After Li Mazi agreed, I asked Lei Long in detail about the person who sold him the golden bowl?

I have to know whether the other party is deliberately trying to harm the Brontosaurus.

But maybe Brontosaurus subconsciously believed that this was his friend harming him again, so he deliberately made the other party worthless. In the end, I couldn't judge at all, so I had to give up.

Soon Li Mazi came with a plastic bag of soil. He was panting like an ox and said, "Damn it, don't come to me again if you have such a job in the future. I'll be treated like a lunatic along the way!"

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I could imagine Li Mazi trying his best to explain to the people around him why he was digging.

Li Mazi asked me in confusion why I had to dig up a plastic bag of soil? Can soil be sold for money? Then I'll hollow out the 100-meter radius of your antique shop.

I laughed dumbly and said that this was not for sale, but for testing the golden bowl of the Brontosaurus family.

After saying that, I handed the golden bowl to Li Mazi to see.

Li Mazi was immediately attracted by the golden bowl. After picking it up and looking up and down for a moment, he frowned and said, "There's something wrong with this golden bowl..."

"Oh, what's the problem?" Unexpectedly, Li Mazi also noticed the problem with the golden bowl, so I couldn't help but humbly ask for advice.

"This golden bowl is a yin object. It should be a set. There is a bowl and chopsticks, but why is there only a bowl but no chopsticks?"

Hearing what Li Mazi said, I immediately frowned.

Yeah, why didn't I think of that? This kind of feminine object should come in pairs. If there is a gold bowl, there must be a pair of gold chopsticks... Aren't the gold bowls sold in gold shops now matched with chopsticks?

I nodded thoughtfully and said, "It seems that the appearance of the golden bowl must be related to the lost golden chopsticks."

I remembered the first femininity business I dealt with, which was when embroidered shoes were forcibly separated. That almost killed Li Mazi. And then there was the guqin and the axe. The owners of the guqin and the ax were also tortured.

In ancient times, this golden bowl should only be used by wealthy families, and the resentful spirit attached to the golden bowl should have seen the world. Rich ghosts will be more violent after death, so I must be careful with this golden bowl.

I took out the bowl, grabbed a handful of soil, put it into the golden bowl, and carefully observed the movement of the golden bowl.

However, we waited nervously for more than half an hour and saw nothing unusual about the golden bowl.

Helpless, I had to collect the soil again.

Thunder Dragon asked me nervously what's wrong? Is it because the soil in front of my store doesn’t work?

I explained: "Maybe it's daytime now, so even if there are resentful spirits attached to the golden bowl, they should be in a dormant state. As long as they don't attack them, they won't feel anything. This soil can only suppress them. , if the other party doesn’t come out, the soil will naturally be of no use, let’s try again at night!”

Thunder Dragon nodded in understanding.

It was now around 6:30 pm, still some time before midnight. In order to succeed in one go, I chose to use clay to suppress Jinwan when he was most likely to commit evil!

Brontosaurus treated us to a box lunch for dinner. This guy must have really run out of money. He even wanted to get the money for the meal on credit from the boss.

I thought Thunder Dragon was really pitiful. He was such an intellectual, but he couldn't afford to eat, so I took the initiative to help him pay for the meal.

Thunder Dragon was so grateful that he didn't know how to thank me.

I counted a thousand yuan to Brontosaurus and said that after this matter is resolved, give me the golden bowl! I'm not getting paid for this.

Thunder Dragon agreed repeatedly and accepted the thousand yuan excitedly. I asked him when he would pay back the money from the credit bowl to his friend. Thunder Dragon suddenly became furious and said, "Forget it, that guy ruined my family, so it's good if I didn't kill him with a single blow."

I saw that the situation was a bit serious. After all, I wasn't sure whether his friend meant to harm him or not, so I just said it casually. I didn't expect that Thunder Dragon would take advantage of it.

So I quickly warned him: "I've told you, what happened about your friend is purely speculation. You can't jump to conclusions. It's best to tell your friend clearly!"

Thunder Dragon immediately nodded in agreement, but from my perspective, his tone was mostly perfunctory.

I was helpless about this, knowing that the Thunder Dragon wouldn't listen to anything I said, so I could only stare at the golden bowl in a daze.

After eating, we went to Brontosaurus’ house to wait. Li Mazi had nothing to do, wandering around his house like a ghost, and accidentally broke into the kitchen full of corpses.

As a result, when Li Mazi saw the pile of animal carcasses in the kitchen, he was so frightened that he almost peed his pants. Seeing Li Mazi's embarrassment, I was also very happy.

Time ticked by, and soon it was early morning.

I have been observing this golden bowl since an hour ago. Under the illumination of the light, this golden bowl turned a little black, and there was a layer of mist on the surface, but if you look carefully, you can't see the mist.

This is the materialization of Yin Qi. Only very powerful resentful spirits can do this, so I am still full of fear.

When the clock reached midnight, Li Mazi immediately went into alert mode and asked me in a low voice if I wanted to put the soil into the bowl.

