Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 240 Twelve Coins Fall

Fortunately, I took action in time and still caught two copper coins.

I didn't care about the dumbfounded thunder dragon, but concentrated on counting the copper coins.

Ten copper coins were scattered messily on the ground. Counting the coins in my hand, there were exactly twelve coins.

Thunder Dragon was frightened, his face was pale, and his voice was trembling: "Master, this... what does this mean? How can I have copper coins on me?"

I said thoughtfully: "It seems that my guess is correct. The resentful spirit in the golden bowl wants to get married to you."

"Getting married into the underworld? Oh my god." Thunder Dragon was immediately frightened and squatted on the ground: "Why does this resentful spirit want to get married into the underworld with me? When did she come from?"

I picked up a copper coin and showed it to Thunder Dragon. On it was written "Hongwu Tongbao" in regular script.

This was the currency in circulation when Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty. It seems that the female ghost should belong to the Ming Dynasty.

Thunder Dragon looked at me with a bleak expression: "She has a ghost marriage with me, will I die?"

"Don't worry." I said, "The twelve copper coins haven't completely landed. If the female ghost doesn't receive the twelve copper coins, she won't be able to have a ghost marriage with you."

As I said that, I carefully collected the copper coins: "I will keep these two coins for you, and they must not fall to the ground."

Brontosaurus nodded.

"Master, do you have any good ideas to help subdue the female ghost?"

I nodded thoughtfully: "Let's take a look tonight. It should be fine."

Thunder Dragon nodded: "Master, is there anything you need to prepare? You must prepare everything tonight. I've really had enough. If I keep going like this, I will really be beaten to death."

I nodded and said that I would go back and prepare now, and try to deal with the other party at once tonight.

And when we were going out, a woman suddenly came to the door.

The woman is sexy and mature, wearing heavy makeup, wearing a denim skirt, and her two slender long legs are very attractive.

Brontosaurus told me that this was the wife of his dead friend.

But her husband's body was still cold, so why did he come to Thunder Dragon's house?

I cursed this woman in my heart for being shameless. I didn't pay much attention to her, but took Li Mazi back directly. Before leaving, I asked Thunder Dragon not to leave the room.

Thunder Dragon nodded in agreement, and after seeing us off, he stayed alone with the woman in the room.

God knows what the two of them were doing in the room. The woman was here to find comfort, and the Brontosaurus was looking for more comfort...

On the way, Li Mazi kept cursing, saying that that woman was really nothing. Her husband just died and she came to see a wild man. If it were me, I would have slapped her to death.

Li Mazi cursed all the way, which made my ears calloused, but there was nothing I could do about it. It's good for Li Mazi to vent, as long as he no longer thinks about getting married to Chu Chu.

But while driving, Li Mazi suddenly screamed and stepped on the brake.

If I hadn't been wearing a seat belt, I probably would have been thrown right through the windshield.

I looked at Li Mazi angrily and asked him why he braked so hard to kill someone.

But Li Mazi covered his butt and cried: "My butt, my butt is getting moldy again..."

"Let me see," I said.

This time, Li Mazi didn't care about any sense of shame. He quickly raised his butt and took off his clothes for me to see.

Looking at it like this, I suddenly suffocated. The mildew spots on Li Mazi's butt started to spread again, and the white fluff became more and more lush.

The length of the white fluff varies in size, forming a very strange pattern. Isn't that pattern just like copper coins?

Even the four characters "Hongwu Tongbao" are vaguely visible.

I was dumbfounded, because the mold was spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the female ghost couldn't wait to take action.

Just as I was looking at Li Mazi's butt, Thunder Dragon suddenly called me, his voice full of tears: "Master, come back quickly, I'm dying, I can't hold on anymore..."

I quickly asked what happened to the Brontosaurus?

Thunder Dragon cried hard: "The mold on my body is actually growing. Guess what is growing? I saw it in the mirror..."

"Is it a copper coin?" I asked immediately.

Thunder Dragon was startled for a moment, and then said: "Yes, Master, how did you know."

I took a deep breath, and the female ghost couldn't wait any longer.

I know what the female ghost means. She is forcing me to throw the two copper coins on the ground. Although she can't jump out of the golden bowl and hurt the two of them, she doesn't know what method she can use to make them covered with hair. Mildew…

Human life is at stake, I don’t have time to think too much, the first priority is to agree to the female ghost’s conditions! Otherwise two people might really die.

I don't care whether the Thunder Dragon dies or not. The key is Li Mazi. If Li Mazi died because of the Thunder Dragon, then he would be really unjust.

So I didn't have much time to think about it. I could only grit my teeth and throw the two copper coins in my pocket to the ground.

The moment the two copper coins were thrown to the ground, the mold spots on Li Mazi's body immediately stopped spreading, and Li Mazi's pain also weakened a lot, but the pain just now still made him dying, and he collapsed on the ground weakly: "Mom Yes, what happened? I obviously ran out, how on earth did the female ghost control the mildew?"

I burst into laughter. I knew where I was going. I asked Li Mazi to quickly put on his clothes. At this moment, several people were looking at us through the windshield with strange eyes. They must have suspected that we were having sex.

Li Mazi got dressed, but he didn't dare to sit anymore. I had to ask him to lie down in the passenger seat while I drove.

At this time, all twelve copper coins were thrown on the ground, which was regarded as the betrothal gift given by Thunder Dragon to the other party. Since the betrothal gift has been given, the female ghost will definitely come to the Thunder Dragon for a ghost marriage tonight. If the two people cannot be prevented from forming a ghost marriage, the consequences will be disastrous... It will be difficult to intercept the female ghost in the future.

Success or failure depends on this! When I got home, I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find some useful things.

I also have a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman and a Heavenly Wolf Whip, which should be able to temporarily intercept the female ghost for a while. Also I found a bouquet of roses carved from wood.

When I saw this rose, my eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this the best magic weapon to solve the problem of ghost marriage?

This wooden carved flower is called Peach Soul Flower. My grandfather once told me that this Peach Soul Flower is carved from peach wood, and it has been fused with the tears of hundreds of pregnant women and a drop of the blood essence of the ancient handsome man Pan An.

On the surface, this peach soul flower looks harmless to humans and animals, and even ghosts cannot feel the yang energy sealed in it. However, once a ghost touches the Peach Soul Flower, the strong yang energy in the Peach Soul Flower will be automatically released, and the spirit body will be surrounded instantly.

As long as they don't become undead at the level of a great demon, their souls will be driven to pieces by the Yang Qi in the Peach Soul Flower.

It's just that this Peach Soul Flower is too cruel and has a very long-lasting effect. All the Yang Qi will be wasted once used, and the next use can only wait until a year later, so I usually don't think about Peach Soul Flower at all.

But now it seems that it’s time for Peach Soul Flower to come in handy...

But, how can we let the other party come into contact with the Peach Soul Flower? I gradually thought of a countermeasure in my mind.

I carefully wrapped the Peach Soul Flower and hurried to Thunder Dragon's house with Li Mazi.

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