Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 238 The weird jumper

And just when I was about to close the skylight, I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

I was stunned for a moment. Who would come to Brontosaurus's house in the middle of the night?

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder.

I immediately turned my head, but there was nothing behind me, and there was no human figure anywhere.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, my heart clenched.

Where are Li Mazi and Thunder Dragon? The two people who were clearly standing behind me just now disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I was shocked, and suddenly I remembered the previous knock on the door. Could it be Li Mazi and Thunder Dragon knocking on the kitchen door?

Just thinking about it made my scalp numb, and I walked into the house without hesitation, ready to stop the two of them.

But as soon as I entered the house, I heard the kitchen door being opened. Damn it, it seemed it was too late. I had no choice but to turn back and look inside through the skylight.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi and Lei Long walked into the kitchen stiffly. Carrying the golden bowl, they walked straight to the black shadow and squatted down.

The black shadow seemed to be talking to the two of them, and the muttering voice was still very obvious.

I suddenly felt dizzy and wanted to rush forward and stop the two of them. However, the two of them had already stood up now, and Thunder Dragon walked to the chopping board and took out the kitchen knife from the chopping board.

Li Mazi stood in front of the Thunder Dragon with a smile on his face, stretching his limbs as if waiting for the Thunder Dragon to chop off his arms and thighs.

When Thunder Dragon raised the kitchen knife high and slashed at Li Mazi's body, I broke into a cold sweat. Thunder Dragon really wanted Li Mazi's life!

I don't care too much. Although I know there is danger, do I still have a choice now? There was really no other way, so I could only jump in from the sky window, kick the thunder dragon over with one kick, and at the same time, I took out another charm and held it in my hand: "Bold monster, hurting people's lives in broad daylight, why don't you just catch me quickly?" .”

The black shadow snorted coldly, but ignored me and continued to eat souls.

The Brontosaurus roared and jumped up, waving the kitchen knife to kill me.

I subconsciously flew out a leg, ready to kick the Brontosaurus aside.

But as soon as I lifted my legs for half a minute, I suddenly felt a strong force restraining my legs.

I looked down and was immediately furious. Li Mazi actually hugged my legs and stared at me with wide eyes.

Soon enough, the kitchen knife was about to fall on my head, so I lay down on the ground and managed to avoid it.

But the kitchen knife ended up leaving a scar on my thigh!

After falling to the ground, I angrily broke away from Li Mazi's hands and ran out of the kitchen rolling and crawling. Li Mazi and Thunder Dragon were chasing after him.

Seeing that I was about to be chased, I immediately pounced on the ground and hugged the golden bowl with my body. At the same time, I lit the charm in my hand with a lighter and stuffed it into the golden bowl.


There was a shrill scream from the kitchen, and then I saw a black shadow quickly rolling toward me like a tornado. In the blink of an eye, it got into the golden bowl and disappeared.

Li Mazi and Thunder Dragon were still staggering around, waving their kitchen knives at me. However, the strength of the two of them had been drained a lot, so in the end I easily snatched the kitchen knife from the Brontosaurus, threw it out the door, and gave each of them two slaps.

After being slapped, the two of them obviously woke up a lot. You looked at me and I looked at you, and finally stared at me fiercely: "What on earth did you just do to us?"

I rolled my eyes at the two of them angrily: "Repay kindness with hatred. If it hadn't been for me just now, I'm afraid you would all have turned into corpses by now..."

Both of them were shocked and asked me quickly what was going on.

So I told the two of them exactly what happened just now. After listening to it, both of their faces turned the color of pig liver, especially the Brontosaurus, who broke out in a cold sweat on his temples: " Damn it, she actually wants me to kill someone!"

"Damn it, don't give me a chance. If it falls into my hands, I'll beat her to death. But why do I feel a pain in my butt?"

After saying that, Li Mazi touched his butt with his hand, but after touching it, he felt a sticky mass.

Li Mazi was stunned for a moment, looking at the wet and sticky liquid on his hand inexplicably: "This is..."

Thunder Dragon couldn't help laughing and said: "You pissed your pants in fear."

"Let's play." Li Mazi scolded: "This little thing won't scare me."

And a terrifying thought emerged in my mind. Could it be that Li Mazi was also infected with that strange moldy disease?

I quickly hinted to myself that it was impossible, it was impossible, even if it was contagious, it couldn't be so fast.

But I was still worried, so I asked Li Mazi to take off his pants for me to take a look.

