Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 244 Princess Agai

After listening to it, I thought deeply. What the old couple said was all nonsense and had no content that I cared about. What I am concerned about is who made this golden bowl? When did it start to be passed down, and who was its first generation owner?

The other party shook his head and said he didn't know clearly. However, there is a book at home that was handed down along with the golden bowl. I wonder if it can help us.

Because they were illiterate, they had no idea what was written on it.

I immediately became interested and asked the old couple to show me the book.

When the old couple told them, they thought the book might be useful, so they brought the book.

It was a very old book. It was incomplete and even had traces of burning blisters. The writing on it was blurred by the water. However, the four powerful characters "Da Ming Ye Shi" on the cover were still visible. Can see clearly.

The book has an obvious bump to the touch, and when you lift the cover, you can see an outline of the article.

I read it roughly and found that this "Unofficial History of the Ming Dynasty" mainly records supernatural stories that happened in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties. Most of them have real names of people and places, which is very credible.

Soon, I found the story about the golden bowl!

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a princess named Agai, who was deeply loved by the emperor.

After Zhu Yuanzhang captured Yuandu, Princess Agai was captured by Ming soldiers. Zhu Yuanzhang saw that Princess Agai was handsome and looked like a fairy, so he decided to take her as his concubine.

Princess Agai hated Zhu Yuanzhang for destroying her country, so she refused to obey.

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious, but he was reluctant to kill Princess Agai. He immediately sent Princess Agai to the common people and married her to a ruffian in a remote village.

Princess Agai didn't want to live with the gangster, so the gangster refused to feed Princess Agai and locked her in a dark and damp cellar.

Princess Agai cherished the Yuan Dynasty and wanted to die for her country. The other party refused to give her anything to eat or drink. Princess Agai didn't eat or drink at all and just sat in the cellar in a daze.

Because the cellar was dark and damp, often infested with rats and snakes, Princess Agai's body became increasingly weak, and eventually she even contracted a strange disease: mold and spots all over her body.

Seeing that Princess Agai's appearance had faded, the ruffian couldn't wait any longer, so he forced himself to have sex with Princess Agai while she was still pretty.

Princess Agai was so humiliated that she wanted to die, but the ruffians kept torturing Princess Agai all day long to prevent her from seeking death.

As time passed, Princess Agai actually became pregnant. The gangster's attitude towards Princess Agai improved, but he still fed her the same food as pig feed.

The majestic Princess Agai was tortured so much that she lost her humanity...

Ten months passed and Princess Agai gave birth to a baby. The baby was white and plump, very pleasing to the eye.

The local ruffians couldn't help but be happy about it. They looked at the child every day and ignored Agai. They didn't even bother to cook for Princess Agai anymore.

Princess Agai gave birth to a baby, and it was inconvenient to cook. She was so hungry that her face was sallow and her muscles were thin. She was weak all day long and was dying.

Princess Agai looked at the baby, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved and humiliated. How could she, with her royal bloodline from the Yuan Dynasty, have sex with such a lowly person?

Finally, Princess Agai became furious and hatched a plan.

On this day, she dragged her tired body out, bought a jar of rice wine for the man, and cooked some special dishes, saying that she wanted to celebrate the arrival of the child with the man.

When the ruffian saw the wine, he couldn't control himself and started drinking with Princess Agai resolutely.

Princess Agai is from Inner Mongolia and has a generous drinking capacity. In the end, she got the gangster drunk. After getting the gangster drunk, Princess Agai chopped up the baby, which was just a few days old, cooked it, and then ate it into her belly.

The ruffian finally woke up on the second day, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to see the child.

But there was only Princess Agai with a rosy face on the bed. There were no children anywhere. He seemed to vaguely see blood stains on the sheets.

The ruffian immediately became furious and asked Princess Agai where her child was?

Princess Agai snorted coldly and patted her belly: "I ate."

The ruffian suddenly collapsed on the ground in fear, and could not recover for a long time. When she finally regained her composure, the ax in Princess Agai's hand had already fallen heavily, cutting the ruffian's head in half, and his brains fell to the ground.

Princess Agai killed her husband, which was considered a crime of treason and injustice at the time. The government sent people to capture Princess Agai and prepared to execute her in late death.

Princess Agai felt ashamed and bit her tongue before the executioner took off her clothes. She was shocked.

Princess Agai did not forget the hatred of the country's subjugation and valued chastity as life, which influenced many people. This matter finally reached Zhu Yuanzhang's ears. Zhu Yuanzhang was filled with emotion and ordered someone to build a chastity memorial arch for Princess Agai.

After reading it, I felt horrified. As the saying goes, a tiger can't eat its own children. Can this Princess Agai really be cruel to her own children? I don't think this is believable.

However, Princess Agai's behavior of sacrificing her life to protect her chastity is extremely precious.

In today's society, the most valuable thing is chastity. Sometimes when I think about it carefully, our lives are getting better and better, but our concept of chastity is getting worse and worse...

Many women are shameless and change their boyfriends every day. They even buy a bag and go to bed with them.

Some little girls, for a little pocket money, become young models and become the playthings of the rich...

In the end, after being tired of playing and discarded, these ruined flowers show dominance in front of honest and responsible men, asking for a car and a house before marrying, and even going to If You Are the One to pretend to be a virgin. It is really ridiculous.

Later, we returned the golden bowl to the two old people. The two old people thanked us gratefully, and the matter was concluded.

Unfortunately, within a few days, I heard that Thunder Dragon committed suicide by jumping off a building. As for the reason for suicide, I don’t know. Princess Agai's words came to mind again: I got married to him just to help him survive this catastrophe.

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