything. I didn't expect that he would dare to do this to me. If I am really sure that he did it, I will kill his whole family." .”

I quickly advised Brontosaurus not to be impulsive. Now there is no proof and nothing can be said for sure.

Brontosaurus calmed down and asked me what should I do?

I thought about it briefly and said, "You said that as long as you sleep in front of my antique shop, your desire to eat babies will be suppressed?

I suspect that the Feng Shui in my shop may have affected this golden bowl. "

Thunder Dragon nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, how about I bring the golden bowl to your store to try the effect?"

I immediately shook my head. I'm not a fool. I'm getting married soon. Wouldn't it be very ominous if I brought the golden bowl to the store at this time? I don’t know, but I can say that what I care about most is that if this golden bowl hits the Feng Shui in my store, then I will lose more than I gain.

I heard my grandfather mention it before, saying that although our antique shop is remote, it is in the "eye position" of the whole city's feng shui treasure, absorbing all the aura nearby. If this golden bowl ruins the feng shui of the store, it will probably ruin the feng shui of all the places in the country. I will really regret it by then.

As for whether what grandpa said is true, I still have a clear judgment in my heart... At least over the years, there have been countless fires and car accidents nearby, but they have never affected our street.

And even though our street has been classified as a demolition zone several times, in the end the demolition plan always failed due to various reasons. I think this has a lot to do with the feng shui bureau of antique shops, right?

Because this Feng Shui bureau is called "Ju Fu Wealth Gathering Bureau", in the past ten years, with the rapid development of the surrounding economy, the land area of ​​Antique Street has also been increasing steadily.

I rejected the Brontosaurus, and the Brontosaurus asked me dejectedly what should I do?

I said: "It's simple. In fact, the soil in Feng Shui treasure land itself has a strong aura. As long as you dig some soil, the aura contained in the soil can also have a deterrent effect!"

So I immediately called Li Mazi and asked him to dig some soil in front of my store.

It would be too dangerous to carry this golden bowl on the road, so it would be safer to have Li Mazi deliver it directly.

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