Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 242 The Peach Soul Flower Shows Its Power

After entering the bridal chamber, Thunder Dragon placed the big white flowers on the table, sat down at the table in an orderly manner, picked up two glasses of wine, and stammered: "Madam, let's have a drink at the bar?"

After finishing speaking, Thunder Dragon suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly took out a willow branch from under the table, shook it twice in the wine glass, and then handed it to the air in front of him.

Because the working principle of the camera is very different from that of the human eye, and the pixels of the camera are far inferior to those of the human eye, so the female ghost cannot be seen at all through the monitor.

So I could only see in the camera, the wine glass was picked up out of thin air, and then drank down in one gulp.

Suddenly, a dark shadow gradually flashed on the screen!

The willow branch was tampered with by me, and I grafted a peach tree onto the willow branch. Willow branches can ensure that the female ghost drinks wine, but peach wood can make her appear.

At this moment, the female ghost that Thunder Dragon saw must have become clearer. He was so frightened that the hand holding the wine glass was shaking, but in the end he controlled his fear and drank the wine in one gulp.

After that, Thunder Dragon behaved like a little daughter-in-law, sitting upright on the bed: "Madam, it's getting late, let's have a rest!"

The shadow acted in a twisted and shy manner, carefully climbed onto the bed, and lay down.

Li Mazi rubbed his hands back and forth nervously: "It's started, it's really started, oh my god."

Seeing such a moldy woman lying next to her, I guess the Brontosaurus would have a strong psychological barrier, right? I don’t know if I can get hard again in this life.

The woman stretched out her hand and pulled the Brontosaurus' hand to let the Brontosaurus lie down.

Brontosaurus had no choice but to do so.

The shadow crawled towards the Brontosaurus little by little, trying to take off the Brontosaurus's clothes.

At this moment, Thunder Dragon suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "By the way, madam, I have a small gift for you."

After saying that, Thunder Dragon hurriedly rolled down from the bed and took out the Peach Soul Flower from under the bed: "Madam, this is for you."

The woman is very shy. Her expression should be very sweet at this moment, right? She stretched out her arms shyly, took the Peach Soul Flower in her hand, and held it in front of her eyes to observe carefully.

"Run!" I gave the order to the Brontosaurus through the headset.

The Brontosaurus heard my voice and ran out of the room without hesitation.

The female ghost was frightened and quickly got out of bed to chase after her.

I immediately ran out of the bathroom. The second the Thunder Dragon ran out, I put the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman in my hand on the door and closed the door tightly.

The moment the female ghost touched the door, the spell worked, releasing a circle of yellow 'swastika' light. This light seemed to contain powerful power, and it violently bounced the female ghost back.

The female ghost panicked for a moment and realized that she had been tricked. She cried and howled, and the screams made me feel pity in my heart.

The female ghost was unwilling to be locked in the room like this, and slammed against the door again.

Unexpectedly, the talisman did not work this time. The talisman once again released a circle of yellow light, but it was much weaker. Instead of being able to bounce the female ghost back, it quickly spontaneously ignited.

The female ghost rushed to the living room fiercely and shouted in grief: "Mr. sir, where are you?"

When he felt our yang energy in the bathroom, he immediately rushed in our direction.

But before the female ghost could rush to the bathroom, the Peach Soul Flower finally took effect.

I clearly saw that the Peach Soul Flower lit up for a moment, and then a soft and weak aura was released from the Peach Soul Flower, instantly surrounding the woman.

The woman was shocked. This strong yang energy made her unable to stand still. She immediately wanted to get rid of Taohunhua.

But once the peach soul flower gets on a ghost, how easy is it to get rid of it? So no matter how hard the female ghost struggled, Peach Soul Flower still clung to the female ghost.

The strong Yang Qi forms a vortex, and the vortex possesses powerful energy, swallowing up the woman's soul like wind and clouds.

The woman screamed in horror, and her body began to be gradually swallowed up by Yang Qi, and it began to disappear bit by bit, starting from her legs.

And as the intense yang energy devoured his body, the woman's appearance gradually changed. From the beginning it was full of mold, but in the end it gradually returned to normal. The mold on my face gradually faded away, revealing the fresh and delicate skin behind the mold spots.

After the mildew completely faded away, only the female ghost's naked upper body was left, but her true appearance left us stunned!

This is a face that could captivate a country. Her skin is like cream, her face is like a peach blossom, her eyes are charming, and her small cherry mouth is slightly open. Although her brows are furrowed in pain, this painful look makes her even more lovable.

There were two tears in the corners of her eyes, and her voice was full of endless pleading for mercy. It was no longer the ghostly howl like before: "Mr. sir, please help me."

Li Mazi couldn't help but sigh: "Did we go too far?"

The dead souls are also alive. Even if they hurt people, people have no right to beat them to pieces.

But I know that even if I save her now, she won't be able to hold on for long, and she will still be stunned in the end. It's better to give her a happy life.

Li Mazi said: "She seems to have some last words to say, let her finish her words?"

I nodded, she was already like this, only a remnant soul was left, and she did not pose a threat to us. So I took three steps and two steps at a time, walked up and snatched the Peach Soul Flower.

The violent vortex of Yang Qi disappeared in an instant, and the woman immediately collapsed on the ground. Her figure became translucent.

The remnant soul is not a life in material form, so the body will not appear incomplete. The woman lay dying on the ground and started to cry.

"My life is so miserable." The woman sobbed softly: "Why do you do this to me, why."

"What else do you have to say?" I snorted coldly: "Hurry up and tell me your last words!"

"Last words?" The woman smiled coldly: "Since you woke me up, why did you beat me to death? I just wanted to fill my stomach, why did you do this."

I said, "The last thing you should do is hurt someone! It's just retribution for reincarnation."

"Retribution? Haha, haha." The woman said: "Why is there retribution? I saved them. He will die, and his death date has come long ago. I gave him hope of survival, but you didn't cherish……"

"What do you mean?" I frowned, not understanding what she meant.

But the woman just looked at me with a miserable expression, tears streaming down her face, and said nothing.

Soon, the woman turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief, but my heart was still full of doubts. What did she mean by what she just said?

Thunder Dragon immediately walked out of the bedroom, looked at the empty room, and asked tremblingly: "Master, what's wrong? Is she dead?"

I nodded and looked up and down at the Brontosaurus doubtfully.

However, I couldn't tell any clues from this, so I found the leftover white wine that the female ghost drank, smeared it on my eyelids, and continued to observe the brontosaurus.

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