Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 239: Underworld Marriage

My eyes immediately searched around the body, and finally I found the deceased's severed arm beside the trash can.

The broken arm caused the bones to fall out and penetrate the flesh, which was shocking!

In his hands, he was holding a pair of chopsticks tightly. The pair of chopsticks had a golden surface, sharp edges and sharp edges, but a very rounded bottom. They were exquisitely made and were a perfect match for the golden bowl.

Sure enough, the chopsticks were in his hands.

I took a deep breath, and quickly and carefully put away the blood-stained chopsticks before the crowd of onlookers got close, and stood aside to watch the fun as if nothing had happened.

Thunder Dragon asked tremblingly: "Master, let's... let's leave quickly? We have found the chopsticks. We should be able to deal with the golden bowl."

But I shook my head: "Don't you find it strange? Why did your friend choose this time to commit suicide by jumping off the building?"

Thunder Dragon shook his head: "I don't know, but it has nothing to do with me."

I then pointed to the back of the corpse: "Look carefully at the back of the corpse and see if you can find anything."

Thunder Dragon looked over inexplicably, and finally broke into a cold sweat: "The black the black handprint, was he pushed down by a ghost?"

I nodded: "If your guess is correct, he should have encountered a similar situation to you. However, he did not find an expert to protect him, so he was killed by a ghost."

"This proves that there is another independent ghost living in the pair of chopsticks! Alas, I really don't know whether it is good or bad to put the golden bowl and the golden chopsticks together."

"Since the golden bowl and the golden chopsticks are a match made in heaven, the undead inside should also be a pair, right? They were angry when we separated them. But if we reunite them, they won't do anything to us anymore." " Thunder Dragon asked tentatively.

"The relationship is very complicated. It's useless to just guess. Let's go!" I had no intention of staying here any longer, but turned around and took them away.

After returning home, I looked at the golden bowl, but I still didn't have the courage to put down the golden chopsticks.

There is still a big doubt in my mind, that is, since Brontosaurus's friend has a gold bowl and golden chopsticks, why didn't they sell these two things to Brontosaurus together? If the golden bowls and chopsticks were sold to the Thunder Dragon, so many things wouldn't happen, right?

Is it just selfishness?

Li Mazi asked me what I was thinking, so I told Li Mazi my concerns.

Li Mazi thought for a while and said he might as well give it a try and see what happens when the golden bowls and chopsticks are combined. It's broad daylight now, so even if there are any evil spirits, they won't pose a threat to us.

This is true, no matter how powerful the ghost is, in broad daylight, its strength will be greatly weakened, and it really can't hurt our lives.

So after thinking again and again, I finally put the chopsticks gently on the golden bowl and carefully observed the golden bowl's reaction!

The golden bowl and golden chopsticks turned into dead objects again, without any movement. I tapped the golden bowl gently with my chopsticks, and the golden bowl made a crisp sound, nothing unusual at all.

This is strange. If the golden bowl is causing trouble, it is because the bowl and chopsticks have been taken apart. Now that the evil objects are combined, there will be some strange phenomena! But everything in front of me was extremely normal, which made me a little confused.

While I was staring at the golden bowls and chopsticks in a daze, Brontosaurus' cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and took a look, his expression suddenly became a little nervous.

I saw that Brontosaurus had a strange expression and seemed to have some problems, so I curiously asked Brontosaurus whose phone number it was.

Thunder Dragon said: "My friend's wife's phone number."

I was stunned for a moment. Her husband was dead. Why did she call Brontosaurus immediately? There are only two possibilities. The first is that her wife suspects that her husband's death is related to the Brontosaurus, and the second is that his wife has an affair with the Brontosaurus.

From the sneaky tone of Thunder Dragon's words, I knew that the two of them were probably in the latter situation.

After Brontosaurus hung up the phone, I called him over and asked him what he meant by calling.

Brontosaurus was evasive at first and refused to say anything, but after my repeated questioning, Brontosaurus had no choice but to tell the truth.

It turned out that Brontosaurus did have an unusual relationship with his friend's wife, but this was no wonder to others. His friend was a workaholic, thinking about work all day long and neglecting his wife.

However, we all have families, and we can meet the needs of both parties, but we cannot destroy our respective families.

But the strange thing is that since the Thunder Dragon friend received the pair of golden bowls and chopsticks, he suddenly became strange. He suddenly proposed to divorce his wife, and he was very determined.