I waved my hand to Li Mazi, asking him to calm down and observe carefully. He would release it when I asked him to release it.

Li Mazi nodded immediately.

Soon, the golden bowl began to behave strangely.

First of all, I noticed that a black shadow suddenly appeared on the golden bowl, as if a little person was spinning around quickly from the golden bowl.

Then, the golden bowl shook slightly, and the table made a crisp sound. Although the movement was very small, I was still able to capture it in time.

I took a deep breath and immediately warned Li Mazi: "Put out the soil quickly!"

And I was holding a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talisman, ready to stick it on at any time.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman was given to me by Zen Master Baimei. He gave me three pieces in total so that I could use them in critical moments.

When I saw a layer of mist surrounding the golden bowl just now, I decided to use three spells... This ghost is really powerful, and I can't guarantee that I can solve it.

The golden bowl probably felt the pressure from the soil. It didn't seem to be ready to fight head-on. Instead, after shaking a few times quickly, it gradually became quiet and motionless, like a dead thing.

Thunder Dragon asked cautiously: "Is it solved?"

I frowned, I'm afraid it's not that simple. I touched the bowl carefully and found that the golden bowl was as cold as ice.

And when I tried to pick up the golden bowl, something strange happened. The golden bowl suddenly became extremely heavy, as if it had taken root on the table. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lift the golden bowl from the table. Pick it up.

I was so shocked that I quickly stood up and held the golden bowl with both hands, but I still couldn't shake it at all.

Li Mazi looked at me with strange eyes: "What are you doing?"

"This golden bowl won't hold up," I said.

When I picked up my hand, I was horrified to find that my palm was completely bloodless due to ice.

I'm even more scared, what kind of power is hidden in this golden bowl that makes it impossible for people to hold it up.

Li Mazi also stretched out his hand and tried to pick up the golden bowl. But as soon as his hand touched the golden bowl, he immediately retracted: "Oh my god, is this a golden bowl or an ice bowl?"

Brontosaurus didn't believe it and gave it a try.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Thunder Dragon's hand touched the golden bowl, the golden bowl immediately started to tremble, and Thunder Dragon actually picked up the golden bowl easily.

It's just that the thunder dragon used too much force, so it was deceived by the golden bowl without any precautions. The golden bowl immediately flew up from his hand, and finally fell to the ground, with the dirt inside scattered all over the floor.

Li Mazi was furious: "Damn it, if you fail to succeed, you will fail."

After saying that, Li Mazi grabbed the soil and was about to cover the golden bowl again.

But it was too late. As soon as Li Mazi ran up, the golden bowl released dazzling golden light. The light was so powerful that the person it illuminated couldn't open his or her eyes.

In a daze, I saw a strange figure appear in the bright golden light.

It should be a woman's figure, standing on the golden bowl with confused eyes, motionless.

"Who are you?" I took a deep breath and looked at the other person with different eyes.

But the other party said in an ethereal voice: "I'm so hungry."

"Hungry? You deserve to starve to death." As soon as Li Mazi's bad temper came over, he stopped being afraid and yelled: "Who the hell are you?"

The figure ignored us, walked straight to the kitchen, and finally disappeared in the kitchen.

The light released by the golden bowl was instantly withdrawn, turning dim and black again.

Thunder Dragon looked at me tremblingly: "Master, she entered the kitchen..."

I know. I rolled my eyes at the Brontosaurus and cautiously approached the kitchen. This resentful spirit can actually talk to us directly. I wonder how powerful it is.

My hand holding the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman is shaking. I really doubt whether this talisman in my hand can defeat the opponent?

When I approached the kitchen door, I clearly heard the sound of eating meat coming from the kitchen, which was very loud.

I took a deep breath, put the charm on the kitchen door, turned around and asked Brontosaurus: "From where can I see the scene in the kitchen?"

Facing such a powerful female ghost, I really didn't dare to go in alone.

Thunder Dragon thought for a moment and said, "There is a skylight. You can see into the kitchen through the skylight!"

So I immediately said: "Let's go and have a look at the skylight."

After saying that, I hurriedly led the two of them outside the house, carefully opened the skylight, and looked into the kitchen.

In a dark corner of the kitchen, a woman was squatting, surrounded by animal carcasses on the floor.

At this moment, she was eating something with big mouthfuls. She grabbed a translucent shadow from among the corpses and stuffed it into her mouth.

I was stunned for a moment, this female ghost could actually swallow the soul directly!

The soul of the spirit of all things is roughly composed of three types of souls, the heavenly soul, the earthly soul, and the human soul.

After a person dies, the heavenly soul and the earthly soul go to heaven and earth respectively, while the human soul remains in the body. Therefore, most of the ghosts that people usually see are incomplete human souls, so ghosts do not have complete consciousness and reason.

These little animals died tragically, and their "human souls" should still remain in their bodies. The female ghost can directly devour the soul, which must be second only to the ghost king.

I definitely didn't dare to deal with her before I was fully prepared, so I finally decided that it would be better to give up today and wait until I have everything ready tomorrow before I attack!

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