Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 241: Bridal Room with Ghost

The woman has left, and now the Brontosaurus is lying on the ground, panting like an ox.

I quickly helped the Brontosaurus up, but the Brontosaurus no longer had the strength to walk, and screamed when he moved.

I then took off his shirt and took a look. His upper body had long been covered with mold spots and had even begun to turn black. It looked like a piece of pork that had been exposed to the sun for more than a month on a hot day. It was very disgusting.

There was constant pus flowing out through the dry and cracked skin, and there was a foul smell coming from the body.

Seeing this look, Li Mazi shivered all over. Maybe he accidentally thought of his own butt?

Thunder Dragon asked feebly: "Master, can you...can you agree to my request?"

I asked Brontosaurus what he wanted.

"I know...I know that I probably won't live long." Brontosaurus said: "The other party is too powerful, you may...may not be her opponent. If...if I die, I hope you... …I hope you can give me salvation and let me reincarnate so that I won’t be entangled by that female ghost anymore. I really don’t want to suffer such torture again after my death.”

Brontosaurus was completely desperate.

I quickly comforted Thunder Dragon and said, "Don't worry, you won't have any problems as long as I'm here."

Thunder Dragon sighed helplessly. He still didn't believe me and asked me what my plans were.

I said: "Since hard work is not enough, we can only use soft methods! I can't tell you the specific plan. When the time comes, you can just follow my instructions."

Thunder Dragon nodded with difficulty: "Master, to be honest with you, I have already reached this point, and I can still understand the truth of life and death. My life is in your hands, and you can Let's figure it out! If you can solve it, solve it. If it really can't be solved, just give me a break. To be honest, seeing mold all over my body makes me sick."

I said okay, just listen to me tonight.

So I started setting it up right away.

I want to decorate this room as a wedding room. Of course, it is a wedding room for a ghost marriage, so everything in the wedding will be replaced with white things.

There is a white couplet posted on the door, which reads: The sky and the earth are bounded by dusk, and love is boundless across yin and yang!

I asked an old gentleman to write this couplet, he specializes in officiating ghost marriages. In addition, I asked him for advice on the elements of ghost marriages.

Then we started decorating the wedding room.

The wedding room was covered with white flags, and two chairs were placed, with a photo frame on each chair.

The photo frame on the left is, of course, that of a brontosaurus.

The other photo frame should belong to the woman, but we don’t know what the other person looks like, so we can only find a blank piece of paper to replace it.

The two photo frames are covered with white flowers. The Brontosaurus in the black and white photo is skinny and has dull eyes, which looks a bit scary.

On the walls on both sides, there are several hanging paintings, namely Zhu Yuanzhang, Yue Lao and the one with an ox head and horse face.

I bought this from the old gentleman who presided over the underworld wedding. Zhu Yuanzhang represents the woman's elder. After all, the woman lived in Zhu Yuanzhang's era. Since she could not find his parents, she had to let Zhu Yuanzhang take their place.

Needless to say, Yue Lao is the matchmaker for both parties.

As for the bull-headed horse-face, they are witnesses. After the ghost marriage is formed, no matter whether the two parties are born, old, sick or die, this ghost marriage relationship cannot be erased.

The mosquito nets and carpets in the bedroom were also replaced with pure white. Everything was almost arranged, and they quietly waited for nightfall.

Soon, it became dark. I took out the soul-calling flag that I had hidden under the bed. It was covered with wind chimes. A breeze blew and the wind chimes tinkled non-stop.

The pair of golden bowls and chopsticks were placed under the soul-summoning flag, which made it easier to summon the resentful spirits.

When the time was almost up, I held the soul-calling flag, stood next to the golden bowl, and said in a heavy voice: "I gave you a betrothal gift today, and both parties voluntarily entered into a ghost marriage! According to the man's birth date, this is the best time to get married. What a coincidence, why don’t you come out quickly and get married?”

After I finished speaking, I nodded to Li Mazi, who immediately took the gold chopsticks and began to jingle the golden bowl.

As a strange evil wind blew out of the golden bowl, the wind chimes on the soul-calling flag immediately began to jingle non-stop.

Thunder Dragon immediately knelt respectfully in front of the two chairs. After Li Mazi put out the lights in the room, I suddenly found a figure kneeling next to Thunder Dragon.

The figure was wearing a robe, but it still couldn't block the graceful figure. The other person and the Thunder Dragon were kneeling very close, almost shoulder to shoulder.

Thunder Dragon couldn't help but be curious and turned to look at the woman. He didn't know if he was frightened by the woman's appearance, but his whole body began to twitch.

I also really want to see the true face of this woman. She should be like Sister Feng, too ugly to get married, right? Otherwise, how could he have such a strong obsession? Even if he becomes a wronged soul, he still wants to find a husband to marry him off.

"Today is an auspicious day in the zodiac. Although the two are separated by Yin and Yang, they are still destined to be separated. Therefore, a ghost wedding ceremony will be held. From now on, unless the souls of both parties are separated, the fate will never be extinguished. Bow to heaven and earth." I shouted loudly.

Thunder Dragon trembled and knelt down, and the female figure immediately knelt on the ground.

"Two bows to the high hall." I shouted.

The two knelt down again.

"Husband and wife bow to each other."

The two turned around and knelt down face to face.

The Brontosaurus seemed afraid to look at the woman's face, and simply closed his eyes in pain. And now I finally saw the woman's true face. When I saw it, I was dumbfounded.

Where does she have a face? That face is densely covered with rotten white hair, and not even an inch of intact skin can be seen.

Only a pair of pure black eyes, emitting a strange light, were exposed.

I suddenly felt that these two people were quite a match, they were both the idle and musty types.

"Sent to the bridal chamber!" The ceremony still had to go. I didn't have time to observe the woman's face, so I shouted loudly.

Thunder Dragon stood up gingerly and took off the big white flower on his chest. There was a rope tied to the other end of the big white flower. The woman immediately pulled up the red rope and followed the brontosaurus with small steps in a coy manner.

After the two entered the bedroom, a cool breeze blew the door shut.

Li Mazi suddenly became happy: "Those who have seen Japanese dogs and Japanese chickens have not seen Japanese ghosts yet. Come on, let's go and have a look."

I immediately stopped Li Mazi, who was about to go to the crack of the door to take a look. Now was the critical moment for the success of the matter. I must not offend the other party just to satisfy Li Mazi's peeping desire.

I took Li Mazi into the bathroom, where I installed a monitor.

Li Mazi immediately became happy: "I didn't expect you to be prepared in advance, and you could be so aboveboard in peeping."

"Are you serious?" I was so nervous that cold sweat broke out on my forehead. After all, tonight's task is very difficult. If we are not careful, the thunder dragon may lose his life, and the female ghost will also vent his anger on us. Li Mazi's body The mildew stains will never heal.

I stared at the monitor, unblinking.

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