You must know that his friend is known to love his wife, but now he suddenly filed for divorce, which made his wife very scared, thinking that the affair had been exposed.

But this adultery was so subtle that no one was aware of it, so how could it be discovered?

Just when the two were getting divorced, Thunder Dragon's friend suddenly committed suicide by jumping off a building...

I slapped my head hard and finally found a clue!

After the two got the golden bowls and chopsticks, they started to have a quarrel with their wives. It was obviously caused by evil things.

What is the purpose of the femininity to cause discord between the two and divorce them? Could it be...

I didn't dare to continue thinking about it, because my idea shocked myself.

"What's wrong?" Li Mazi asked me puzzledly when he saw that I was thinking about something.

I took a deep breath and said, "Brother, you do as I tell you. I want to verify the purpose of this golden bowl."

Thunder Dragon nodded immediately: "What should we do?"

"You go buy some paper money and clothes to burn to the dead. The sooner the better. The later it gets, the less safe it will be."

The Brontosaurus nodded immediately and ran out in a hurry.

After the Thunder Dragon went out, Li Mazi asked me what I wanted to do.

I said thoughtfully: "I feel like the undead souls in the golden bowls and chopsticks want to get married to someone else!"

"Get married." Li Mazi suddenly jumped up: "This old goblin still wants to get married? Isn't this old and immoral?"

"It's not what you think." I said: "The purpose of a ghost marriage is not to do that kind of thing with a living person, but to draw out the life of a living person. Once a ghost marriage relationship is established with a living person, then It can absorb life naturally..."

"Didn't that friend of Thunder Dragon say that he loves his wife very much? He might have jumped off the roof of the building while he had some sense in order not to hurt his wife. Of course, it could also be Thunder Dragon's My friend didn’t agree to the underworld marriage, so I made him angry and decided to kill him!"

Li Mazi nodded thoughtfully: "Brother Zhang, let me ask you a serious question. Is it possible for Chu Chu and I to have a ghost marriage? If we get a ghost marriage, will there be more conflicts between us? Intimacy, like being able to dream about each other every night.”

I felt helpless. It seemed that Li Mazi still couldn't let go of Chu Chu.

But this is not surprising. People like Li Mazi either don't love, but once they love, they will give their lives to love regardless of the consequences.

I don't want to watch Li Mazi, because of Chu Chu, affect my life again. He immediately persuaded him, saying that the so-called ghost marriage was just an invisible and intangible relationship, which would not be of any benefit to the two of them, and would even make Chu Chu unable to reincarnate and suffer in hell forever.

Li Mazi sighed in disappointment.

Not long after, Brontosaurus came back with a lot of paper money in his arms. I immediately asked him to put the paper money on the ground, use scissors to cut out the shape of a villain on one of the papers, and stuffed it into Brontosaurus: "Hold this paper doll and walk around your living room. Remember, you must count your steps and walk twice. I will stop you when the time comes."

The Brontosaurus nodded immediately, grabbed the little man and started walking around the living room.

And I immediately lit all the remaining paper money on fire, and stayed aside quietly to observe carefully.

The Brontosaurus wandered around the living room step by step, eyes closed.

I learned this trick from the T-shirt man. The method the T-shirt man asked me to use last time was indeed very effective.

At the beginning, everything was normal, but on the second lap, I found that the steps of the Brontosaurus began to vary...

Sometimes you will stand still, sometimes you will take a big step for no reason, or you will take a small step.

But Thunder Dragon was completely unaware of all this and walked forward with a calm expression.

After the Thunder Dragon walked around for the second time, it stopped, then opened its eyes and looked at me in horror: "Master, it seems... there seems to be something wrong."

I immediately asked, "What's the problem?"

"I took thirty steps in the first lap, and forty-two steps in the second lap..."

"Forty-two minus thirty is twelve, twelve..." I swallowed. This number is very unlucky, because in ancient times, when a ghost marriage was held, the betrothal gift given by the man to the woman was exactly twelve. Copper coins!

While he was thinking about it, Thunder Dragon suddenly trembled all over, and then rolled out several copper coins from his cuffs. They fell to the ground with a jingling sound and rolled away.

I was shocked and ran up quickly.

Coins were still rolling out of Thunder Dragon's other cuff. Although I knew that these copper coins that appeared out of nowhere were dangerous, I couldn't care less about them. I must not let all twelve copper coins fall on the ground, otherwise it would be equivalent to the thunder dragon giving the golden bowl a betrothal gift!

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