Li Mazi was still a little embarrassed, so I suddenly became furious: "You can hardly save your life, but you still care about the reputation of your ass? After all, you are a grown man, why are you so coy?"

Li Mazi had no choice but to take off his pants and let me see his butt.

When I saw the scene on Li Mazi's butt, I couldn't help but tremble all over.

As expected, Li Mazi's buttocks were indeed 'mouldy' and covered with dense white down, which was half a centimeter thick. Although it was sparse, it was still terrifying and made my scalp numb.

Li Mazi quickly pulled up his pants and asked me what I saw.

I didn't want to scare Li Mazi, so I quickly said it was nothing. Li Mazi didn't believe it, so he asked Thunder Dragon.

I immediately shook my head at Thunder Dragon and told Thunder Dragon not to tell Li Mazi.

Thunder Dragon immediately closed his mouth, and Li Mazi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, has that female ghost been sealed by you? Just now I saw her get into this golden bowl in panic." Thunder Dragon asked.

I sighed and said, "It just temporarily shocked the other party. She will come out sooner or later."

Thunder Dragon asked worriedly: "What should we do? Why didn't you just deal with her in one go?"

"You think too highly of me." I sneered: "It's good to be able to temporarily frighten the other party. The thing you provoked is too fierce, more ferocious than any ghost I have seen before."

The Brontosaurus was frightened and asked me quickly what should I do? This thing is so powerful, don't say you can't do anything about it.

I said helplessly: "If you want to completely conquer this evil thing, you still have to find out the story behind it. As the saying goes, only if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight in a hundred battles. It is safe for the time being tonight. After dawn tomorrow, you can take me to find it." My friend who sold you the golden bowl, I want to know the origin of the golden bowl.”

Thunder Dragon sighed in despair: "Oh, why is my life so miserable? I just want to buy a golden bowl? Why do I get into so much trouble?"

I had just sat down on the sofa when I suddenly heard Li Mazi scream: "Oh my god, what is this? What happened to me?"

not good. My heart sank and I immediately looked in the direction of Li Mazi. Li Mazi was taking off his pants and slapping his buttocks with his hands. Behind him was a floor-length mirror through which he was observing his buttocks.

Still, Li Mazi discovered the secret on his butt.

I had no choice but to go up and comfort Li Mazi, telling him not to touch the mildew on his butt, otherwise it would be bad if it accelerated the spread of the mildew.

Thunder Dragon also comforted Li Mazi not to be afraid, saying that he was covered in mildew spots all over his body, so how could he live a good life?

After saying that, Thunder Dragon also asked Li Mazi to see the mildew spots on his body.

When Li Mazi saw the miserable state of Thunder Dragon, he was stunned for a moment. After being stunned for a long time, he screamed: "Oh my God, I would rather die than become like you."

Throughout the night, Li Mazi was terrified and would check his butt every once in a while. He was really frightened. If his whole body was really moldy, then the rest of his life would be ruined.

I became more determined to get rid of my vagina.

It was finally dawn, and the first thing we did was to ask Brontosaurus to take us to the seller.

Lei Long told me that his friend is very famous in the antique circle. He has come into contact with many national treasures and is also active in the underground antique circle. Because of the industry he is in, he is a bit sinister and cunning.

However, when we arrived at his friend's house, we found that the door was locked. After knocking for a long time, no one opened the door.

Brontosaurus had no choice but to call the other party.

The call was put through, but no one answered. In desperation, we had to leave.

But just as he turned around, a black shadow suddenly flashed from above his head, followed by an earth-shattering muffled sound, and a large amount of blood splashed out.

This dull sound made my eardrums hurt, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

It wasn't until the Brontosaurus screamed at the top of his lungs that I finally understood, but it was already too late.

On the ground before us lay a mangled body.

The big noise just now was that someone fell down from the building!

This is a small high-rise building. If it fell from a height of hundreds of meters, it would be strange if it didn't break into pieces. The corpse was broken into three parts. The legs, torso, and head had been smashed to pieces. The internal organs were all shattered. Blood spattered far away. There was still a large amount of blood flowing out of the body like a river, and finally formed a body. The shape of a smiley face.

Anyone who sees a living person fall like this will have weak legs, right?

At least my legs were weak.

Although I have seen all kinds of horrific scenes, the impact of such a tragic death on me is huge.

"Lao Tie, it's Lao Tie who sold me the golden bowl." Thunder Dragon shouted excitedly: "Why is he dead? Why is he dead?"

"Look at his hands." Li Mazi suddenly shouted: "He's holding a pair of chopsticks in his hands!"

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